Fun Aussiedoodle Facts For Kids

Oluwatosin Michael
Oct 20, 2022 By Oluwatosin Michael
Originally Published on Aug 06, 2021
Edited by Jacob Fitzbright
Fact-checked by Gowri Rao
Aussiedoodle facts about the family dog with medium energy levels.

The Aussiedoodle is a designer canine breed belonging to the biological family of Canidae and is scientifically referred to as Canis lupus familiaris. These hybrid pooches were created by incorporating the best of Australian shepherd and poodle purebreds.

Aussiedoodles are loving, agile, loyal, friendly, and intelligent canines with extremely social temperaments. Aussiedoodle puppies are available in wide-ranging sizes, owing to the range that their ancestors present.

This dog doodle breed is popularly known for its intelligent and jolly nature. This designer dog breed comes in various fur colors and is named accordingly such as chocolate Aussiedoodle, brown Aussiedoodle, etc.

Mini Aussiedoodle temperament is extremely friendly, making this dog breed suitable for families with kids. In case of roused interest, read on to learn some amazing facts about the personality and characteristics of these members of the Canidae family.

After, checking these interesting facts about the toy Aussiedoodle breed, do check our other articles on giant schnauzer facts and morkie facts.

Aussiedoodle Interesting Facts

What type of animal is an Aussiedoodle?

Aussiedoodle is a classified hybrid dog breed. It is basically a designer canine obtained by the cross between two very popular pure breeds of dogs, that is, an Australian Shepherd and a Poodle.

Aussiedoodle is also known by the names Aussie-poo,  Australian shepherd poodle mix, and the Aussie poodle. These canines bring together the best of their ancestors.

Australian Shepherd Poodle mixes are essentially a non-sporting or toy canine breed (available in three standard sizes) despite the herding ancestry running in their veins. Moreover, Aussiedoodles are meant for companionship and love, and not particularly for intense physical activity or security purposes.

What class of animal does an Aussiedoodle belong to?

Aussiedoodle belongs to the biologically identified class Mammalia; that is, organisms that are characterized by the presence of milk-producing mammary glands for the nourishment of their young ones, and these organisms directly give birth to their young ones (viviparous). Designer dogs, popularly known as hybrid or crossbred dogs, have been around for quite some time now.

Slowly but steadily, the mix and match experimenting is gaining up with the breeding world.

Though not much known about the actual origin time of these canines, these therapy dogs are estimated to have their genesis dating back to the early years of the 2000s. The popularity of these pooches has gained pace in the last 15 to 20 years.

How many Aussiedoodles are there in the world?

There are no accurate estimates of the total number of Aussiedoodles in the world, however in general, with the escalating popularity of designer canines over the years, the population of crossbreds has also surged.

Since the Australian shepherd poodle mix presents a package deal of loyal, intelligent, playful, adaptable, and lovable companions with hearts twice their physical sizes, the intentional crossbreeding of these canines has gained rapid pace over time.

As a category of acclaimed mixed breed, the number of Aussiedoodle population, as of now, is quite stable and rapidly increasing.

Where does an Aussiedoodle live?

An Aussiedoodle, being a toy dog breed, lives in a house or sometimes a farm.

These therapy dogs are preferable pets for people who, besides admiring dogs in general, are particular enthusiasts of playful and active dogs.

Given their small to medium body sizes, Aussiedoodles are a breed of canines that can settle well in small spaces as well. However, as these are highly enthusiastic breeds, they can always use some areas in order to play and have fun.

These high-energy dogs are friendly and playful in nature, it is recommendable to avail spaces like a nearby park or homes with backyards to keep these canines active and allow them regular exercises or playtime with their humans and the other members of the family accordingly.

What is an Aussiedoodle's habitat?

Aussiedoodle, a designer canine breeds are available in variable sizes, depending on the size range of their poodle parent (which typically includes a toy, miniature to standard forms). These canines are quite active and definitely enjoy romp and run.

