The Borneo bay cat (Catopuma badia), a species endemic to the island of Borneo, is also known by different names such as bay cat and Bornean bay cat. In 1856, Alfred Russel Wallace, an English naturalist, discovered the skull and skin of the species in Sarawak, a state in Malaysia.
The bay cats possess chestnut-colored fur, while the lower side is pure white. The cat has rounded ears with blackish-brown fur and a long tail. The rounded head is dark-gray brown in color with a dark M-shaped marking.
Two brown stripes on the checks could also be seen. The average weight and length of the cats are 7-9 lb (3-4 kg) and 9.5–26.4 in (24-67 cm), respectively. The Asiatic golden cat (Catopuma temminckii) is almost twice the size of bay cats.
The carnivore bay cat species primarily prey on rodents, monkeys, birds, and the flesh of dead animals. These cats can easily be found in swamp forests, hill forests.
Also, a few sightings were observed in the dense tropical forest as well. Borneo bay cats have been declared Endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature or 'IUCN Red List.' Threats such as habitat loss and wildlife trade are causing a population decline.
Let's read more interesting facts about the Borneo bay cat, and if you found this article insightful, don't forget to check out exciting information about different animals like in these Bombay cat facts and Siberian cat facts.
Borneo Bay Cat Interesting Facts
What type of animal is a Borneo bay cat?
The Borneo bay cat (Catopuma badia) is an endemic species to the island of Borneo. These wild cats are carnivores and primarily prey on rodents, birds, monkeys, and flesh of dead animals.
What class of animal does a Borneo bay cat belong to?
The Borneo bay cat (Catopuma badia) belongs to the Animalia kingdom, the class of mammals, the family of Felidae, and the genus Catopuma.
How many Borneo bay cats are there in the world?
The population of the Borneo bay cats has been declining over the years. Also, the cat species is listed as 'Endangered' by the 'IUCN Red List' since 2002. A recent study reveals that there are only around 2500 Borneo bay cats left in wildlife.
Where does a Borneo bay cat live?
The Borneo bay cat (Catopuma badia) species is endemic to the island of Borneo and is found in a few states of Indonesia and Malaysia. It is very rare to get a glimpse of these cats.
In the first decade of the 21st century, the Borneo bay cat was observed in a few states of Malaysia, such as Sarawak, Sabah, and Kalimantan. A few sightings were also observed at Mount Kinabalu, but it is not confirmed yet.
What is a Borneo bay cat's habitat?
These cats can easily be found in swamp forests, hill forests. The Borneo bay cat also dwells in tropical forests.
Who does Borneo bay cat live with?
There is no information regarding the behavior of these wild cats, but photos and research suggest that the Borneo bay cat (Catopuma badia) is solitary and prefers to live alone. But these nocturnal wild cats generally come together during the breeding season.
How long does a Borneo bay cat live?
The Borneo bay cat (Catopuma badia) generally lives for around 10-17 years in the wildlife.
How do they reproduce?
The breeding pattern of the Borneo bay cat (Catopuma badia) is not known as of now, but it is believed that the species follows the same methods as other cats of the wild such as the Asiatic golden cat. Females go through an estrous or heat cycle.
The estrous cycle in the Asiatic golden cat lasts for around six days and occurs after every 40 days. The gestation period lasts for not more than three months, and the female generally gives birth to 1-3 kittens.
What is their conservation status?
The Borneo bay cat has been declared 'Endangered' by the International Union for Conservation of Nature or 'IUCN Red List.' Over the years, the population has been declining due to several threats such as habitat loss, hunting, and illegal wildlife trade.
In several states of Malaysia, several conservation steps have been taken, and the Borneo bay cat is protected by the government. In Kalimantan, Sabah, and Sarawak, trade, and hunting have been banned.
Borneo Bay Cat Fun Facts
What does Borneo bay cat look like?
Like the Asiatic golden cat, the Borneo bay cat has chestnut-colored fur while the lower side is pure white. The cat has rounded ears with blackish-brown fur and a long tail. The rounded head is dark-gray brown in color with a dark M-shaped marking. Two brown stripes on the checks could also be seen.

*Please note the image is of the Asiatic golden cat, a species of the Catopuma genus. If you have an image of Borneo bay cat, let us know at
How cute are they?
The cat possesses a muscular body and is fit in appearance, unlike domestic cats. You would love to watch their kittens running, nudging heads, and playing with their family members. Their shy behavior also makes the species cuter.
How do they communicate?
The Borneo bay cat follows the same methods of communication as other members of the cat family. The bay cat is territorial and generally does not accept any intruders.
Also, the nocturnal cat uses several voices and body movements to communicate. It is also believed that the bay cat is involved in several courtship displays to grab the attention of partners.
How big is a Borneo bay cat?
The average weight and length of the bay cat are 7-9 lb (3-4 kg) and 9.5–26.4 in (24-67 cm), respectively. The bay cat is thrice and twice the size of the Balinese cat and Siamese cat, respectively.
How fast can a Borneo bay cat run?
The exact speed of the bay cat is not known as of now, but the species is known for its exceptional agility. Also, this cat could attack and hunt animals bigger than itself, and their predatory skills can easily flabbergast anyone.
How much does a Borneo bay cat weigh?
The average bay cat's weight is 7-9 lb (3-4 kg).
What are their male and female names of the species?
Generally, the male cat is called a tom or tomcat, while people often use the term queen to refer to the female cat.
What would you call a baby Borneo bay cat?
The bay cat's babies are called kittens.
What do they eat?
The bay cat species is generally carnivorous and primarily it preys on rodents such as mice, monkeys like the macaques, birds, and the flesh of dead animals. Also, information regarding their predators is not available as of now.
Are they dangerous?
Like any other species of the cat family, the Borneo bay cats are quite shy and generally stay away from humans. Studies also reveal that the species is territorial and could attack if they feel threatened. It is always suggested to maintain some distance from any species of wild cats.
Would they make a good pet?
Borneo bay cats are quite rare, and it is illegal to keep them as pets. The population of the species is constantly declining and only found on the Borneo island. Instead of keeping them in our homes, one should educate everyone to take measures at the individual level in order to protect the beautiful species.
Did you know...
The tiger is six-time the body length of a Borneo bay cat. Tigers possess around 150 stripes on their bodies.
Why is the Borneo bay cat endangered?
Several threats such as loss of habitat and illegal trade have led to the population decline of the species. A recent study reveals that there are only around 2500 cats in Borneo.
What do bay cats do to defend themselves?
No specific information regarding how bay cats defend themselves is available, but in general, these cats are known for using their claws and jumping ability to defend themselves. They sometimes use their teeth to bite.
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