Bernedoodle Size: How Big Do They Get And More Fun Facts For Kids!

Anusuya Mukherjee
Oct 25, 2023 By Anusuya Mukherjee
Originally Published on Nov 17, 2021
Adorable bernedoodle puppy laying on the grass

If you are looking for a cute and loving pet dog with a soft coat, then a mini bernedoodle puppy could be perfect for you.

It is fun to look at various breeds of dogs when planning to get yourself a pet doggy or a pup. If you own a bernedoodle already or have met one before, you would have seen how they grow and big they can get in a short amount of time.

The bernedoodle dog breed itself is a mixed variety or breed of the Bernese mountain dog and a poodle. This cute little doggy has three different types among the breed, according to the gene varieties.

If you want to know more about bernedoodle size and how big they can get, keep on reading. Maybe you can get an idea of which bernedoodle puppy you want to opt for.

After reading all about standard bernedoodle sizes and adult weight, why not also check out our fascinating facts about blackberries for dogs and hiccups in dogs?

How big will my bernedoodle puppy get?

For many people when they buy a dog, they opt for puppies or for small dogs such as a mini poodle or small poodles. Many like to get puppies that are just a few weeks of age so that they can see them grow and get big whilst they care for them.

If you plan to get tiny bernedoodles, however, you might not be able to guess their age or adult size that easily.

Tiny bernedoodles are a mixed breed dog of their poodle parent and their genes are not as easily identifiable as purebred’s genes would be. There are a lot of factors other than the parent breed gene that play a role in your bernedoodle’s size. All doodle breeds have a common thing about them; being part poodle.

Bernedoodle size varies according to dog variety. The tiny/toy bernedoodle generally gets to 10-25 lb (4.5-11.3 kg) in weight and 12-16 in (30-40 cm) height at the shoulder level. They are classed as fully grown when they are 7.5 to 11 months old.

Looking at a mini Bernedoodle or miniature Bernedoodle dog, they generally become 16-20 in (40-50 cm) tall at the shoulder and 20-50 lb (9.0-22.7 kg) in weight. They become fully grown standard bernedoodles when they are 11-13 months of age.

For standard bernedoodles, they weigh approximately 50-90 lb (22.7-40.9 kg) and reach 20-30 in (50-75 cm) tall in length from the shoulder level. They attain maturity and become fully grown standard bernedoodles at 12.5-16 months.

At what age are bernedoodles considered fully grown?

Bernese mountain dogs are giant breeds of bernedoodles. Bernese mountain dog offspring would experience a slower and more prolonged growth range in their life. As for the Bernese mountain dog, the parents themselves become fully grown-up standard poodles or standard bernedoodles once they reach two years of age.

A fully grown, big bernedoodle will grow up to 23-26 in (58.42-66.04 cm) tall. The full-grown height and weight of the Bernese mountain dog can be 23-29 in (58.42 -73.66 cm) tall and 70-90 lb (31.75 - 40.82 kg) respectively.

These figures are the same for a standard bernedoodle size. Normally for all the poodle breeds, the male dogs are larger than the female ones.

Mostly every bernedoodle dog takes about a year to become a fully grown standard bernedoodle size. Bernedoodle dogs, which are a mixed genetic makeup breed and have a Bernese mountain dog and a poodle as parents, will grow fully and reach maximum height when they are of 12 - 14 months of age.

By the time they are two and a half years old, they reach their maximum weight as well. Their growth rate is known to be longer than any other dog.

Factors That Affect Bernedoodle Puppy Growth

Bernedoodle sizes and their growth have a lot of factors associated that contribute to how big they get. Genetics is an important factor that affects pet bernedoodles' different sizes and growth rates.

The nutrition and the diet that you provide your mini bernedoodle affect its growth and health. Poor nutrition or poor food habits might damage your bernedoodle puppy’s health, and it might also affect their height and weight too.

Be it a tiny bernedoodle, medium bernedoodle, or a standard bernedoodle, every individual bernedoodle has its own pace of growth. Their growth can be related to a lot of factors.

One important factor that determines how fast your puppy bernedoodle grows is its size expectancy. Small dogs may not grow fast or do not show much growth as they do not have much to do to reach their full length.

On the other hand, medium bernedoodle dogs take a longer time to reach maximum growth compared to a toy poodle.

Other factors like gender, nutrition, exercises, litter size, and each bernedoodle’s individual breed standards have an impact on your puppy bernedoodle’s growth, height, and weight. Physical activities that you make your bernedoodle puppy do will also help them to stay fit and live a little longer.

The Different Types Of Bernedoodles

Different types of bernedoodle puppy or dog varieties are the tiny bernedoodle or toy poodle, mini bernedoodles, medium bernedoodles, and the standard bernedoodle.

The toy bernedoodle or tiny bernedoodle is the smallest bernedoodle size of the breed. They are the outcome of the breeds the tiny bernedoodle/toy poodles and mini bernedoodles mating.

Both parent dogs are comparatively smaller than other breeds, and hence the trait is passed on to the tiny/toy bernedoodle. The mini bernedoodle is a mixed breed of Bernese mountain dog and a mini poodle. These mini poodles can grow up to 18-22 in (45.72 -55.88 cm) at shoulder height and up to 25-50 lb (9.07-22.68 kg) in weight.

