Fun Blue-Footed Booby Bird Facts For Kids

Moumita Dutta
May 08, 2023 By Moumita Dutta
Originally Published on Aug 05, 2021
Edited by Katherine Cook
Blue-footed booby bird facts are quite interesting to read.

The name 'booby' comes from the Spanish word 'bobo', which means 'stupid'. This name is given due to the awkward behavior and funny appearance of this bird which has blue-colored feet.

The blue-footed booby bird (Sula nebouxii) is a spectacular species, living along the Pacific coast of Central and South America such as the Gulf of California. The majority of these breeding pairs nest in the Galapagos Islands.

They can be often spotted at a distance near the sea, not far away from the land. They are known for their fearless nature around humans.

These birds are carnivorous. Most of the time, these birds voraciously search for their prey by flying above the sea. It is quite a spectacular sight when these birds together swiftly dive into the ocean on spotting a school of fish. They relax on the water or a cliff when they are not hunting for their food.

The most remarkable feature of this bird is its bright blue feet. Males are quite proud of their blue feet and display them during the mating ritual to win their prospective partner. Their flying and diving skills are stunning, but they walk in a cloddish manner on the land.

Let us find out more interesting facts about this unique bird. If you like what you have read, then do read about orchard oriole and American oystercatcher.

Blue-Footed Booby Bird Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a blue-footed booby bird?

The blue-footed booby bird is a type of bird. They are clumsy and comical.

What class of animal does a blue-footed booby bird belong to?

Blue-footed boobies belong to the class of Aves and the family of Sullidae.

How many blue-footed booby birds are there in the world?

Around 80,000 blue-footed boobies are currently left in the world. The majority of these breeding pairs nest in the Galapagos Islands and their population is quite stable.

Where does a blue-footed booby bird live?

Blue-footed boobies have a limited geographic range. A major portion of their population resides in the Galapagos Islands, but a few can also be seen in the western coastal range of central and southern parts of America, particularly the Gulf of California.

What is a blue-footed booby bird's habitat?

These birds are typically found in the sea, but sometimes they are also seen dwelling on the land. They nest in the tropical and sub-tropical islands in the Pacific Ocean.

Who do blue-footed booby birds live with?

Blue-footed boobies are social birds who nest in a group. Most of the time, these spectacular birds hunt in flocks but they are seen to enjoy their prey alone.

How long does a blue-footed booby bird live?

Blue-footed boobies are approximately live 15 to 17 years in the wild.

How do they reproduce?

Their spectacular blue feet have a huge role to play in the mating ritual of these blue-footed boobies. Males try to impress the females by prancing around and flaunting their bright blue feet.

After this display, they give their nesting materials to the females and start flying as a part of their courtship ritual. While landing, males flicker their blue feet and then let out a penetrating whistle. The male with the brightest blue feet gets selected.

The prospective female accepts the breeding call with a murmuring sound. The female lays two to three eggs on the ground, instead of a nest. The parents utilize their webbed feet to cover and incubate the eggs.

It takes approximately 40 to 45 days for the eggs to hatch and the chicks to be born. Both parents take care of the chicks and feed them with fish.

What is their conservation status?

According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List, the conservation status of these species is of Least Concern. However, in certain parts, the population is declining. Their inability to breed like before, the unavailability of their favorite fish which is sardines, and water pollution are a few reasons behind their population decline.

Blue-Footed Booby Bird Fun Facts

What do blue-footed booby birds look like?

The most eye-catching feature of these amusing birds is the bright blue webbed feet. Blue-footed boobies have white underparts. They have brown streaks on their head and neck.

Their gray-colored bills are narrow and saw-edged. This type of bill helps these birds to successfully catch their prey and feed themselves.

The wings of these magnificent birds are long, pointed, and dark brown, with a 5 ft (1.5 m) wingspan. Despite being almost identical, females are slightly larger than males. The chicks have gray-colored feet and dark brown heads and necks.

How cute are they?

These birds are quite adorable, especially when they display their blue feet to woo their prospective partner. The blue-footed booby's fearless nature around humans and their comfortable behavior are often considered fascinating.

How do they communicate?

This species communicates through calls and with the help of chemical channels. A male lets out a penetrating whistle during the mating ritual and the female accepts the request with a murmuring sound. They also whistle to inform the flock when they spot a fish in the sea.

How big is a blue-footed booby bird?

Blue-footed boobies are 32-34 in (81-86 cm) long, almost thrice the size of a common pigeon.

How fast can a blue-footed booby bird fly?

These birds fly gracefully at 330 ft (100 m) above the sea, at a speed of 60 mph (96.5 kph).

How much does a blue-footed booby bird weigh?

Blue-footed boobies weigh around 3.3 lb (1.5 kg). Females are slightly heavier than males.

What are the male and female names of the species?

There is no such particular name for male and female blue-footed boobies.

What would you call a baby blue-footed booby bird?

A baby blue-footed booby bird is called a chick.

What do they eat?

The diet of these species consists majorly of fish, but sometimes also shrimps. A few of their favorite fish are sardines, flying fish, and anchovies.

These birds usually fly at 33-100 ft (10-30 m) above the sea and keep a strong vigil in search of a school of fish. Sometimes they can fly up to a distance of 330 ft (100 m) above the sea in a flock and dive swiftly into the ocean when they spot a fish.

Are they dangerous?

No, blue-footed boobies are not known to pose any threat to humans. However, they might be aggressive towards each other during the mating season. Overall, this species is quite harmless.

Would they make a good pet?

No, these fascinating blue-footed boobies are wild birds and therefore, cannot be domesticated.

Did you know...

The blue-footed booby's feet are blue because of the carotenoid pigments found in fresh fish. If their feet are pale in color, it means that the bird is sick. This is the main reason why the diet of these birds consists of mostly fresh fish.

Blue-footed boobies dive into the water for food from a lofty height which causes extreme water pressure. Therefore, this species has an air sac in its skull that shields its brain from any damage.

Adult females tend to have darker blue feet than the males.

How did blue-footed booby birds get their name?

The name 'booby' came from the Spanish word 'bobo', meaning 'comical' or 'foolish'. This bird's fearless nature around humans and its awkwardness on land are the reasons behind this funny name.

What is a group of blue-footed booby birds called?

A group of blue-footed boobies is called a hatch, congress, or trap.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other birds including snowy plover, or chicken hawk.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable blue-footed booby bird coloring pages.

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Written by Moumita Dutta

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

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Moumita DuttaBachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

A content writer and editor with a passion for sports, Moumita has honed her skills in producing compelling match reports and stories about sporting heroes. She holds a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, Calcutta University, alongside a postgraduate diploma in Sports Management.

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