Fun California Least Tern Facts For Kids

Moumita Dutta
Jan 13, 2023 By Moumita Dutta
Originally Published on Sep 09, 2021
Edited by Luca Demetriou
Fact-checked by Sakshi Raturi
California least tern facts illustrate their colonies, breeding habitat, and behavior.

The California least tern (Sterna antillarum browni or Sternula antillarum browni) is known as the smallest tern species in North America. As one of the world's rarest birds, the California least tern should not be overlooked.

These small, graceful birds are known for their unique appearance and delicate nesting habits.

Clearly, as their name suggests, California least terns are primarily endemic to North America, specifically the Pacific Coast of California, Baja California, and San Francisco bay (until San Diego). However, the California least tern is a seasonal resident of California from April to September.

These North American bird species are migratory birds that migrate from coastal regions of California to South America. Nesting in colonies, these migratory birds are mostly found near shores and wetlands.

The population of this species is currently declining due to human activities such as development, resulting in pollution, and climate change. They live near the coast because they cannot fly high in the air like other sea birds.

If you want to know more facts about the California least tern, California least tern description, California least tern endangered, California least tern habitat, California least tern hunting, California least tern status, California least tern endemic, and more interesting facts, read this article.

If you liked reading the overview of this beautiful creature and want to read more, then you may read more on least tern and Arctic tern.

California Least Tern Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a California least tern?

California least terns are amongst the smallest North American terns belonging to the Laridae family.

What class of animal does a California least tern belong to?

California least tern (Sterna antillarum browni) belongs to the class of Aves.

How many California least terns are there in the world?

According to the last published estimation, there are 7100 pairs of this endangered bird species left in the world. There has been an increase in their population, as in 1973 there were only 600 pairs left.

Where does a California least tern live?

These little birds are often found at beaches, estuaries, beaches, wetlands, and salt marshes. Found only on the Pacific coast of North America and primarily in San Diego Counties and the San Francisco Bay, they are also found in Baja, California, Mexico.

The California least tern (Sterna antillarum browni) is a common seabird whose breeding occurs on the coast or bay of central and southern California and north to Oregon. This species has also been seen nesting as far east as Texas.

What is a California least tern's habitat?

The California least terns are an inhabitant of wetlands and coasts, or a bay but can also be found around freshwater ponds, lakes, streams, beaches, edges of large bodies of water such as oceans or rivers. They prefer open sandy beaches with shallow water and mudflats on the coast or freshwater wetlands inland.

These little birds prefer granular or sandy land situated close to a lagoon or bay. The gravelly ground should have a presence of some scanty vegetation so as to help these endangered species nest.

Who do California least terns live with?

California least terns generally nest in colonies that are mostly along the shoreline. However, lately, they are shifting to more inland coastal wetlands, also known as mudflats, in order to reduce human interaction and reach.

Apparently, this adaptation of theirs is helping the predators such as foxes, cats, and raccoons prey on them easily. Each colony consists of around 25 pairs of least terns. They are very sociable birds and usually travel in groups.

How long does a California least tern live?

California least terns have decent longevity; however, their exact lifespan is not yet known. Least Terns have an average lifespan of 15 - 20 years, but they do not usually fulfill their lifespan as their predators harm them. Caspian terns have a longer lifespan than them.

How do they reproduce?

The breeding habitat of the California least terns includes beaches, salt marshes, mudflats, coastal lagoons, prairie wetlands, and other freshwater marshy habitats. The female lays two eggs during the breeding season, which she incubates for about 23 days before the chicks hatch.

She will then care for her young ones until they're ready to fledge from their nest at about 20 - 22 days old. Females lay their eggs in nests on the ground, which they line with grasses and seaweed.

When it's time to make new chicks or when their nest is broken, they will build a new one, but not always on top of the old one to keep predators away from it. California least terns migrate to Southern California (San Diego) to breed during late winter and early spring.

Their eggs are beige in color with notes of purple and brown stripes.

What is their conservation status?