The medium bernedoodle type is normally used to describe a small, standard bernedoodle puppy or a large miniature bernedoodle dog. There are not many specific measurement ranges of medium bernedoodles.

The last and final type, the standard bernedoodle, is the fully grown or large type of the breed. This standard bernedoodle puppy is a mixed breed of standard poodle and Bernese mountain dog, and therefore, has a larger outlook than the other types of bernedoodle.

Factors Determining The Height And Weight Of A Bernedoodle

The height or adult weight of each standard bernedoodle puppy is important to check when getting medium bernedoodle puppies. Sometimes, health issues could impact your bernedoodle puppy's height and weight.

Generally, the main factor that determines the size, weight, and height of your pet bernedoodle is its parents' genes. Also, the nutrition and food that you give them also help them to become more healthy and grow in height.

Junk foods, for example, could also make them obese and increase their weight, no matter which type the bernedoodle is. Regular exercises could keep them developing without any health issues or obesity problems.

When do bernedoodles stop growing?

Watching the growth of our young ones is something that parents love to do. Similarly, as for pet owners, especially those who get their pet dog as a puppy itself, it is so wonderful to see them grow and mature.

Just like how we humans have a limit for growing, dogs like bernedoodles also have a stage where they stop growing.

The bernedoodle is a new doodle breed that is a combination of a Bernese mountain dog and a poodle. The parent Bernese mountain dog with their massive size body is not considered to be fully grown until they reach an age of two to three years.

The period in their life where the most growth happens for Bernese mountain dogs is during their first five to eight months.

Some Bernese dogs reach their full height and weight by the time they reach one year old. As for the other parent breed, the poodle, they take quite a long time to attain maximum height.

Standard poodles are known to take about 18-24 months to grow into an adult dogs and reach full size. Just like the Bernese breed, poodles also have the fastest growth period during their first six months.

Most poodles attain full length by 12 months old.

As one of the parents has a slow growth rate, bernedoodle breed dogs stop growing when they get two and a half years old. It isn’t the same with all bernedoodle dogs, however, as there are many other factors that play a role in a dog's life.

What determines the size of your bernedoodle?

Mainly, there are three sizes of bernedoodle dogs. The tiny bernedoodle, the miniature bernedoodle, and the standard bernedoodle. The different sizes of bernedoodles can be associated with the size of their parent poodle.

Parent bernedoodles or poodles can be a toy bernedoodle, mini bernedoodle, or a standard bernedoodle. All these bernedoodles are fairly capable of adapting. The generation before can have an impact on the size of your bernedoodle pet dog.

Also, sub-breeds have a role in the various sizes of bernedoodle puppies. Sizes matter when getting a pet bernedoodle. The care, food, and activity levels are different for different sizes of bernedoodle.

Bernedoodle Size Vs Personality

The different sizes of bernedoodles do need consideration when getting yourself a pet bernedoodle dog or a puppy as different care and training have to be provided according to different sizes of the poodle breed puppies.

Many things, like their bathing and grooming, might be the same for all sizes, but still, there are things that need to be considered individually and differently for various size puppies of bernedoodle dogs. The standard bernedoodle poodle needs more food and nutrition than a tiny or mini bernedoodle puppy.

A standard bernedoodle puppy may be docile but may also need more care from you than other versions.

Be sure to take your dog out for a walk, play with them and give them treats sometimes after making them do an exercise. Their size and some parent genes might be different but all bernedoodle sizes are likely to have similar personalities.

What size of bernedoodle should you get?

If you want a goofy, gentle, loving, and clever dog the bernedoodle is one such breed of dog and has everything that you would want in a pet.

Three varieties of size options are available for you to select for your pet bernedoodle, from the tiny bernedoodle, the miniature bernedoodle, and the adult/standard bernedoodle. There are also a lot of breed and sub-breed varieties among these three.

The F1B bernedoodle, F2B bernedoodle, and the F1BB bernedoodle breeds are the best generation dogs that you can opt for as a pet puppy and the different gene traits in them show different looks.

You can opt for any bernedoodle size according to your favorite look or appearance.

Tiny and miniature bernedoodles are said to be easier to care for if you live an apartment life. If you have a yard or live in a village or town with some garden space, you can choose a standard bernedoodle puppy as your pet partner.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for bernedoodle size then why not take a look at how to crate train an older dog, or bernedoodle facts.

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Written by Anusuya Mukherjee

Bachelor of Arts and Law specializing in Political Science and Intellectual Property Rights

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Anusuya MukherjeeBachelor of Arts and Law specializing in Political Science and Intellectual Property Rights

With a wealth of international experience spanning Europe, Africa, North America, and the Middle East, Anusuya brings a unique perspective to her work as a Content Assistant and Content Updating Coordinator. She holds a law degree from India and has practiced law in India and Kuwait. Anusuya is a fan of rap music and enjoys a good cup of coffee in her free time. Currently, she is working on her novel, "Mr. Ivory Merchant".

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