Are Yorkies Hypoallergenic? Getting Rid Of Doggy Dander In A Safe Way

Supriya Jain
Mar 21, 2023 By Supriya Jain
Originally Published on Mar 21, 2023
Edited by Sarah Nyamekye
Fact-checked by Mannat Sharma
Cute white puppy.

The tiny, energetic dogs with a spunky and determined nature are referred to as Yorkies.

These dogs were bred during the 1800s and were used for catching rats in the clothing mills of Yorkshire. Then they were kept in many weavers' houses, and later the Yorkies were adopted by people from different walks of life.

Consider bringing a puppy to the house that you've fallen in love with. However, you may find that a member of your family is allergic to it or you are allergic.

If you find yourself with watery eyes, a runny nose, itchy skin, or a rash on your skin, then these could all be symptoms of allergies. We know that allergies weaken our immune system and can even cause colds, coughs, and asthma problems.

Allergies are mainly caused when some unknown harmful particle causes a reaction or causes allergen expulsion, which in turn causes health issues. Pet allergies are very common today.

Studies say that almost 30 percent of people living in the US are allergy sufferers as they are allergic to cats and dogs. These allergies cause heartbreak for dog lovers.

Due to allergies, some breeds are not kept as pets. So if you bring a pup home, be sure that you have already checked that no one in the household has dog allergies.

Finding out more about the breed and whether Yorkies are hypoallergenic or not is very necessary before adopting a pup. Afterward, you can read about Are Cocker Spaniels Hypoallergenic and How Long Yorkies Live?

How hypoallergenic are yorkies?

You'll often hear about the question of whether a person who suffers from allergies due to pets can consider the Yorkshire Terrier to be hypoallergenic or not. So, are Yorkies hypoallergenic dogs?

What does hypoallergenic mean? It means that they contain a minimal amount of allergens. So are Yorkies hypoallergenic? Yes, they are.

However, no dog breed is completely hypoallergenic but Yorkies contribute very little to any sort of allergic reaction in allergy sufferers. If you compare Yorkshire Terriers to other breeds, you'll see that they don't shed. But they are not completely allergy-proof. Yorkies' hair and saliva can contribute to triggering allergic reactions.

Yorkshire Terriers have hair that looks more similar to human hair than fur. They do not shed seasonally, which helps in the production of fewer allergens compared to other dog breeds. They also have a single coating of fur and fewer allergens are produced through their saliva and dander.

So if you are a Yorkie lover, there is great news! These Yorkies easily fit into your family and are very lovable creatures. But Yorkshire Terriers being hypoallergenic dogs doesn’t mean that they won't cause allergic reactions.

Why are Yorkies considered hypoallergenic?

Yorkies are one of many smaller dog breeds. Usually, a Yorkie weighs around 7 lb (3.2 kg). Studies say that the allergens produced are directly proportional to the size of the dog, which means if you have a big dog then they are likely to produce more of the allergy-causing proteins.

Another factor that influences the production of allergens is the dog’s hair. Yorkshire Terriers have shiny long hair arranged in flowing locks. Yorkie hair looks similar to human hair. Yorkies have hair instead of fur.

Unlike other dogs, who have a couple of layers of fur that provide them with insulation during any type of temperature, the Yorkie's hair does the same work. Their hair grows and even falls once they become old, similar to the hair of humans. Their hair is also replaced with new hair.

As Yorkies are not heavy shedders, they disperse fewer amounts of the allergy-causing proteins that are present in their hair. Thus these breeds release less dander. If you consider a Yorkie’s hair, you'll find that their dander rate is generally very low, which classes them as hypoallergenic dogs.

The Yorkies lose hair very rarely as they have a very different shedding method compared to other dog breeds. Most dogs lose their fur several times a year, but the Yorkshire Terrier does not do the same.

Their hair-shedding method is similar to human hair and thus they do not shed their whole body hair altogether.

There are times when shed hair is stuck in a Yorkie's coat, so you don't see much Yorkie hair around. In a Yorkie puppy, you'll see them shedding their hair or fur within 16 to 20 weeks.

Are Yorkie Poos hypoallergenic?

You already know the answer to whether Yorkies are hypoallergenic dogs or not. Now comes the different breeds of Yorkies. If you're looking for a dog that will keep you smiling forever, then a Yorkie Poo is an excellent choice.

