Fun Bearded Bellbird Facts For Kids

Oluniyi Akande
Oct 20, 2022 By Oluniyi Akande
Originally Published on Aug 11, 2021
Edited by Katherine Cook
Bearded bellbird facts are about a birde native to northern South America.

There are four bellbird species in the world. The subspecies include the three wattled bellbird (Procnias tricarunculatus), white bellbird (Procnias albus), bearded bellbird (Procnias averano), and bare throated bellbird (Procnias averano). The bearded bellbird is also known as campanero or anvil bird. They are not endangered and classified as a Least Concern species by the IUCN Red List.

The bearded bellbird (Procnias averano) is a herbivorous bird and feeds primarily on fruit and berries. The bearded bellbird (Procnias averano) is predominantly seen in tropical rainforests in northern South America including northeastern Columbia, Venezuela, and northern Brazil.

Seeing a bearded bellbird in the Trinidad forest is a common sight and they also are a native species in Venezuela. They have an olive-green head and black and white plumage. They are primarily identified by their unfeathered wattles that are mostly black, giving this bird the name of bearded bellbird.

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Bearded Bellbird Interesting Facts

What type of animal is the bearded bellbird?

Bearded bellbirds belong to the kingdom Animalia and order Passeriformes.

What class of animal does the bearded bellbird belong to?

Bearded bellbirds belong to class Aves, family Cotingidae, and genus Procnias, similar to other subspecies. This bird is a common resident in Trinidad.

How many bearded bellbirds are there in the world?

The bearded bellbird's exact population is not evaluated. Their population is expected to decline further in the coming years, although they are classified as a Least Concern species by the IUCN Red List.

Where does a bearded bellbird live?

Bearded bellbirds live in a tree, wet forests, or in a rain forest. They are seen in regions including Trinidad, South America, northern Columbia, northeastern Brazil, Venezuela, eastern Bolivia, and northeastern Brazil.

What is a bearded bellbird's habitat?

Bearded bellbirds range in wet forests and tropical rain forests. This bird is found at elevations of 6233.6 ft (1900 m). They primarily reside on a tree in a forest where they can access their food easily. They build nests with twigs on a tree in a forest and have a loud sound or call.  

Who do bearded bellbirds live with?

Bearded bellbirds are seen in groups of six or more near fruiting trees. They coexist with other species in the wild. They have loud sounds or calls which can be identified easily.

How long does bearded bellbird live?

The bearded bellbird's exact lifespan is not evaluated. Bellbirds are estimated to live fro around eight years or more. Wisdom, the Laysan albatross, is the oldest bird in the world.

How do they reproduce?

The Bearded bellbird breeding season varies from one region to another. Their nest is preferably built-in taller trees. Males and females reproduce sexually and are polygamous. After mating, females lay one buff-colored egg with dark brown markings.

Males and females are polygamous and have various mating calls during the breeding season. Incubation lasts about 23 days, and females are more involved in raising their young. The juvenile egg is taken care of by the mother and the young fledge in 30-33 days.

What is their conservation status?

Bearded bellbirds are classified as a Least Concern species by the International Union For Conservation Of Nature (IUCN).  The bearded bellbird range map includes Trinidad and South America.

Bearded Bellbird Fun Facts

What do bearded bellbirds look like?

Bearded bellbirds are small to medium-sized birds. Male and females are different in coloration and plumage. Females are relatively smaller in size and a female's upperparts such as the head are olive-green, while the underparts are yellow streaked with green while their vent is pure yellow. Their head is small.

Females lack facial wattles, the beard on their throat, and only males have it. Both males and females have dark eyes, a black bill, and gray to black legs. Their legs are strong.

Bearded bellbird appearance is distinct from other birds. Males can be identified easily with their facial wattles, a beard on their throat, while females can be identified by their plumage. They have black wings and are capable of flying long distances.

How cute are they?

Bellbirds are an extremely cute species. They can be spotted sitting on the outer branches of trees and they build their nests on these branches. Male birds can be identified easily through their loud calls in a forest and by their facial wattles.

How do they communicate?

Communication occurs when a bearded bellbird mouth is open. A male's voice can be heard as a very loud, dull bock. Bearded bellbird calls are harsh squawks which sound like hammering calls or calling.

