The Bahama woodstar is one of the most popular endemic birds in any of the islands across the world.
They are most popularly found in the Bahamas Islands, but you would be surprised to know that they are not found at all in the neighboring area of Inagua. Inagua is a small island in the Bahamas, just north of where this wonderful species is found in North America.
So if you ever do visit these calm, peaceful isles, do make sure to take plenty of photos of this bird, especially when breeding, and maybe set out feeders for them to have an ample supply of seed.
However, despite their prolific presence in these small areas, they are not species that enjoy coming into human contact. This is why even if you put out feeders or try to take photos, chances are, you will be unsuccessful in your endeavors to do both.
These birds also have no tendency for migration, which means that an avid ornithologist could get some great photos of this gorget-having species.
Want to know more about this bird from North America, see its photos, and read about its migration (or lack thereof)? Then do read on, and if you enjoy reading about birds, then check out our military macaw facts as well as duck facts.
Bahama Woodstar Interesting Facts
What type of animal is a Bahama Woodstar?
The Bahama woodstar (Nesophlox evelynae) is a type of bird.
What class of animal does a Bahama Woodstar belong to?
This hummingbird species (Calliphlox evelynae) belongs to a class of birds.
How many Bahama woodstars are there in the world?
The population range of the Bahama woodstar hummingbird in the world is unknown due to lack of research, however, it has been characterized as common within its limited range.
Where does a Bahama Woodstar live?
These hummingbirds (Calliphlox evelynae), endemic in the Bahamas, live in the savanna.
What is a Bahama woodstar's habitat?
Scrubland, gardens, both dry lowland, and secondary growth, the borders of tropical woodlands, and pine forests are just a few of the habitats where Bahama woodstars hummingbirds can be found.
Being a year-round species (not migratory/ stays at one site), they don't tend to travel far from these environments. Even though these species live in the same habitats as other woodstar birds, they are not extremely gregarious and frequently attack other birds.
Other hummingbirds such as Lucifer hummingbirds can migrate, and the smallest North American hummingbird, calliope hummingbirds, migrate long distances.
Who do Bahama woodstars live with?
Except for breeding, these hummingbirds of the Bahamas are solitary creatures. The only time the male is involved in the reproductive system is when he mates with the female. They don't dwell in flocks or migrate in groups, and they don't have a pair bond.
How long does a Bahama Woodstar live?
The Bahamas woodstar birds (Calliphlox evelynae) have a life expectancy of 74.1 years.
How do they reproduce?
Males approach females by hovering in front of them in a U-shaped manner. After copulation, he will instantly disengage from the female.
One male may pair with numerous females and vice versa. The males are not involved in the selection of the nest site, construction of the nest, or rearing of the chicks.
Generally, the nest is situated on a low, relatively thin branch. The female constructs the cup-shaped nest in a safe position in a bush, shrub, or tree using braided plant fibers and greenish moss around it for camouflage.
The average brood comprises two white eggs, which the female fertilizes alone for 15-18 days while the male protects his area and feeds flowers. Young chicks are immobile, born blind, and devoid of any down.
The female is the only one who looks after the chicks and keeps feeding them with regurgitated diet (mainly partly digested insects). With her lengthy bill, the feeder female forces the stuff down the chicks' necks and into their stomachs.
What is their conservation status?
The conservation status of the Bahama woodstar hummingbird is classified as Least Concern by the IUCN Red List.
Bahama Woodstar Fun Facts
What do Bahama woodstars look like?
These hummingbirds are usually non-migratory birds. In North America, it has been seen as a vagrant in southeastern Florida. The Bahama hummingbird species is a tiny hummingbird with green and gold backs, olive-buff underbody, and flanks that fade into the partial white collar (in male birds) or cinnamon (in female birds).
Their tails are blackish-purple and their wings are brown. The female has a rounded tail with broader feathers, whilst males have a deeply forked tail.
Male birds have an iridescent purple gorget with a white stripe that fades as the breeding season progresses. The purple throat and white stripe are absent in females. Both sexes have black bills that are slightly curled and black feet.
How cute are they?
These hummingbirds have glittering green upper parts, gorget throats, white collars, and green feathers with deeply forked tails. This specialty of these birds makes them cute birds.
How do they communicate?
This bird has three different communication sounds that are scolding, chips, and song. These sounds are vocalized by them with their different behavior.
During atheistic behavior such as battling and pursuing, the scolding was observed. At the time of flight and feeding, these birds will make a 'chip' sound. While resting or to attract females, songs are voiced by the male
How big is a Bahama Woodstar?
The length range of the Bahama woodstar hummingbird is 3.1-3.7 in (8-9.5 cm). While the length of Cuban emerald measures 4.13-4.52 in (10.5-11.5 cm). Both the Bahama bird and the Cuban emerald bird belong to a similar family (Trochilidae). The Bahama bird species is smaller than the Cuban emerald species.
How fast can a Bahama Woodstar fly?
There is insufficient information available on the flying speed of these species of hummingbirds.
How much does a Bahama Woodstar weigh?
These hummingbirds, endemic birds to the Bahamas, weigh 0.08-0.17 oz (2.5-5 g).
What are the male and female names of the species?
There is no distinction between male and female hummingbirds.
What would you call a baby Bahama Woodstar?
A baby Bahama woodstar hummingbird doesn't have any specific name.
What do they eat?
Nectar from a range of brightly colored, aromatic tiny flowers of herbs, trees, epiphytes, and shrubs is the primary diet source for Bahama woodstars. Blooms with the richest sugar content (typically tubular-shaped and red-colored) are preferred, and they seek and actively protect locations with highly energetic nectar flowers.
These hummingbirds retrieve the nectar using their extendible, long, straw-like tongues while flying with their tail tilted upward and sucking at it up to 13 times per second.
While feeding, they can be seen dangling on the blossom. This hummingbird species also necessitates the consumption of small insects and spiders which are crucial diet sources of protein, especially mostly during mating season, to ensure the correct growth of their offspring.
Are they dangerous?
These small-sized hummingbirds, native species of the Bahamas (near the Florida coast), are not dangerous birds.
Would they make a good pet?
These species of hummingbird, which live in the Bahamas (vagrant in Southeastern Florida, North America), are not known to be kept in captivity. There is insufficient information available on how they would be as pets. It is probably best to leave them in their natural environment.
Did you know...
The Bahama woodstar is one of the species that has just been re-evaluated after previously being divided into two subspecies: Nesophlox evelynae evelynae and Nesophlox evelynae lyura, also referred to as the Inagua Woodstar birds.
Anna's hummingbird is the only bird in the family of hummingbirds that has a red-colored crown.
What types of sound does the Bahama woodstar make?
'Chips', 'song', and 'scolding', are the three most common vocalizations of the Bahama woodstar species (Calliphlox evelynae). These hummingbirds emit a one-syllable 'chip' sound while flying and feeding. This call can be as short as a single 'chip' or as long as a lengthier, repeating sequence of 'chips.'
Simple sounds like 'spurts' from courtship or warring males and 'cheep' calls from younglings have only been heard infrequently. When birds are resting on a limb or wooing females, they sing. These are high-pitched sounds that last about 30 seconds.
Is the Bahama woodstar endemic?
This small hummingbird (Calliphlox evelynae) is a Lucayan Archipelago endemic. Except on the Islands of Great Inagua and Little Inagua, where it is substituted by the similarly related Inagua Woodstar, it is a regular inhabitant on almost all of the Bahamas' islands.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other birds from our Pionus parrot facts or woodcock facts pages.
You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable Bahama Woodstar coloring pages.