Fun Barramundi Facts For Kids

Oluwatosin Michael
Oct 20, 2022 By Oluwatosin Michael
Originally Published on Aug 05, 2021
Edited by Luca Demetriou
Read these interesting barramundi facts to know more.

With an elongated body, silver-tone, and deeply compressed body. The Lates calcarifer or Barramundi is a magnificent group of fish to behold.

This highly valued species, both in recreational fishing as well as the commercial food sectors, are widely distributed over a vast range of geographical regions. The name barramundi (scientific common name Barramundi perch), meaning large-scaled river fish, emerges from the dialects of the aboriginal natives of Australia.

Barramundi fish is consumed all over the world and is considered as a seafood delicacy due to its buttery flavor.

Juvenile barramundi is milder in flavor as compared to the adult fish. Barramundi fish can be found in coastal waters ranging from Australia to Southeast Asia.

What is the answer to the question which country is known for barramundi, a type of sea bass? The answer is Australia.

Here are some interesting facts about Barramundis, enlisted below for an assuming time ahead. Scroll down and see what a barramundi is to learn about it. After, do have a look at our other articles on sucker fish and pumpkinseed fish.

Barramundi Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a barramundi?

Barramundi (scientific common name Barramundi perch), or the Asian sea bass, is a member of the fish family, Latidae. Besides its Scientific recognition as Lates calcarifer, Barramundi (meaning  ‘large-scaled river fish’)  is also known by several common names such as Barramundi perch, Australian seabass, Giant sea perch, and Asian seabass.

People are also known to have barramundi farming in which they breed and feed these fishes known as aquaculture.

What class of animal does a barramundi belong to?

Barramundi belongs to the class Actinopterygii; this is a class of bony fishes categorized by the presence bony spines or rays and thus also referred to as ray-finned fishes. It is native to Australia and hence is also known as Australian seabass.

The scientific common name of this species is Barramundi Perch and it is found from Australia till Southeast Asia in coastal waters.

How many barramundis are there in the world?

The Barramundi species are distributed over a wide range of geographic regions and spend large parts of their life moving or migrating. Hence, it is difficult for marine biologists to estimate and provide the exact data of their population status.

However, according to research available so far this Australian seabass fish despite the commercial and recreational fishing activities, are known to have a stable population. Barramundi fish is also raised in United States, Australia, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Where does a barramundi live?

Barramundi is the native fishes of the Indo-Pacific region. They are commonly found in India, coastal Australia, Papua New Guinea, Northern Australia, and Southeast and Eastern Asia. Barramundi fish is now being raised in the United States as well.

What is a barramundi's habitat?

Barramundi fish exhibits the catadromous properties; that is the organisms living in freshwater but migrate to salt and brackish water for spawning. These fishes are found in coastal regions, rivers,  lagoons, turbid water (with a range between 26−30°C), and streams.

Barramundi fish possesses high tolerance to saline water and hence can be located in marine and brackish waters such as ocean and estuaries.

Barramundi fish is also known to reside in the demersal zone (the zone near the bottom of the water bodies, above the benthic zone). They are now being raised in various countries around the world like Australia, United States, Vietnam, Thailand on a commercial scale.

Who do barramundi live with?

This silver fish can be found in deep saline waters along with other fishes where they can easily prey on other fishes.

How long does a barramundi live?

The average lifespan of Barramundi (Asian seabass) is about 20 years in the wild. They can live slightly longer in captivity.

How do they reproduce?

The onset of the breeding procedure in giant perch fish is usually marked with the beginning of the monsoon season (generally from October to February).

Since the mode of fertilization in these organisms is external (given they are broadcast spawners), the male and the female barramundis come together in crowds or groups for spawning.

During the seasonal spawning, the male swims across the freshwater to reach the females along with the mouth of salt and brackish water where external fertilization takes place. Male release sperm in the water while females release millions of eggs for fertilization.

Giant perch fishes are known to have an inclination for spawning around full moon phases, as it significantly impacts breeding by increasing their rates.

Barramundi silver fish is also known to manifest sequential hermaphroditism (that is, these organisms can change their gender at any stage of their life and produce male as well as female gametes during the respective periods). Barramundi fishes are known to reproduce by following this characteristic trait.

Usually, the males mature at three to five years, reaching a length of 15-48 in, and later they switch the gender around the first spawning season.

Turning into females, the barramundis grow a little further (usually 47-49 in long) and exhibit the gender change for a short period of time (maximum a week).

Serial hermaphroditic behavior, however, may not be seen in all the members. Females can lay up to 32 million eggs in one breeding season.

What is their conservation status?

Despite the commercial and recreational fishing, the Barramundi fishes are categorized under Least Concerned species. Therefore, it is safe to say that the population of this wild fish is quite stable.

There are various fish farms actively engaged in farming of barramundi as this species is preferred by seafood lovers due to the buttery flavor of the juvenile barramundi. As the barramundi fish farms are now coming up in the United States as well as a host of other countries around the world, their survival is not an issue.

Barramundi Fun Facts

What do barramundis look like?

A group of large fishes with elongated bodies, the silver fish possess a compressed and deep physique. The body of lates calcarifer is covered with ctenoid scales contributing to their serrated edges.