Adult males have a hammering or metallic bell-like call 'tonk-tonk-tonk-tonk- tonk....' repeated in intervals. Females are relatively silent compared to males who have a metallic bell-like call. Bearded bellbird call or calling is similar to a metallic bell.

How big is a bearded bellbird?

A bearded bellbird is 10.2-11 in (26-28 cm) in length, which is 10 times bigger than the smallest bird ever bee hummingbird, which is 2.2-2.4 in (5.5-6.1 cm). A male bearded bellbird is usually bigger compared to a female. Female also differs in coloration, beard, and pattern.

How fast can a bearded bellbird fly?

A bearded bellbird's or campanero exact flying speed is not known. The peregrine falcon is the fastest bird with a speed of 186 mph (299.3 kph).  

How much does a bearded bellbird weigh?

A bearded bellbird weighs 4.5-4.8 oz (127-135 g). The ostrich is the heaviest bird ever.

What are the male and female names of the species?

Male and female birds are not addressed differently. Males and females are different in appearance as well as in reproductive functions. Males and females are known to be polygamous and they have a distinct mating call.

What would you call a baby bearded bellbird?

A female bearded bellbird builds a loose structure for her nest using twigs and other materials available. A baby bearded bellbird is referred to as a chick or a fry.

The juvenile is born without feathers and is usually blind at birth in their nest. The chick is dependent on a female in the initial few weeks of its life until it is ready to fledge.

The eggshell is a single brown mottled with a light tan. The single brown mottled egg is rarely seen since its nest is built away from the purview of predators.

What do they eat?

A bearded bellbird or anvil primarily consumes a herbivorous diet. These birds are herbivores and feed on fruit and berries. They prefer berries and use their bill to consume food. Juveniles also feed on fruits and berries which are brought to them by their parents using their bill. As they grow, their dietary requirements change.

Are they poisonous?

No, these birds are not poisonous or dangerous, and they are rarely seen near human settlements. The bearded bellbird is a relatively shy bird.

Would they make a good pet?

No, these are innately exotic wild birds and thrive best in their natural habitat which is in the wild. They are known to have been victims of the cagebird trade and other illegal practices.

The cagebird trade is where exotic beings are traded illegally as pets. If you wish to adopt birds are pets, you could consider a mealy parrot or a green parakeet.

Did you know...

There are close to 10,000 species of birds worldwide and many are still left to be discovered.

Birds do not have teeth. Most birds only have a beak and an organ called the gizzard which they use to digest their food.

How did the bearded bellbird get its name?

The bearded bellbird gets its name for its two unique characteristics, namely its facial wattles, a beard which is seen in male birds; however, it is missing from female birds. Males also have a loud and harsh bell-like sound or call which they emit.

The male's call is described as either a very loud, dull bock. The sound or call 'tonk-tonk-tonk...' is repeated in intervals and is uttered by males while females are mostly silent. Other bellbirds, too, have similar sounds.

Differences in physical characteristics, color, pattern, or size between the male and female primarily occur due to sexual dimorphism. Sexual dimorphism is seen in other male and female bird species as well.

Do bearded bellbirds migrate?

Some bellbirds are known to engage mainly in altitudinal migrations, specifically during the breeding season although this is not too great distances and usually within their range and habitat itself. This bird usually mainly migrates in groups of six or more birds.

Migration includes both male and female birds which is predominantly in their forest range. They mainly move for breeding, but remain within their home range.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! For more relatable content, check out these vulture facts and owl facts for kids.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable bearded bellbird coloring pages.

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Written by Oluniyi Akande

Doctorate specializing in Veterinary Medicine

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Oluniyi AkandeDoctorate specializing in Veterinary Medicine

With an accomplished background as a Veterinarian, SEO content writer, and public speaker, Oluniyi brings a wealth of skills and experience to his work. Holding a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from the University of Ibadan, he provides exceptional consulting services to pet owners, animal farms, and agricultural establishments. Oluniyi's impressive writing career spans over five years, during which he has produced over 5000 high-quality short- and long-form pieces of content. His versatility shines through as he tackles a diverse array of topics, including pets, real estate, sports, games, technology, landscaping, healthcare, cosmetics, personal loans, debt management, construction, and agriculture.

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