Fun Coqui Francolin Facts For Kids

Moumita Dutta
Oct 20, 2022 By Moumita Dutta
Originally Published on Sep 14, 2021
Coqui francolin facts are fun to know.

Do you want to know about a shy and beautiful francolin? Then keep reading this article to get to learn about the brightly colored coqui francolin.

The coqui francolin is a small bird found mainly in the south of Africa. The coqui francolin (Peliperdix coqui) belongs to the Galliformes order, family Phasianidae, and genus Peliperdix.

This species prefers savannas, dry scrubs, and grassland habitats. The Peliperdix coqui can also live on plateaus with high elevations of 6562 ft (2000 m).

Much like the other species in their family, these birds live with their offspring until the young ones are mature enough to live on their own. These male birds have reddish-brown heads while the females wear precise stripes on their heads.

Their white under feathers with black markings across the belly, yellow feet, distinct plumage patterns, and small almond eyes set them apart from other bird species. The bright Peliperdix coqui is the smallest francolin, yet has a very bold call with a series of cackling notes.

They can reproduce throughout the year, but most of the breeding activities take place between December and May. These females incubate the eggs while the male birds are mostly away.

The male Peliperdix coqui, however, plays an important role in marking territory. They climb to a high point and give out loud calls once they have found their preferred territory.

These birds are not adept fliers and mostly walk and run. They survive on an omnivorous diet and live for about four years in the wild.

Read on to learn many more amazing facts about these small birds, and if you like this article, do not forget to check out the black-chested buzzard-eagle and the blond-crested woodpecker.

Coqui Francolin Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a coqui francolin?

The coqui francolin is a bird of the Phasianidae family.

What class of animal does a coqui francolin belong to?

The coqui francolin belongs to the class Aves of the animal kingdom.

How many coqui francolins are there in the world?

Commonly found in large numbers in the southern part of Africa, the coqui francolin has a stable global population. However, the exact global population of this bird species cannot be quantified.

Where does a coqui francolin live?

The coqui francolin is the most common species of francolin, found primarily in southern Africa. The bird can also be spotted in Ethiopia and the western Sahel.

What is a coqui francolin's habitat?

The coqui francolin (Peliperdix coqui) is a resident bird and the preferred habitat choices of this species include dry scrublands, savannas, steppes, and grasslands. They are also spotted in bright forests as well as fields, and can also live on plateaus with elevations of 6562 ft (2000 m).

This species can also be spotted in areas with thick grasses, in their distribution range.

Who do coqui francolins live with?

There is not enough data to conclude whether these coqui francolins live alone or in groups. However, it has been observed that most francolins live in monogamous pairs with their offspring until the chicks are mature enough to live on their own.

How long does a coqui francolin live?

It has been observed that the coqui francolin lives around four years in its natural habitat.

How do they reproduce?

It can be concluded from various references that the coqui francolin (Peliperdix coqui) builds a shallow nest with grass and leaves. There is a lack of substantial data on their mating behavior, but after mating the female bird lays batches of about four to five small white eggs.

The breeding activities of Peliperdix coqui reach their peak between December and May.

Only the female takes part in the incubation process while the male bird is away. After the incubation period, the eggs hatch to give birth to the young chicks.

What is their conservation status?

The International Union for Conservation of Nature or IUCN Red List has listed the coqui francolin as Least Concern, which is based on their almost stable worldwide population. Their population is not facing any risks at the moment.

Coqui Francolin Fun Facts

What do coqui francolins look like?

The coqui francolin (Peliperdix coqui) is a small species of bird of the Phasianidae family. These brightly colored birds are quite shy.

The male bird has a reddish-brown head, while the female members of the species have precisely striped heads. Both male and female Peliperdix coqui have dark markings on the lower side of their body. These birds also have intricate plumage patterns.

How cute are they?

The shy coqui francolin is an extremely adorable bird species, and it is primarily because of its bright appearance and small size, just like the bobwhite quail.

How do they communicate?

The coqui francolin species has a bold and distinctive call. They give out repeated 'co-qui' calls and can also be heard making a short series of cackling notes.

How big is a coqui francolin?

The coqui francolin can grow up to a length of 7.9-9.8 in (20-25 cm). When compared to a gray francolin with a length of 10.2-13.4 in (26-34 cm), the coqui francolin is smaller. They are almost the same size as the California quail.

How fast can a coqui francolin fly?

It is not known how fast the Peliperdix coqui flies, however, there is enough data to conclude that francolins, as a species, do not fly well. Their chubby bodies, thick necks, and short and round wings are not best suited for flying. Instead, they mostly prefer to walk and run.

How much does a coqui francolin weigh?

The coqui francolin weighs 8-10 oz (227–284 g). Compared to them, mountain quails are slightly lighter.

What are the male and female names of the species?

These male birds are called cocks, while females are called hens.

What would you call a baby coqui francolin?

A baby Peliperdix coqui is called a chick.

What do they eat?

This omnivorous bird species eats seeds, vegetable matter, and small insects much like the other species in their family. They have sturdy beaks which help these birds to dig at the base of grass and leaf foliages. These coqui francolins love to feed on fruits as well.

Are they dangerous?

The coqui francolin is a rather shy and retiring species and is not known to have caused any serious harm to humans.

Would they make a good pet?

This Peliperdix coqui species can easily be kept as pets. They do not cause many problems and owing to their reserved nature, are easy to take care of.

Did you know...

These birds were formerly classified under the genus Peliperdix. According to a 2020 study, Schlegel's francolin and the white-throated francolin were together classified under a new genus, Campocolinus.

Is a coqui francolin a quail?

These coqui francolins are terrestrial birds of the family Phasianidae and are mostly restricted to Africa, although a few of these birds could be spotted in Asia. Quails are popular game birds and while Old World quails belong to the family Phasianidae, New World quails belong to the family Odontophoridae. So, the two birds are not the same.

Do coqui francolin birds migrate?

A coqui francolin is a game bird that is endemic to Africa. These birds do not migrate.

There was a great range-change among this species which led to a lot of them shifting to habitats of diverse vegetation. This had led to a sharp decline in the population of this bird from its former preferred tall grass and woodland habitats in the south of Africa.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! For more relatable content, check out these flamingo facts and cock-of-the-rock facts for kids.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable crescent moon and owl coloring pages.

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Written by Moumita Dutta

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

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Moumita DuttaBachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

A content writer and editor with a passion for sports, Moumita has honed her skills in producing compelling match reports and stories about sporting heroes. She holds a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, Calcutta University, alongside a postgraduate diploma in Sports Management.

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