California least terns are listed as Endangered species according to publications in the U.S.A such as the Federal Endangered Species Act and the California Endangered Species Act. However, Least terns are listed as species of Least Concern according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN red list.

California Least Tern Fun Facts

What do California least terns look like?

They have distinctive black and white markings on their head, with a black cap and forehead, while their bodies are white. These bird species have yellowish-orange bills with black edges, orange feet, and gray wings with black edges.

Comparatively darker plumage, dark eye linings, grayish-white heads, and a darker beak are observed in the younger ones. The black cap, along with the black nape, makes them distinctive.

How cute are they?

They are a very cute bird species that are very adorable, but due to the decline in their population, they are not easily seen around.

How do they communicate?

These endangered bird species are very noisy as they usually travel in groups. They make shrill calls and high-pitched sounds. They use visual, acoustic, and tactile modes of communication.

How big is a California least tern?

On average, they are 8.3-9.5 in (21-24 cm) long. They are almost half the size of sooty terns. Royal terns, on the other hand, are more than twice the size of California least terns.

How fast can a California least tern fly?

These least terns do not fly at very higher altitudes. Mostly they hover and plunge so as to catch their prey. Therefore, any estimations on their flying speed are not yet done.

How much does a California least tern weigh?

California least terns are one of the smallest of all oceanic birds, weighing less than a pound. Most California least terns weigh 0.9-1.5 oz (25.5-42.5 g) in the wild.

What are the male and female names of the species?

There is no specific name for their group, but generally, a female is called a hen, and a male is called a cock.

What would you call a baby California least tern?

The young terns are called nestlings or fledglings.

What do they eat?

California least terns' hunting habits show how frequently they feed. Their diet consists of larval and adult insects, shrimps, squids, crustaceans, mollusks, tadpoles, small fish, carrion (dead animals), and occasionally plants. They get this food by flying over the water, trying to spot prey from above.

Are they dangerous?

No, they do not pose any danger to human beings.

Would they make a good pet?

No, as they are endangered, they are not allowed to be adopted. Moreover, they are habituated to live in the wild, and hence do not make good pets. California least tern behavior is something very unique about them as each one of them defends their colonies or nesting areas.

Did you know...

This endangered species is a magnificent creature that starts its courtship by doing a 'fish flight' in which the male carries a fish in order to attract a female. This process is followed by a series of more intimate interactions, including copulation. The male then offers the fish to the female, and she eats it during copulation.

Why are California least terns endangered?

The population of this species is currently declining due to human activities such as development and its results such as pollution, and climate change. They are often spotted at various National Wildlife Refuges.

The Port of Los Angeles, in cooperation with other agencies such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, is taking steps to protect California least tern, an endangered bird. In 1973, a concerted effort began to monitor the status of the bird colony.

According to the California least tern recovery plan, the goal was to provide protection, reduce threats, and improve the status and quality of nesting habitat on Pier 400. The colony at Pier 400 was monitored for over 40 years and has been noted as a success.

How far can a California least tern fly?

Usually, they do not fly over long distances, but they actively stalk schools of fish while foraging. At times they have traveled long distances as north as southern Oregon. However, the actual distance as to how far they can fly has not yet been calculated or approximated.

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You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable fish coloring pages.

Second image by Linda Tanner.

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Written by Moumita Dutta

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

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Moumita DuttaBachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

A content writer and editor with a passion for sports, Moumita has honed her skills in producing compelling match reports and stories about sporting heroes. She holds a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, Calcutta University, alongside a postgraduate diploma in Sports Management.

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Fact-checked by Sakshi Raturi

Postgraduate Diploma in Management

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Sakshi RaturiPostgraduate Diploma in Management

Sakshi has experience in marketing strategy, social media planning, and recruiting industry experts for capstone projects, she has displayed a commitment to enhancing their skills and knowledge. She has won multiple awards, including a Certificate of Appreciation for Creative Writing and a Certificate of Merit for Immaculate Turut, and is always seeking new opportunities to grow and develop.

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