Besides the prickly edge, the scales in these fishes are embedded in the body with strong adhesive forces. The largemouth is slightly slanting, the snout is pointed and the jaws of barramundis extend far past their eyes.

These fishes are bilaterally symmetrical (that is anatomically their body can be divided into equal halves). The fins in barramundis are composed of spines and rays. In fact, the dorsal and ventral fins in these fishes possess a combination of separate spiny fins (made up of spines) and soft fins (formed of soft rays).

The structure of the head in these fishes is concave. These fishes are usually available in silver and occasionally in blue-gray or olive-green tones.

However, their shading varies in accordance with their environment to serve the purpose of camouflage. They are a group of ectothermic as well as heterothermic fishes.

How cute are they?

With a lithe and elongated body, large sizes, and glossy silver color, barramundi fishes make a fascinating and fetching sight to behold.

How do they communicate?

Though not much is known about the communication skills of this wild fish, according to available studies they are quite efficient with their visual, sensory, and olfactory receptors. These fishes are known to possess reflective eyes, which proves beneficial to see through dark surroundings.

The lateral lines (extended on the caudal fins) of the barramundis are used to sense pressure, judge water currents, and localize movements in the water.

How big is a barramundi?

A barramundi is a group of large fishes. The average length of barramundi is about 1.5 m (4.92- 5ft).

How fast can a barramundi swim?

Though the exact locomotive speed of these fishes is not recognized. However, according to the studies barramundi fishes are known to travel large distances in their total lifetime (be it for spawning, hunting for food).

How much does a barramundi weigh?

The average weight of Barramundi fishes is about 121-125 lb.

What are their male and female names of the species?

There are no distinct names allotted to the members of this species based on their gender. The males are called male barramundi while females are called female barramundi.

What would you call a baby barramundi?

The babies of barramundi are called offspring, juveniles, babies, or progenies.

What do they eat?

Barramundi fishes are carnivorous organisms and opportunistic predators. They feed on a wide range of organisms such as their own young ones, crustaceans (like copepods, Penaeidae), fishes, insects, mollusks, other marine invertebrates, zooplankton.

In fact, barramundis have a huge diversity of organisms to prey on. The predatory behavior of these fishes mostly depends on the fact that the prey is sized enough to swallow.

Are they eaten by humans?

In the list of predators of these fishes, humans rate amongst the top. Barramundi fishes provide not only the options for commercial food sectors (due to high seafood consumption by humans), in fact, these fishes are equally popular options for recreational fishing. The unique flavor profile of barramundi makes it a popular seafood option.

Would they make a good pet?

These Australian freshwater fishes are mostly found in deep ocean waters, and they won’t be able to live in an enclosed environment. Its proper habitat is saline waters, and hence, they can’t make a good pet. Their skin color and overall appearance make them an absolute joy to watch.

Did you know...

The gender determination in these species of fishes depends largely on their age. Though born as males, a number of barramundis change to female at the age of about three or four years.

The female barramundis produces millions of eggs, as much as 37-40 million!

The female barramundis are longer in size than their male counterparts.

The age of barramundi dishes can be determined by counting the scale on the body of these fishes.

Adding to their numerous names, the baramundi fishes are also known as the passion fish. According to the native legends of Australia, the moonlight spawning inclination of barramundi fishes symbolizes the love and passion between Boodi and Yalima.

Living their life on the opposite or reverse tract of the salmon, the barramundi fishes are born in marine water and migrate to freshwater. They live in marine water bodies only for spawning.

What does barramundi taste like?

A perfect option for newbies, the barramundi are mild-flavored fishes. Barramundi fishes are rich in protein content and possess a luscious, meaty texture.

When cooked the flash of barramundi turns flaky white (resembling the meat of striped bass or snapper). All thanks to its buttery and sweet taste,  the barramundi is quite in a rage as local cuisine in the realm of Indo-Pacific regions. Providing a wonderful option for novice cooks, these fishes rarely pose the dilemma of being overcooked.

In fact, they can be easily broiled, grilled, baked, or fried. All this with a surety of great end results.

What kind of fish is barramundi?

Barramundi fishes also known as the Asian sea bass, are the members of the family Latidae. These fishes are the natives of the Indo-Pacific region. These fishes are known to possess a number of unique characters.

Barramundi fishes are catadromous; that is these organisms are freshwater and migrate to salt/brackish water for spawning. They are demersal. The barramundi fishes occur near the bed or the benthos (ecologically the lowest of water bodies) of the water habitats they live in.

Barramundis show serial hermaphroditism; that is, these fishes can alternate between male and female functioning. Though initially born as males, these fishes can switch to female anatomy.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other fish including toadfish, or green June beetle.

You can even occupy yourself at home by drawing one on our bass coloring pages.

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Written by Oluwatosin Michael

Bachelor of Science specializing in Microbiology

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Oluwatosin MichaelBachelor of Science specializing in Microbiology

With a Bachelor's in Microbiology from the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Oluwatosin has honed his skills as an SEO content writer, editor, and growth manager. He has written articles, conducted extensive research, and optimized content for search engines. His expertise extends to leading link-building efforts and revising onboarding strategies. 

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