Therefore an ideal habitat for Aussiedoodle would be a setting where these high-energy dogs can get regular exercise, play, and work out.

These canines would highly appreciate spacious settings (particularly accounting for their fun factors) such as houses with backyards, farmhouses, or spacious rooms. However, they also adjust and adapt to suburban areas and apartments, if this high-energy breed is provided with space for regular exercise or walk in parks.

Who do Aussiedoodles live with?

Aussiedoodle possesses a great social disposition and loves to be around people. They are not really a solitary group of canines and genuinely appreciate and enjoy the company.

They are good with children and old people since they are, in general, sensitive and intuitive dogs. This high-energy breed is very warm and loving; they can live as a single pet or with other pets that their families may have.

How long does an Aussiedoodle live?

When and if the family of an Aussiedoodle can maintain the canine's health and ensure optimal conditions for its health, the Aussie-poo can have a life expectancy of 10 to 14 years.

The health conditions of canines vary depending on various factors such as climate conditions, surroundings, changes in the environment, exposure to diseases, and nutrition. When suffering from any kind of health disorder, the lifespan of the Australian shepherd poodle mix is affected, leading to shorter longevity.

In order to prevent any health issues, it is important to keep your canine in the proper surroundings and conditions.

How do they reproduce?

Similar to the other breeds of canines, Aussiedoodles are produced when the male and female members of the species come of age to participate in mating procedures; that is, the male members are tall enough to carry out copulation and females with the onset of the heat cycle.

The heat period for most females is only about two times a year or on a half-yearly separation basis.

These periods of heat generally last for three or four weeks every time. It is during these periods of heat that male dogs will be sexually attracted to the female partner and will attempt to initiate procreation with her.

During the heat cycle, swelling in the vulva and blood discharge can be noted in female doodles.

This phase is followed by the female doodle becoming receptive to the male (usually attracting them by releasing pheremones) which lasts for up to 11 days.

During the female heat cycle, the males are attracted by certain hormones and scents produced by female dogs.

Ideally, when the female is ready to allow sexual intercourse, the male dog will initiate it, and the female will willingly participate.

However, when the female is not quite ready to proceed with sexual intercourse, she will not allow the male dog to initiate it and could get aggressive and snippy. Though in the case of designer breeds, mating may also be induced between the male and female dogs by the breeder.

In the case of mutual mating decisions or breeder-induced mating procedures, the reproductive cycle then proceeds, leading to fertilization (fusion of male and female gamete and eventually the formation of zygote).

The gestation period of a female Aussiedoodle can range between 58-68 days, and thereafter, the female doodle gives birth to an average litter size of about three to seven Australian shepherd poodle puppies.

What is their conservation status?

Aussiedoodles have a conservation status of Least Concern since they are a pet toy dog breed and are amongst the most popular hybrid canine breeds in the whole world for pet choices.

Ergo, their high demand in the pet dogs market ensures that their numbers do not dwindle, and breeders can cater to the demands by ensuring appropriate and healthy breeding practices. The population of these canines keeps increasing as the female canines give birth to a litter of new puppies.

In fact, it can be safely pointed out and said that the population of Aussiedoodles is quite steady and rapidly growing.

Aussiedoodle Fun Facts

What do Aussiedoodles look like?

Aussiedoodles are quite variable in terms of their sizes. These pooches may range from exhibiting the dimensions of a toy dog to canines with medium stature.

The range generally depends on their ancestors, that is, Australian Shepherd and a Poodle (mainly the Poodle). Their faces are generally shaded in a combination of colors and are adorned with brown, blue, or black-toned eyes.

The canines of this Aussiedoodles species possess floppy ears. The fur coats of these designer canines show texture and color variations.

Curly fur coats with textures such as fleecy, soft, short, or scruffy and color variations (usually occurring in combinations and patterns) ranging from beige, white, gray, blue, merle to black, brown, tan, chocolate, or red are observed in Aussiedoodle hybrids.

Similar to most dogs, Aussiedoodles have a long snout. The tails of these pooches may either be short or long and curved.