A Yorkie Poo is considered the most entertaining breed, with many people saying they are like clowns disguised as dogs. Their funny antics will light up any room and keep their owners entertained.

A Yorkie Poo is a hybrid formed by mixing the genes of a Yorkshire Terrier and a Toy Poodle. It is a very lively breed and can also accompany kids. You'll often hear Yorkie Poo being called 'a tiny pup who has the biggest heart'.

Yorkie Poos are generally small in size and have hypoallergenic dog fur, making them an ideal addition to families with young children or people who have allergies. This hybrid breed was created to make an ideal dog that is hypoallergenic and free of the genetic disorders that are common in the Yorkshire Terrier and Poodle breeds.

The Yorkie Poo will become exemplary companions for family members and provide them with hours upon hours of entertainment.

The Yorkie Poo's are non-shedding, hypoallergenic dogs that are the right fit for owners with mild dog allergies. A Yorkie’s long glossy coat needs brushing several times a week.

The Yorkie Poo looks its best when its coat is properly cared for. Shedding for the Yorkie Poo is dependent on the gene inherited from one of the parents, such as the Poodle or Yorkshire Terrier.

For example, if you see a Yorkshire Terrier, you'll find that it has a straight coat. People try to avoid Yorkie Poos with the dominant gene of the Yorkshire Terrier as they tend to spread more dander. If the Yorkie Poo inherits the dominant gene from the Poodle, you will get a hypoallergenic dog breed.

Are Teacup Yorkies hypoallergenic?

Another breed of Yorkie is the Teacup Yorkie. Teacup Yorkies are hypoallergenic and are said to be the cutest due to their tiny size.

Though these little ones have many wonderful qualities, they still have some drawbacks like the larger Yorkies. The Teacup Yorkies are grouped under hypoallergenic dog breeds as they do affect many allergy sufferers. The Yorkies are a great choice for people who have dog allergies and want an indoor pet.

Remember that no dog is completely hypoallergenic. Teacup Yorkies are very less likely to cause any type of allergic reaction.

Thus these tiny ones are preferred at home. The Teacup Yorkies have very similar features to the taller ones, that is, they do not have fur instead they have hair. They don't usually shed their hair and therefore are known as a non-shedding breed.

The Teacup Yorkie sheds very small amounts of hair in comparison to other dog breeds. If you pet a Teacup Yorkie and fulfill its needs, you can be confident that anyone in the family will have very few chances of having allergies.

A Teacup Yorkie is a very good companion for a person looking for a small dog or for a person who suffers from allergies.

Allergens In The Yorkie's Saliva & Feces

Pet allergens are extremely small. Thus they can remain suspended in the air for long periods. Due to their size and shape, they get easily stuck on beds, furniture, any fabric, or any item that is brought into or out of the house. The dander from Yorkies is easily spread even in places without pets.

Pet dander is flecks of the skin or microscopic cells that are shed by cats, dogs, rodents, and any other animals that have fur or feathers. These elements can cause allergic reactions in people who have allergies to pets.

Dogs' skin, fur, and hair are the main sources of allergens. The proteins that are present in feces and saliva can trigger allergies in some people.

The Can F 1 and Can F 2 proteins found in dogs cause the most common allergies. The dust produced from dried feces remains suspended in the air and becomes airborne and works as an allergen.

We know that dogs tend to lick people. They show their affection for people by doing so. Sometimes they lick just to smell something delicious on your skin.

Saliva is another main source. You may assume that your dog will not produce any microorganisms as its teeth are regularly brushed. But no matter how often you brush their teeth, bacteria will still grow inside their mouths.

The germs from it can lead to many physical skin problems, including itching and dermatitis. The dried saliva also contains allergens that may be removed from the animal's fur but will remain suspended in the air. A person who is allergic may experience a variety of reactions.

Common Signs Of Dog-Related Allergies

You have surely heard of the term 'pet allergy'. What does it mean? It means that allergic reactions are caused by proteins that are found in the animal's skin, fur, or saliva. You will know a person has a pet allergy by seeing the symptoms of coughing, hay fever, or watery eyes.

Some people also experience asthma problems like breathing troubles and sneezing. Pet allergies are usually caused by dander and animal fur.

