Arizona Woodpeckers are birds of the order Piciformes family Picidae. This species is native to Southern Arizona, New Mexico, and the Sierra Madre Occidental of western Mexico.
Arizona woodpeckers are found at elevations of 4,000-8,000 ft in mountains in Mexico. Birds of this species have color patterns like most North American birds of woodpecker birds. The distinguishing feature between male and female species is the red patch on the nape of the head of males.
The breeding season of Arizona Woodpeckers ranges from April to May. Arizona woodpeckers are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act hence you cannot hunt them or keep them as a pet.
Here are some of the most interesting facts about the Arizona Woodpecker for your perusal. Afterward, do check our other articles on pileated woodpecker facts and ivory-billed woodpecker facts as well.
Arizona Woodpecker Interesting Facts
What type of animal is an Arizona Woodpecker?
An Arizona woodpecker, Dryobates arizonae, is a bird. It is a type of woodpecker that has a characteristic red color on its head.
What class of animal does an Arizona Woodpecker belong to?
An Arizona woodpecker belongs to the Aves class. It belongs to the order Piciformes family Picidae. It is one of the many species of woodpeckers found in Arizona and Southern Mexico.
How many Arizona Woodpeckers are there in the world?
There are around 200,000 Arizona woodpeckers in the world; with most of them being in New Mexico. Woodpeckers’ population has been decreasing over the years due to fragmentation and habitat loss but their conservation is unnecessary.
Where does an Arizona Woodpecker live?
An Arizona woodpecker lives in the woods and pine-oak and oak trees in Southern Arizona. Besides that, these North American birds are found carving nests in wooden houses and structures near human settlements.
What is an Arizona Woodpecker's habitat?
Arizona woodpeckers are found in woodlands. Woodpeckers are known to make their nests in oak, pine-oak, sycamore, and walnut trees by carving. These birds are also observed to forage in trees like pines, cypress, junipers, walnuts, pine-oak, sycamores, willows, agave, etc. These birds of North America carve their nests at an average of 16 feet above the ground.
Who do Arizona Woodpeckers live with?
Arizona woodpecker lives with birds of their own and other species in flocks. These birds of North America live with people as well in their houses.
How long does an Arizona Woodpecker live?
Arizona Woodpeckers can live as long as 10 years. This species has a similar lifespan to other similar species.
How do they reproduce?
Males of the species make loud drumming sounds to attract females for breeding. Females lay up to four eggs at a time, like other similar species. Eggs are laid in hollow nest holes in trees in mountains which are carved by both males and females.
Eggs are incubated by both parents of Arizona Woodpecker species. Both parents feed the babies until they are ready to fledge. The nesting period is 24-27 days.
What is their conservation status?
The conservation status of Arizona woodpeckers is of Least Concern. Hence their conservation is unnecessary even though their population has been decreasing over the years.
Arizona Woodpecker Fun Facts
What do Arizona Woodpeckers look like?

An Arizona woodpecker is brown and white and also has black and white plumage. The upper side of the body is brown with black and white spots like most North American birds of woodpecker species; whereas the underside is white with brown spots.
The Arizona woodpecker has two lines on the side of their eyes which connect with a larger line on their neck. These birds have white strips on their brown wings. They have grey feet and a gray bill.
How cute are they?
Arizona woodpeckers are extremely cute. They are spotted all over their wings. Their beautiful colors are a sight for the eyes.
How do they communicate?
The Arizona woodpecker has loud calls which they use for communication within their species. Their call is sharp and squeaky which sounds like a 'keech'. These birds make rattling sounds that have to descend and grate notes.
How big is an Arizona Woodpecker?
An Arizona woodpecker is a small-sized bird. Its wingspan ranges from 19-20 in (48-53cm). They have a length range of 7-8 in (15-18cm). This species of bird is at least five times bigger than a sparrow.
How fast can an Arizona Woodpecker fly?
Flight is not the most prominent feature of Arizona woodpeckers. They rather beat their wings in swift movements of up to six beats per second to make a flight around a tree.
How much does an Arizona Woodpecker weigh?
An Arizona woodpecker is a very light bird. Due to their small size and light feathers, they weigh only in the range of 1.2-1.8 oz (32-45g).
What are the male and female names of the species?
No specific names are assigned to males and females of Arizona woodpeckers (Picoides arizonae) species.
What would you call a baby Arizona Woodpecker?
A baby Arizona woodpecker, Picoides arizonae, is called a fledgling.
What do they eat?
Arizona woodpeckers are omnivorous birds. Their diet ranges from berries, and acorns to insects. They prey on beetle larvae, insects, weevils, long-horned beetles, round-headed wood-borer beetles, and more.
Are they dangerous?
Arizona woodpeckers are not dangerous to humans. But they are a severe danger to wooden properties.
Would they make a good pet?
Arizona woodpeckers would make excellent pets if you do not own any wooden structures in your home. They are low-maintenance birds and can easily adapt to your surroundings.
Did you know...
There are 14 species of woodpeckers in New Mexico.
The Arizona woodpecker is smaller than a hairy woodpecker.
How to get rid of Arizona Woodpeckers
Arizona Woodpeckers make loud drumming noises with their bill which is very unpleasant to the human ears. They carve out wooden houses and structures which cause property damage. You can restrict or place a decoy food source, install a decoy predator on trees, and use sound deterrents to make them leave the territory.
Similar birds to the Arizona Woodpecker
These birds are all similar in size and appearance to the Arizona woodpecker! Ladder-backed woodpecker, gilded flicker, hila woodpecker, acorn woodpecker, Lewis's woodpecker, American three-toed woodpecker, downy woodpecker, hairy woodpecker, red-naped sapsucker, red-breasted sapsucker, Williamson’s sapsuckers, and the yellow-bellied sapsucker! That is a lot of similar birds!
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other birds including acorn woodpecker facts, or black cuckoo facts.
You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our woodpecker coloring pages.