How cute are they?

They are very cute because of their endearing face, curly fur, and expressive eyes coupled with their adorable style of walking and highly enthusiastic bouncing and bobbing. This high-energy dog breed is very playful.

Moreover, Aussiedoodles are extremely compassionate and loving dogs who have the ability to sense their family’s emotions and behave in a way that soothes them. They are extremely devoted to their hoo-mans.

How do they communicate?

Like all other dogs, Aussiedoodle canine breed communicates using body language, tail movements, and barks or whines at other times. An Aussie-poo will, very often, widen its eyes and purposefully look cute so as to attract our attention and petting.

Happiness, like all other dog breeds, is communicated using tail-wagging movements.

When the Aussie poodle wags its tail fast, it usually means it is excited and in a playful mood.

Slow wags often indicate that the canine is expecting some movement or engagement from its surroundings. When an Aussiedoodle lies down on its back, it is a call for you to show your affection by scratching its belly.

Other forms of communication, such as barks, are used by them when they feel aggressive about something, and Aussiedoodles are quite loud at that. Whines are reserved for times when Aussiedoodles feel distressed.

This distress could be caused by external factors such as an uncomfortable presence or an unfamiliar location or internal factors such as bodily discomfort.

Australian shepherd poodle mix, like other breeds of designer dogs, also has a tendency to bare their teeth when they feel aggressive.

Some lesser-known communication styles involve the licking of its own paws and body when the Australian shepherd poodle mix is mentally or emotionally distressed and is uncomfortable with something it needs to do. Aussiedoodles also raise their paws at their family to show that it is ready to play or that it feels hungry.

How big is an Aussiedoodle?

Aussiedoodles are a group of small to medium-sized canines. However, a wide range in size can also be observed, depending mainly on the size range of the purebreds being used for incorporation.

The male and females of the species have about the same height. The average height of the Australian shepherd poodle mix ranges between 14-25 in (35.5 - 63.5 cm).

How fast can an Aussiedoodle run?

Though the exact running speed of the Australian shepherd poodle mix is not known, these dogs are quite agile and extremely swift while running. This standard poodle and Australian shepherd mix breed is an enthusiastic and playful group of designer breeds.

How much does an Aussiedoodle weigh?

Aussiedoodle, are available in variable sizes which highly depend on the size range of their poodle parent (with toy, miniature or standard size forms). A healthy adult Aussiedoodle weighs anywhere between 25-70 lb (11.3 - 31.75 kg). The weight can vary depending upon the eating regimen, exercise environment, etc.

What are the male and female names of the species?

The males are referred to as dogs while the females are referred to as bitches.  

What would you call a baby Aussiedoodle?

The young Aussiedoodle or the babies of the Australian shepherd poodle mix are called puppies. On average, the observed litter size of the Aussiedoodle ranges between three and seven puppies.

An Aussiedoodle puppy has beautiful and soulful eyes, are adorable sites to behold.

In order to raise healthy pooches, every puppy should be introduced to nutritious diets consisting of the right amount of proteins and fibers. The puppies of Aussiedoodle should be looked after and taken care of properly; while raising these pooches, it is necessary to remember that a healthy childhood is a solid foundation for a hale and hearty future.

What do they eat?

Aussiedoodle dog has an omnivorous diet. This means this cross breed dog can eat meat, cooked or raw, bones of animals, and some types of grains.

Aussiedoodle dog also feeds on vegetables, fruits, nuts, and other vegetarian sources of nutrition. The diet of these canines differs and depends on a number of factors such as size, build, metabolism, age, activity level, and weight.

A nutritious diet, with particular consideration of proteins, fat, and calories (though in not excessive amounts), is highly recommended.

Besides egg, meat, and chicken, fruits like bananas, watermelons, and apples; and veggies such as green beans, cooked potato, cucumber, carrots, and zucchini can be included in the diet of Aussiedoodle. In the case of dry food, quality products such as kibble can be used.

