Fun Common Bronzewing Facts For Kids

Rhea Nischal
May 03, 2023 By Rhea Nischal
Originally Published on Aug 05, 2021
Edited by Isobel Murphy
Discover captivating common bronzewing facts about its appearance, habitat, breeding, and feeding.

The common bronzewing, Phaps chalcoptera, is a beautiful and plump pigeon that possesses bronze, green, red, and blue iridescent feathers. These birds are quite similar to the attractive brush bronzewing bird.

Male common bronzewings have a dark brown colored cap, yellow-white forehead, and frons of cream-white color, whereas female common bronzewings are equally magnificent with their cap being gray-brown and the frons being light gray. Both male and female bronzewings have pink breasts.

Young common bronzewings are distinguishable from adults because they are dull and browner in comparison. Adults are known for their beautiful wing patches, which also gave these birds their common name.

This striking metallic wing patch is missing or concealed in young birds. Common bronzewings are medium-sized birds and they have a heavy build with a white line near their brownish-red eyes.

These mesmerizing species are native to Australia and have a wide range of habitats. They are normally seen in small flocks or pairs.

Common bronzewings are found all over Australia and they clap their wings noisily and fly in a direct flight if startled. Common bronzewings are herbivores known to feed on the ground.

They are also commonly referred to as the forest bronzewing. Keep reading to discover more about these magnificent birds of Australia!

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Common Bronzewing Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a common bronzewing?

Common bronzewing pigeons are a medium-sized striking bird species that is quite similar to brush bronzewing in appearance. Males and females are quite similar to each other, however, males possess a striking yellow and white forehead which isn't present in females.

What class of animal does a common bronzewing belong to?

The common bronzewing, Phaps chalcoptera, is a member of the Aves class of birds.

How many common bronzewings are there in the world?

The population size of this bird species hasn't been evaluated yet. This bird is native to Australia, just like the southern cassowary, and has a stable population trend.

Where does a common bronzewing live?

Like the short-eared owl, common bronzewings are found in an extensive range of habitats including arid and semi-arid areas (except barren areas). They can be spotted anywhere across the Australian continent (except barren areas of eastern West Australia's deserts).

Common bronzewings can also be normally seen in Tasmania and on many offshore islands. They are mostly locally nomadic, however, they are migratory in southwest Western Australia, where they depart in the summer season and arrive in the winter season.

What is a common bronzewing's habitat?

Common bronzewings are beautiful creatures that are endemic to the continent of Australia and can be spotted anywhere except eastern West Australia. This bird is normally seen in thick vegetation in thick scrubs, woodland, and forested areas, and this beautiful creature has also been observed near roads and dams.

It is a relatively shy bird that refrains from a close approach to humans.

These bronzewings build an untidy nest in which they lay their white eggs. This nest is usually built with sticks in a tree or bush at a low altitude.

Who do common bronzewings live with?

The common bronzewing can be seen in small flocks of its kind, foraging on the ground. It is normally flying around in pairs, flocks, or even alone.

In the wild, common bronzewings have a shy nature and do not let humans get close to them on foot. They might let cars get near them, possibly because cars appear harmless to them. On the other hand, in captivity, these creatures become the opposite of shy, talk about adaptability!

Like doves and crested pigeons, neither do common bronzewings like to live on farms nor close to people. These species do face a risk from a loss of habitat in recent years.

How long does a common bronzewing live?

Common bronzewing pigeons can live for as long as 25 years!

How do they reproduce?

Their breeding time depends upon their location. With the perfect environment settings, common bronzewings breeding can take place at any time during the year.

It has also been observed that common bronzewings use other species' nests after they have abandoned them. These bronzewings have no problem in re-using the nest!

Bronzewings build their own untidy nest inside an older mud nest out of sticks and twigs on a tree or bush without any hesitation, where the female lays her perfect pair of eggs. Both female and male bronzewings incubate their white eggs for about 15 days.

After hatching, the young birds, weighing just 0.28-0.31 oz (8-9 g), are nourished by their parents. Similar to other pigeons, young common bronzewings are nourished with the milk-like substance secreted by their parent pigeons.

Young common bronzewings are browner and duller in color in comparison with adults. The characteristic metallic wing patch that this bird is best known for isn't present on their body yet.

What is their conservation status?

This Australian pigeon has a Least Concern conservation status and they are endemic to Australia. It has a stable population size despite the risks it faces from illegal shooting and habitat loss. They aren't protected by any laws.

Common Bronzewing Fun Facts

What do common bronzewings look like?

Like the Indian peafowl, common bronzewings exhibit beautiful iridescent flight feathers in their wings. These wings possess dark-colored tips.

Their color range is extensive, namely, yellow, white, orange, gold, green, purple, and metallic brown. Common bronzewings are medium-sized pigeons that exhibit sexual dimorphism as males possess a yellow-white forehead which isn't present in females.

The frons (the forehead of animals) in females are light-gray colored and males possess a dark brownish cap whereas females possess a gray-brownish cap. Apart from these characteristics, the two sexes are pretty much identical.

Males and females both have a white line beneath their brownish-red eyes. Their front side is pink-gray colored, their neck's sides are gray-colored, whereas their back is a scalloped brown shade.

The bill of this bird is dark-grayish in color with dark pink-gray feet and limbs. Young common bronzewings have lesser iridescence and are duller than their parents and other adults, with the famous wing patch not present or visible.

How cute are they?

These Australian pigeons are very cute to look at. Especially their beautiful iridescent patches of feathers are mesmerizing to look at. Their plumage looks like it has colorful sparkle sprinkled over it!

How do they communicate?

These Australian pigeons produce a call with their bills closed. They hum via their nose and their call is a single low-pitched hoot that is repeated after a short interval of 2-3 seconds. They also have a distressed call.

How big is a common bronzewing?

This Australian pigeon varies between 11.1-14.1 in (30 cm-36 cm) in length. They are the same size as rock doves!

How fast can a common bronzewing fly?

They have a distinguishable way of flying with their wings clapping whilst making significant noise. Interestingly, common bronzewings and their cousins, bush bronzewings, are quite speedy fliers darting through bushes at high speed.

How much does a common bronzewing weigh?

A common bronzewing pigeon weighs between the range of 8.8-15.8 oz (250-450 g).

What are the male and female names of the species?

This species does not have specific names for males or females.

What would you call a baby Common bronzewing?

A baby of the common bronzewing is known as a hatchling, chick, or young.

What do they eat?

These pigeons are herbivores and feed upon seeds. They can even become quite docile if a human is feeding them food. They feed on the ground in small flocks comprising birds of their species. Common bronzewings are preyed upon by cats and dogs.

Are they dangerous?

No, common bronzewing pigeons are not at all dangerous.

Would they make a good pet?

Please check local laws and regulations about the suitability of the Common Bronzewings as pets.

Did you know...

Interestingly, the female of this bird species is seen to carry the male on its back, proving she has sturdy legs!

Are bronzewing pigeons protected?

These pigeons are not protected under any law in Australia.

What sounds do common bronzewings make?

Common bronzewings males have a low-pithed 'oom' which they repeat again and again after 2-3 seconds.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other birds from our roseate tern interesting facts or giant kingfisher surprising facts!

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring one in on our free printable common bronzewing coloring pages.

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Written by Rhea Nischal

Bachelor of Business Administration specializing in Management

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Rhea NischalBachelor of Business Administration specializing in Management

A background in Business Administration and Management from MCM DAV College, Rhea has led her to work for her father's global business. However, her passion for content production, where she manages operations to ensure all processes run smoothly. Outside of work, she enjoys playing the piano and spending time with her one-year-old nephew.

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