Fun Cuban Parakeet Facts For Kids

Moumita Dutta
Oct 20, 2022 By Moumita Dutta
Originally Published on Sep 02, 2021
Edited by Katherine Cook
Cuban parakeet facts talk about the feathers of this parakeet species.

The Cuban parakeet (Psittacara euops) is a species of bird and a subspecies of parrots. They have multiple names including Aratinga Cubana.

Part of the Psittacidae family, the conservation status of these avian creatures from the order Psittaciformes is currently Endangered and the population of this group of birds is rapidly declining. Their habitat range is also being destroyed by deforestation.

This species of parakeets are similar to the Aratinga of Brazil. The Aratinga is also a subspecies of parrots.

In Spanish, the Cuban parakeet is called Conure de Cuba, and in German, Kubasittich. The diet of these birds is known to consists of seeds and fruits.

These Psittaciformes birds are part of the parrot family, yet they are comparatively small to parrots. The bill is horn-colored and the rest of the body is green. The feathers are green with spots of red.

The Cuban parakeet birds migrates within the island, but due to their population declining, this is no longer commonly seen. They are difficult to spot because of their small size as well.

Most of their nesting trees have been destroyed due to a hurricane in 1996 and they tend to make their nests inside of tree cavities. In 1832, they were all over Cuba but now are endangered.

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Cuban Parakeet Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a Cuban parakeet?

The Cuban parakeet (Psittacara euops) is a species of bird that is endemic to Cuba. These birds are also called Aratinga Cubana.

In Spanish, they are called the Conure de Cuba, and in German, they are known as Kubasittich. Their breeding patterns are similar to the family that they belong to which is Psittaciformes. However, one should not confuse them with the other parrot species native to Cuba, the Cuban Amazon.

What class of animal does a Cuban parakeet belong to?

The Cuban parakeet (Psittacara euops), Cuban conure, or Conure de Cuba is part of the bird or Aves class of animals. These birds are a subspecies of parrots with their genus and family being Psittacara and Psittacidae, respectively. Their population has been declining due to deforestation.

How many Cuban parakeets are there in the world?

There are only about 1500-7000 Cuban parakeet (Psittacara euops) birds left in the world, endemic to their native range on the island of Cuba. Their population has been rapidly declining and their conservation status is considered to be Vulnerable.

The Conure de Cuba or Aratinga euops is considered to be a species of bird that is closely related to parrots.

Where does a Cuban parakeet live?

The Cuban parakeet (Psittacara euops) lives in Cuba and they can often be found in South Cuba. In 1832, they were found all over Cuba, but due to deforestation and the hurricane in 1996, their population has dwindled. Some conservation measures have been put in place since 2006 to stop the range decline of the Aratinga bird.

What is a Cuban parakeet's habitat?

Aratinga euops birds prefer to live in the habitat range of a dry forest, dry savannah, or arable land. This bird is native to Cuba. Unfortunately, the Cuban parakeet habitat is being threatened by deforestation, making this species of birds endangered.

Who do Cuban parakeets live with?

The Aratinga de Cuba or Aratinga Cubana live in small groups or in pairs. The Aratinga de Cuba lives in trees and build its nests, preferably in palm trees.

However, some reports claim that two parakeets tend to not live with each other for long and stay isolated. There are not a lot of photos of this bird with other birds. The photos of parakeets show them to be alone or with their own kind.

How long does a Cuban parakeet live?

This bird can survive between the range of 15- 40 years. They are victims of illegal trade as they are a rare species.

They can be captured easily as it has been found that this bird tends to only take flight as it gets older. Since they are part of the illegal bird trade, it is tough for them to survive. The lifespan of the Kubasittich was also found have declined after the 1996 hurricane on the island.

How do they reproduce?

The breeding season for the Conure de Cuba or Aratinga euops is around April to July and their nesting season is around the same time as well. These species of Aratinga tend to nest in nesting cavities that have been made by other birds.

Most of their nesting trees had been destroyed due to a hurricane in 1996. Since they are part of the parakeet family, their nests and breeding patterns are the same.

The incubation period for a juvenile is 22 days. By the time it is winter, they travel with their parents to look for food. A juvenile is kept in the tree cavities where the nest is made.

What is their conservation status?

The Cuban parakeet endangered status is now classified as Vulnerable by the International Union For Conservation Of Nature or the IUCN. Cutting down forests, hunting, and illegal trade are three of the reasons why they have been given this classification.

Cuban Parakeet Fun Facts

What do Cuban parakeets look like?

These birds are green in color and their feathers have a hint of red around the neck. They are bill-horn colored and the ring around their eye is white.

The length of the bird is small and can be spotted in trees due to its long and pointy tail. These creatures are found to be Vulnerable as their nests are made in tree cavities and due to deforestation, they are being destroyed.

How cute are they?

The Cuban parakeet is considered a cute bird as it is similar to parrots. While they are not as colorful as Amazon parrots, they have a red beak with a white eye-ring.

They may be photogenic but are rarely seen. These birds are predominantly present in south Cuba. The host of different names associated with them also adds to their appeal.

How do they communicate?

These species of birds communicate through low and whispering perched notes, but when they are in flight, it is a loud call.

How big is a Cuban parakeet?

The Cuban parakeet is 10.1 in (26 cm) in size. This species of parrots are smaller than other Psittaciformes species. They are about 50 percent smaller in length and size range than other parakeet species. On the other hand, the monk parakeet is very similar to them in size.

How fast can a Cuban parakeet fly?

It is not really known how fast these birds can fly.

How much does a Cuban parakeet weigh?

A Cuban parakeet weighs around the range of 1.3 oz (90 g).

What are the male and female names of the species?

A Cuban parakeet male and a Cuban parakeet female have no special name.

What would you call a baby Cuban parakeet?

A baby Cuban parakeet is called a juvenile.

What do they eat?

The diet of these Aratinga birds consists of fruits and seeds. The land in Cuba is fertile and ideal for growing fruits and seeds which is ideal for theis species of parrots.

Are they poisonous?

The Cuban parakeet is not poisonous.

Would they make a good pet?

The Cuban conure would not make an ideal pet unless you were living in Cuba. Since they have been listed as a Vulnerable species, it would be preferred if they were left in their natural habitat.

It is best if they are kept in their natural habitat as they would be happier there. Unlike parrots, these parakeets like to stay in isolation and do not like human company. They can sometimes be seen in zoos and enclosures around the world.

Did you know...

The Cuban parakeet loves to nest in the cavities made by the Cuban green woodpecker. They take over the wood cavity in order for them to make their nests.

How do Cuban parakeets get their food?

Since the Cuban parakeet is similar to parrots, they get their food from the trees in the forest. In order for the bird to live, it needs trees and can sometimes coexist with two other birds.

Are Cuban parakeets endangered?

The Cuban parakeet natural habitat is being threatened due to deforestation and that is why they have been listed Vulnerable under the endangered species Red List. Their forests are being cut down in Cuba.

While they were once common in Cuba until 1832, their endangered status was affected even further due to the 1996 hurricane that affected the nation. Conservation efforts are important to protect this species.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other birds from our red-backed shrike facts and vesper sparrow facts pages.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable parakeet coloring pages.

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Written by Moumita Dutta

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

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Moumita DuttaBachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

A content writer and editor with a passion for sports, Moumita has honed her skills in producing compelling match reports and stories about sporting heroes. She holds a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, Calcutta University, alongside a postgraduate diploma in Sports Management.

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