The Barbary partridge (Alectoris barbara) is a common name of the partridge bird species. They are plump, medium-sized bird species that settle in a variety of habitats across the world, in grasslands, rocky plains, and forests.
There are around 56 partridge species and they are generally ground dwellers. They use their sturdy, short legs and strong claws to build their nests or dig for food. They are great runners and can fly when danger approaches.
The Barbary partridge are omnivorous in nature, but the chukar and gray partridge generally feed only on plants and are herbivorous. They are similar to grouse, chickens, turkeys.
These birds are non-migratory birds.
Islands are their most favored choice of habitat and the Barbary partridge (Alectoris barbara) can lay from 10-22 eggs in different nests. But some species like rock partridges and the red-legged partridge of Europe lay two eggs in separate nests, which acts as an insurance in case if predators like snakes and mice get to them.
These bird species are of Least Concern, but some species like the Sichuan partridge in China have been enlisted as an Endangered species due to their population being as few as a thousand left in the world.
Birds are quite fascinating and if you like to know more about similar bird species, you may also want to check out our facts on the grey partridge and Rhinoceros auklet.
Barbary Partridge Interesting Facts
What type of animal is a Barbary partridge?
A barbary partridge is a type of bird species that belongs to the Phasianidae family.
What class of animal does a Barbary partridge belong to?
As a bird species, the Barbary partridge (Alectoris barbara) belongs to the Aves class of animal.
How many Barbary partridges are there in the world?
The total number of these birds present in the world is unknown as they are present across the world, and they have a good population, except some of the species like the Sichuan partridge, which is endangered.
Where does a Barbary partridge live?
The Barbary partridge (Alectoris barbara) is native to North Africa, Gibraltar, and the Canary Islands. They can also be found in the European region, North America, and Spain.
Different types of ecosystems are preferred by different species of this bird. Open grasslands, islands, and meadow-style habitats are common among them, but some prefer mountainous regions among woodlands and shrubs for habitat. Their distribution can be observed across the world, including Asia, Europe, Middle East, North Africa, and the species differ in each region.
What is a Barbary partridge's habitat?
A Barbary partridge (Alectoris barbara) lives in the grasslands, savanna, woodlands, and among rocky regions. They mostly prefer to live in places with abundant forests due to their food being dependent on seeds and plants too, other than insects.
They are generally ground dwellers and thereby, they nest close to ground and not on tall trees. These birds are resident breeders in open, hilly, and dry country areas.
Who do Barbary partridges live with?
The Barbary partridge (Alectoris barbara) are social birds who live in groups known as coveys, and most coveys include a family, like a pair and its chicks.
How long does a Barbary partridge live?
The Barbary partridge (Alectoris barbara) generally has a lifespan of up to five years, while the average lifespan of the red-legged partridge is of three years.
How do they reproduce?
Partridges are monogamous animals that live and mate with only one pair. They form pairs in the early years and will stay together till autumn for breeding.
They breed with the same mate or partner every year. During the breeding season, they perform courtship rituals to attract each other, and this courtship performer differs in each region.
Male chukars, native to the Middle East, European region, and North America show courtship to attract female attention, while the gray partridge female, which is native to North America and Europe bows to the male and performs courtship to invite the male.
After breeding occurs, females lay eggs in their nests built with grasses and sticks. They can lay large clutches of eggs in different nests in scrape ground, of between 10-22 eggs in each nest.
The eggs usually hatch within three to four weeks and are fed by both parents until they mature. The chicks generally live as coveys for about a year.
What is their conservation status?
The conservation status of these bird species is Least Concern since they have a stable population and are widespread across the world. Climate change and predators like snakes and mice that hunt on their eggs are a threat to their existence and loss of habitat. However, they have a good presence, especially on the islands.
Barbary Partridge Fun Facts
What do Barbary partridges look like?
These partridges birds are similar to pheasants, grouse, turkey, and chicken. They have curved bills of chestnut or reddish color, with a plumage that is light in color and has a body-color distribution of gray, brown, white, and tan.
These bird species are shaped like a chicken physically, with a small head and plump bodies. They have a buff belly, gray breast, brown and gray back with white and brown stripes under their wings.
These birds have strong and sturdy legs since they mostly stay on the ground and prefer to do more walking and running than flying.
Both the sexes are known to look alike. The chicks when hatched are like quails and tiny in size, like that of a chicken.
How cute are they?
Partridges are cute birds that resemble chickesn and their color distribution across their body is fascinating to watch.
How do they communicate?
The Barbary partridge (Alectoris barbara) are vocal birds that make raspy and loud calls. They make sounds like 'kut kut kut' or 'chuck-a-ra'. They are more vocal during breeding or when they make calls to each other.
How big is a Barbary partridge?
Partridges birds have a length range of 13-14 in (33-36 cm), and they are 10 times bigger than a house sparrow.
How fast can a Barbary partridge fly?
As non-migratory birds, they can fly 30 mph.
How much does a Barbary partridge weigh?
A Barbary partridge weight range can be around 420 g.
What are their male and female names of the species?
The male and female partridges do not have separate names to describe them.
What would you call a baby Barbary partridge?
Like other bird species, the young of the partridges are known as chicks.
What do they eat?
The Barbary partridge diet consists of insects, seeds, nuts, plants. They are omnivorous birds. The adults mostly feed on plant-based foods, whereas, its chicks feed on insects.
Are they dangerous?
They can get aggressive but only when provoked or when they fight among themselves, but they are calm and harmless birds.
Would they make a good pet?
Partridges will not make good pets as they are wild animels. As gamebirds, it is illegal in most places to own one as a pet.
Did you know...
Barbary partridges are gamebirds in the pheasants bird family.
How many eggs does a partridge lay?
They can lay 10-22 eggs in each nest, and the eggs are olive to cream color with dark spots and are oblong in shape. They look similar to quail eggs but bigger.
Do Barbary partridges prefer running to flying?
These bird species prefer to run rather than fly since they are have acquired the ability and physical features that make them more comfortable and adapted to run or walk, rather than fly. However, they use their wings to fly when danger approaches.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other birds from our sociable weaver facts or red-breasted nuthatch surprising facts pages.
You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable partridge bird coloring pages.