Overfeeding should be avoided in all coats in order to forsake obesity. Human food should be given after proper research and recommendation from vets as it can affect their coat, skin, etc.

Are they slobbery?

Aussiedoodle dog is quite slobbery. Besides the anatomical design, a number of factors contribute to their drooling tendencies.

In general, when the heat and tiredness of the Aussiedoodle experience after their active and playful physical exertion, you will find that these are the times when the drooling will be at its peak levels. Aussiedoodle is basically a category of dogs rated moderate to high in the slobbery departments.

Therefore if you are looking forward to owning an extremely loving, adoring, intelligent, and loyal companion in an Aussiedoodle dog, you can do well ignoring a little drooling. With help of positive reinforcement training, their drooling can be controlled effectively.

Would they make a good pet?

Aussiedoodle were bred to be pet toy dog breeds that offer companionship and support to their human owners. They are small to medium-sized playful crossbreed dogs with excellent social disposition and hence very comfortable in social spaces.

Owing to their loving, placid, loyal, friendly, and intelligent temperament, these canines make great family pets. Being very intuitive and compassionate, dogs quite ardently believe in family and fun taglines.

They are excellent with kids and senior members of the family. This dog breed is easy to train and can easily adapt to living in peace with other house pets.

Therefore, all in all, the Australian shepherd poodle mix would make great pets if you can provide the mental stimulation training. Aussiedoodle haircuts are extremely important to ensure the better health of these dogs in the long run.

Did you know...

These designer dogs, besides their active and playful nature, are quite high on their intelligence quotient as well as their parent breeds. Therefore, besides physical excursion, the  Aussiedoodle looks ahead to mental exercise or mental stimulation as well. In case of boredom, this dog breed can be quite cheeky, playing tricks in their households.

Characteristics and health issues

Overall a healthy and active dog breed, a number of disorders are known to impact the health of Aussiedoodle dogs, which are quite common in their parent breeds as well.

The average lifespan ranges between 10-14 years.

Aussiedoodles are hypoallergenic, these pooches can be affected by the disease, usually impacting their anatomy. Disorders such as elbow and hip dysplasia, eye infection severely affecting the retina (that is, Progressive retinal atrophy), skin disease (such as Ivermectin sensitivity), Cataracts, or Addison’s disease, are known to be common issues impacting the health condition of this breed of dogs.

A weekly visit to the vet is compulsory to keep an active check on your pooches health condition, for though overall healthy, all canines are prone to diseases.

Getting your own Aussiedoodle

Aussiedoodle dog is a small to medium-sized, loving, and compassionate breed of canines and is a great choice to consider if you’re looking forward to parenting a pet. These canines are excellent and devoted family dogs, given their friendly, calm, and playful temperament.

Categorized under toy dogs or non-sporting dogs, the Aussiedoodle has an adoring nature besides being fun-loving and playful. These dogs make excellent options for novice owners. They are known to be quite low in aggression departments and are also warm around strangers.

However, due to their infamous popularity, these pooches cost quite a fortune. Pet Aussiedoodles are available in the range of  $1,500-$5,000.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other mammals including American Staffordshire terrier facts, or fox terrier facts.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable Aussiedoodle Dog coloring pages.

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Written by Oluwatosin Michael

Bachelor of Science specializing in Microbiology

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Oluwatosin MichaelBachelor of Science specializing in Microbiology

With a Bachelor's in Microbiology from the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Oluwatosin has honed his skills as an SEO content writer, editor, and growth manager. He has written articles, conducted extensive research, and optimized content for search engines. His expertise extends to leading link-building efforts and revising onboarding strategies. 

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Fact-checked by Gowri Rao

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Economics

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Gowri RaoBachelor of Arts specializing in Economics

With a bachelor's degree in Economics from Krea University, Gowri is a highly skilled data analyst and an expert in regression and causation modeling. Her interests in economic trends, finance, and investment research complement her professional expertise. In addition to her professional pursuits, Gowri enjoys swimming, running, and playing the drums, and she is also a talented tutor.

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