Fun Burmese Rat Facts For Kids

Iram Ashfaq
Oct 28, 2022 By Iram Ashfaq
Originally Published on Aug 06, 2021
Edited by Luca Demetriou
The Burmese rat facts that you should know before checking them out.

Burmese rodents are not the type of rat you think about when hearing the word 'rat'. They're actually quite small and have been a favorite animal to keep as pets for centuries.

They are one of the most common pet rodents and can be found in many places all over Asia.

Burmese rodents have many interesting traits and behaviors that make them one of the most popular pets in captivity. They are very social and intelligent creatures, who can be trained to do tasks such as push buttons or retrieve objects on command for their owners.

These furry coat rodents are also known for playing games with each other.

This animal, with its attractive points and body colours, has a lot to offer with the Burmese gene it carries, for those who are looking for an entertaining and educational animal.

This Siamese sable rat is a medium-sized rat with a dark brown fur coat and a strong contrast between the points and body colour, as they have white underparts.

They are mostly black-eyed, with large ears, short legs, and long whiskers. Their tails are scaly and they're very flexible when climbing or jumping from place to place.

When they get scared or threatened, their ears will stand up straight on top of their head because of their genes and genetics.

Females give birth to litters of 3-7 silver and dark brown looking babies after a gestation period of just 21 days. These little siamese guys have a lot of interesting facts that will surprise you.

For more relatable content, check out these pouched rat facts and kangaroo rat facts for kids.

Burmese Rat Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a Burmese rat?

Burmese rats are a type of rat that has dinginess silvering or patches along with pale and rich mid-brown devoid markings and lines. These furry critters were first discovered in the 1800s and have since become popular pets, due to their calm nature.

What class of animal does a Burmese rat belong to?

The agouti rat is a rodent indigenous mostly to southeast Asia belonging to the class Mammalia. These siamese and wheaten Burmese critters can be found in many different dinginess silvering or patches with numerous pale markings and lines, and their fur has been described as being more luxurious than the average rodent's hairs.

How many Burmese rats are there in the world?

We don't know for sure! Well, what we do know is that they live all over Latin America and Southeast Asia. We can't be sure of their number just by looking at different sources of information because it is unclear how these numbers were measured and what factors might have been included or excluded.

Where does a Burmese rat live?

The agouti rodent is found in forests and swamps. However, they are also known to live near human civilizations with their cute dinginess silvering or patches.

These beautiful siamese creatures have a tendency of nesting within structures around humans for protection purposes since it has no natural defenses other than speed from predators like foxes or birds that may try to catch them when running on land!

What is a Burmese rat's habitat?

The great majority of the agouti rich mid-brown devoid Burmese rodents live in east Asia with populations found as far west as India and into Russia; while they're mostly absent from Africa southwards down towards Antarctica.

Who do Burmese rat live with?

Agouti rats are the most social rodents in existence, forming a complex and tightly-knit family unit. These rats form tight-knit families of up to eight members each that live together for life. The siamese rodent is a breed of rodent that lives peacefully with humans and is comfortable around them.

How long does a Burmese rat live?

A Burmese rat with dinginess silvering and patches, and strong contrast dark brown points, is a small rodent that lives about three years on average. However, these Burmese rats have been recorded to live up to seven years too!

How do they reproduce?

The breeding cycle of an agouti Burmese rat and the way they breed is complicated, especially that of the male Burmese breeders.

When the female siamese creature with its dark strong contrast shade of brown points reaches sexual maturity due to its Burmese gene, she can have a litter with any resident males in her territory and then moves on to find another mate to litter.

The mating season lasts from November through March each year but some rats reproduce at other times as well!

What is their conservation status?

Sable Burmese rodents with a strong contrast of dinginess silvering or patches have a conservation status of Least Concern, meaning that they're not endangered or threatened by imminent extinction and need no protection for now.

Burmese Rat Fun Facts

What do Burmese rat look like?

Sable Russian blue Burmese rodents look like many other types of rat with their dinginess silvering or patches, pale markings and lines, little ears, wheaten belly, scaly tails, pointed snouts, rounded ears, the way they breed, and their whiskers.

The black species is quite variable in coloration from markings and lines of grey or black all the way through to orange or yellow on its hooded belly.

These black Burmese rodents have some white and pale lines and markings from head to tail and have long whiskers on their face.

*Please note that this is an image of a brown rat. If you have an image of a Burmese rat please let us know at

How cute are they?

The black sable Burmese rat is one of the cutest looking rodents in existence. The sable Russian blue Burmese are also very innocent, which makes these Burmese rodents a favorite among pet owners and scientists alike who study rodent behavior. All thanks to their genes!

How do they communicate?

The black sable Burmese live in close quarters so it is important for them not only to be able to identify themselves but also their neighbors as well as the location where they can find sustenance - other rat colonies or trash cans full of delicious goodies such as rotting fruit in addition.

