The Aylesbury duck, also known as the White English, was created in the town of Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire, England. Aylesbury had an important duck-rearing industry and the Aylesbury duck became one of their most popular creations.
Aylesbury is known for its pure white plumage and pink bills. Their body is boat-shaped with long neck and head.
They have a deep keel, with the exhibition type of birds having significantly deeper keels, which leads to difficulties in mating. Their meat is of superior quality.
Additionally, these ducks have white skin, which makes them a very popular table duck. They also make very good pets, as they are very friendly and do not have a lot of requirements. Over the years, the population of pure Aylesbury has been declining due to cross-breeding or a lack of breeding.
Consequently, these birds are marked as Critical by the Livestock Conservancy. Continued efforts are required to ensure these birds have a stable population again.
To learn more about the Aylesbury duck, keep reading! You can also check out Harlequin Duck Facts and Muscovy Duck Facts.
Aylesbury Duck Interesting Facts
What type of animal is an Aylesbury duck?
The Aylesbury duck is a domesticated breed of duck used for its meat and eggs. These ducks are also kept as exhibition birds due to their pure white feathers, deep keel, and pink and long bill. They are also known as White English.
What class of animal does an Aylesbury duck belong to?
Aylesbury ducks are members of the class Aves. They are a domesticated breed with the scientific name Anas platyrhynchos domesticus.
How many Aylesbury ducks are there in the world?
The population of these ducks has dwindled considerably, due to cross-breeding or lack of breeding. Their numbers were also affected due to World War I and II. According to a census carried out by the Livestock Conservancy, a little more than 100 breeding Aylesbury's were recorded in North America.
Where does an Aylesbury duck live?
The Aylesbury breed of duck was created in the Vale of Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, England, where duck rearing was an important industry. Later, it was introduced to other places, including the United States.
What is an Aylesbury duck's habitat?
These ducks are mostly found in farms or domestic enclosures. Such habitats are characterized by enough open space for foraging, sufficient shelter, and a pond or pool. Aylesbury ducks are quite hardy and tolerant towards all kinds of climates.
Who do Aylesbury ducks live with?
Aylesbury ducks do not like living alone and are usually seen in pairs or flocks. They are friendly and can easily live with their owners as well.
How long does an Aylesbury duck live?
The Aylesbury duck lifespan is nearly 10 years.
How do they reproduce?
The females of this breed lay 35-125 eggs every year. Aylesbury duck eggs are quite large and white or green. The mother duck incubates the eggs for 28 days before the ducklings hatch out. The ducklings undergo their first molting at about eight weeks after hatching out.
What is their conservation status?
The conservation status of the Aylesbury duck has not been listed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature or IUCN. However, their status has been marked as Critical under the Livestock Conservancy. The increasing popularity of the Pekin duck for the supply of meat has resulted in reduced numbers of pure Ayelsburies being produced.
Aylesbury Duck Fun Facts
What do Aylesbury ducks look like?
The Aylesbury duck breed is known for its pure white plumage, white skin, and pink bill. Their feathers are very soft to the touch. The bill is long and quite straight in shape and an identifying feature of this breed.
Overall, the duck is quite large and tall, with a tall body and neck. Their carriage is horizontal, with a deep keel that reaches the ground. The body of the Aylesbury duck is said to be 'boat-shaped'.
These ducks have orange feet and legs. The tail feathers in the males are curved. While the exhibition birds of this breed feature a very deep keel, the utility type of Aylesbury ducks does not share the same feature.
How cute are they?
Aylesbury duck is a very cute and good-looking domestic duck breed. The characteristic white plumage, deep keel, and pink-colored bill have made this duck quite popular as an exhibition bird as well. Aylesbury ducklings are very cute too.
How do they communicate?
These ducks communicate with the help of vocalizations. Aylesbury ducks can be heard making 'quack' sounds like other duck breeds. Male ducks are known to have a huskier 'quack' than their female counterparts.
How big is an Aylesbury duck?
The exact height and length of Aylesbury ducks are not known. These birds are considered to be a larger breed with long necks and bodies. Their size is comparable to the Rouen duck breed, which is another domestic duck variety. Both of these domestic ducks are descendants of the mallard duck, which is 20-26 in (51-66 cm) in length.
How fast can an Aylesbury duck fly?
Aylesbury ducks are not adept at flying. Their poor flying ability is mostly due to their heavy bodies. Additionally, these ducks aren't very active either and prefer staying in one place.
How much does an Aylesbury duck weigh?
Aylesbury ducks are one of the larger ducks breeds. Male Aylesbury ducks can weigh between 10-12 lb (4.5-5.4 kg), while female Aylesbury ducks can weigh between 9-11 lb (4-5 kg).
What are the male and female names of the species?
Male Aylesbury ducks are known as drakes and female Aylesbury ducks are known as hens.
What would you call a baby Aylesbury duck?
A baby Aylesbury duck is known as a duckling.
What do they eat?
The Aylesbury duck has an omnivorous diet. Ducks of this breed eat seeds and various plant materials, apart from small fishes, aquatic animals, larvae, crabs, and snails. Aylesbury ducks are not very active foragers and can also be fed store-bought food pellets.
Are they friendly?
The Aylesbury duck breed is described as being friendly and docile. They are quite good-natured and get along well with their keepers.
Would they make a good pet?
This breed of domesticated ducks is quite suitable as pets. They have a calm and docile temperament and can be easily tamed. They also have quite modest requirements and do well in different kinds of climates. It is essential to provide these ducks with a small pond or pool, to cool off during the summer months.
Did you know...
The Aylesbury duck was imported to the United States in the year 1840. In 1876, they became a part of the American Poultry Association's Standard of Perfection.
The symbol of the town of Aylesbury is the Aylesbury duck.
Aylesbury ducks were made to walk on cold tar followed by sawdust, which formed a protective coating on their feet before they had to be taken to the London markets by walking.
Aylesbury eggs
An Aylesbury duck starts laying eggs when it is around 25-30 weeks old. Ducks of this breed are capable of laying 35-125 eggs in a year. Aylesbury duck eggs are white or tinted green in color and appear quite large. Each egg can weigh around 2.8 oz (80 g).
What is the difference between the Aylesbury and the Pekin duck?
The Aylesbury duck breed and Pekin duck breed are domesticated birds used for their meat and eggs. However, there are some key differences between the two ducks.
The Pekin duck has an orange bill, unlike the pink bills seen in Aylesbury Ducks. The Pekin breed also became more popular as a meat bird due to its growth speed, which provided poultry farmers with more efficient meat production.
However, the meat of an Aylesbury duck is said to be superior to the meat of a Pekin duck. Additionally, the Pekin ducks are capable of laying over 150 eggs a year, while Aylesbury ducks only produce 35-125 eggs, annually.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! For more relatable content, check out these Common Eider Facts, or Long-Tailed Duck Facts.
You can even occupy yourself at home by drawing one on our Aylesbury Duck coloring pages.