Dog-related allergies have various symptoms that may be mild or severe. Some of the symptoms don't appear immediately, they may even take several days to appear.

If a person is exposed to the allergen but at a very low intensity, it will lead to the appearance of symptoms some days later. Sneezes and itchy red eyes are common. There may be nasal congestion caused by an allergic reaction.

Post-nasal drip, coughing, throat, and mouth itching are also some dog-related allergies. The person may also suffer from deprived sleep, facial pain, swollen eyes, and pale skin.

You may also face asthma problems which include difficulty breathing, pain in the chest, shortness of breath, coughs, sneezes, and even trouble sleeping. People with very sensitive skin may experience more skin symptoms like inflammation of the skin, red patches on the skin, itching, and even eczema.

How to find out if you're allergic to Yorkies?

With the question of whether Yorkies are hypoallergenic or not comes another question of whether you can be allergic to Yorkies or not. Yes, you may be allergic to Yorkshire Terriers. Though these Yorkies are considered one of the least allergy-inducing dogs, they can still cause you to suffer from allergies.

You can come into contact with various allergens other than the hair of the Yorkie. The Yorkie releases certain proteins which trigger allergic reactions in you.

They produce proteins that are very sensitive to humans. Many people are allergic to dead skin cells called dander. Yorkies are not truly hypoallergenic as they release a very minimal amount of allergens which may trigger some sensitive people.

If you're not sure whether you will be allergic to a Yorkie or not, then don't adopt one directly. If you know someone who has a Yorkie, visit the pet, and spend some time with it, maybe a few hours.

You can also find a Yorkie in a shelter. If you see you do not experience any allergic reactions after spending hours with it, be sure that you are not susceptible to them.

How to minimize allergic reactions to Yorkies?

There are several ways in which you can minimize allergic reactions. The primary method you should adopt is to remove allergens consistently to prevent yourself from getting any dog-related allergies.

As they are microscopic organisms, they can easily travel through the air. They are present in any part of your house like on carpets or curtains, or in any other fabric.

If you're allergic to a Yorkie, you should take care of the cleanliness of the house. So, regularly clean your home, maybe with a vacuum cleaner, which will easily remove any unwanted hair.

An air purifier with HEPA filters is suitable for hair removal too. An air purifier helps in the removal of particles and also provides relief from allergies.

The next thing you have to do is groom your pet. You need to brush the hair of your Yorkie often.

You need to remove dead skin cells from them. The dander should be cleaned regularly, that is, at least once every two weeks.

If you're allergic to Yorkies, then you should not allow the pet in your room where you sleep. When you're removing the hairs, you need to keep in mind that you're not just removing the visible hairs, you're removing the microscopic allergens along with them.

These are easily transferable, so remember to wash your hands with mild soap and water to remove them.

You can also use allergy shots if required. Consult your doctor if you need allergy medication.

Do you think a Yorkie is easy to train? No, not at all. A Yorkie is difficult to train. Though they are intelligent and confident and have a curious nature, a Yorkie is also very stubborn.

This nature causes difficulty in training Yorkies. You cannot say that it is impossible to train them. If you want to train them you need to work hard and be patient. Yorkies love getting training lessons and want to please their owners. It may just take time for your Yorkie to develop properly.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked the suggestions for Are Yorkies hypoallergenic?, then why not take a look at How To groom A Yorkie or Yorkshire Terrier Facts?

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Written by Supriya Jain

Bachelor of Commerce, Master of Business Administration specializing in Marketing

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Supriya JainBachelor of Commerce, Master of Business Administration specializing in Marketing

As a skilled member of the Kidadl team, Shruti brings extensive experience and expertise in professional content writing. With a Bachelor's degree in Commerce from Punjab University and an MBA in Business Administration from IMT Nagpur, Shruti has worked in diverse roles such as sales intern, content writer, executive trainee, and business development consultant. Her exceptional writing skills cover a wide range of areas, including SOP, SEO, B2B/B2C, and academic content.

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Fact-checked by Mannat Sharma

Bachelor of Technology specializing in Computers and Communication

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Mannat SharmaBachelor of Technology specializing in Computers and Communication

As an undergraduate student pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Computers and Communication Engineering from Manipal University, Jaipur, Mannat is driven to take on challenges outside of her niche. She has previous experience as a senior marketing and sales associate as well as in branding.

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