These silver Burmese critters, especially a sable male, do this by using an array of different vocalizations including squeaks, chirps, trills, and squeals all at varying frequencies with their vibrant interminable points and body colours.

How big is a Burmese rat?

Sable black Burmese rats are big and furry critters when measured from head to tail. They can grow up to 10-12 in (25-30 cm) long with their tail, especially a male with their Burmese gene!

These agouti black-eyed rodents have strong contrast dark brown points, with a few patches with darker points or even rich mid-brown darker points with a contrast between the points just like a seal point siamese! It's fascinating how a nutria rat is almost double the length of these rats!

How fast can a Burmese rat run?

The sable Burmese rats are some of the world's most athletic rodents, and if you were ever to see one sprint through your home with its tail wiggling, it would be an experience that is hard to forget. The fastest known black Burmese rat can run at up to 24 mph (38-40 kph).

How much does a weigh?

At an average weight of 0.4-0.8 lb (200-400 g), the sable Burmese rats offer great companionship without taking up too much room in your abode! Their docile nature makes them ideal pets that feel more like cohabitants rather than intruders!

These sable critters are perfect options for people with small homes or apartments! They are almost three times smaller than the largest rodents we know, the American beaver!

What are the male and female names of the species?

Males and females of the black sable Burmese rat are both known as just a "Burmese Rat".

Males are usually larger than females and have a darker shade of fur with either brown devoid of dinginess, patches with darker points, or even rich mid-brown darker points of black shades.

While the female's coat appears lighter in shade with a contrast between the points, making them more distinguishable with their points and body colour, and a beautiful pattern of brown devoid of dinginess along with some patches with darker points or shades!

What would you call a baby Burmese rat?

We are not sure what you would call a baby Burmese rat, but we know these Burmese babies with darker shades of brown devoid of dinginess along with some patches with darker points, and different points and body colour like to eat crickets. Even water rats have adorable little babies!

What do they eat?

Black sable Burmese rats are omnivores. They will eat fruits, vegetables, and meat!

These Russian blue/black rats live all over the world on every continent except for Antarctica (but there's a chance that one was smuggled aboard an Antarctic research vessel). These clever Siamese Burmese critters have adapted to local diets wherever possible by eating what is available locally: fruits, vegetables, or even other smaller animals, and insects.

Are they dangerous?

The wheaten Burmese rats do not pose a significant danger to humans. These Burmese critters are even so docile that they would rather eat off of the ground than from your plate, and will only attack if provoked or cornered for an extended period of time.

Would they make a good pet?

The black or wheaten Burmese rats are adorable and cute creatures that practically melt into your arms when you hold them! They're friendly little Burmese guys who love a good cuddle or some playtime too.

This is an animal lover's dream come true because this type of rat does not grow much and stays slightly tiny all its life, so they can live in smaller spaces. Some people love making black rats their beloved pets!

Did you know...

Albino rats are a rarity in the animal kingdom, but they do exist. They have the c locus.

The albinism is caused by the c locus which in turn causes an incomplete set of melanin pigments that leads to their distinctive white fur and pinkish-yellow eyes. Scientists have found out that the c locus is responsible for most of these specific characteristics.

Book yourself a show at AFRMA today and watch these cute critters living their best life!

Scientists are able to do experiments with brand-new medicines or treatments before they're even tested on humans, thanks to c h and h c gene transplants in lab rat models!

What kind of pet rats are there?

The fancy rat (Rattus norvegicus domestica), the Burmese black-eyed rat (Agouti burmese), the albino pink-eyed/red-eyed rats, commonly also known as Syrian hamsters (Rattus norvegicus), Norwegian rats (Rattus norvegicus), Siamese rats. Burmese silvermane rats , Mink rats, Dumbo rats.

Why are rats different colors?

The colors of rats have been studied for many years, but the actual causes are still unknown.

Most people believe that rat color is influenced by a gene or genetics plus the environmental factors such as food intake and light exposure based on which they may have darker ivory, cinnamon body points, and black eyes, or other darker shades across the body points.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover!  For more relatable content, check out these Indian giant squirrel facts and Japanese squirrel facts page.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable Burmese rat coloring pages.

*Please note that the main image is of a brown rat. If you have an image of a Burmese rat, let us know at

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Written by Iram Ashfaq

Bachelor of Dental Surgery, Master of Public Health

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Iram AshfaqBachelor of Dental Surgery, Master of Public Health

With a Bachelor's degree in Dental Surgery from Shaney Institute of Health Sciences and a Master's degree in Public Health from Imperial College London, Iram is a highly qualified and accomplished writer from Srinagar, India. Over the course of a year, she has acquired multiple writing certifications, focusing on health sciences and research studies. Prior to joining Kidadl, Iram gained valuable experience working as a content writer for Indian firms and interning at a New York-based company. Her expertise and passion for writing shine through in her ability to create compelling content across a variety of topics.

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