Fun Cyprus Warbler Facts For Kids

Moumita Dutta
Oct 20, 2022 By Moumita Dutta
Originally Published on Aug 18, 2021
Edited by Katherine Cook
Cyprus warbler facts talk about the identification process of these warbler birds.

Old World warbler birds constitute more than 400 distinct species and 70 genera throughout the world. The national bird of Cyprus, the Cyprus warbler (Curruca melanothorax), is often mistaken for a Sardinian warbler. The most prominent distinction is that, unlike the Sardinian warbler, this bird species possesses heavily spotted black underparts.

Two types of songs produced by a warbler have been identified. One is is crooned to attract and please mating partners and the other is sung to defend territory.

Since the bird mostly remains on the ground, foraging for food in bushes and dense vegetation covers, its presence cannot be detected by sight. This passerine bird can be identified through its calls and songs. The warbler spends the non-breeding seasons and the winters in Egypt or Turkey.

These warblers are abundant but some threats have been associated with their diminishing populations. Loss of habitat due to urban development and exploitative agricultural practices have affected this species adversely.

For more relatable content, check out these palm warbler facts and pine warbler facts for kids.

Cyprus Warbler Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a Cyprus warbler?

Belonging to the Passeriformes order, the Cyprus warbler (Curruca melanothorax) is a medium-sized migratory bird. The Cyprus warbler is a type of warbler bird.

What class of animal does a Cyprus warbler belong to?

The Cyprus warbler has been classified under the class Aves of the Sylviidae family, genus Slyvia.

How many Cyprus warblers are there in the world?

The global population of the Cyprus warbler with its total number of mature individuals was estimated at 140,000-279,999 in 2015. Nevertheless, the population trend has also projected a significant decrease in the future.

Where does a Cyprus warbler live?

Endemic to the Cyprus island, this species is partly migratory. This warbler bird resides in Lebanon as well while its non-breeding dwelling places include Sudan, Spain, Israel, and Jordan. During harsh winters, the bird travels to the Middle East. The species covers a short distance mostly to Turkey and Egypt.

What is a Cyprus warbler's habitat?

The habitat range of the Cyprus warbler includes shrublands, woodlands, pine and oak forests, and thick bushes where these birds are prevalent in large numbers. This bird can also be traced to rocky hill regions as well as agricultural lands with dense vegetation.

These birds can be located in non-breeding areas like coasts and lowlands with sparse vegetative cover. Breeding generally occurs in scrub country and maquis, especially medium-height cypress and junipers.

Who do Cyprus warblers live with?

Generally, the warbler is not very social and prefers to stay aloof. However, it also dwells in small to large flocks of about 10-30 members depending on the season. The warbler flies off in small groups during the winters.

How long does a Cyprus warbler live?

In general, warblers have a very short life expectancy. The average lifespan of warblers is about two years.

How do they reproduce?

This bird species is monogamous. The breeding season commences from the end of March and finishes in June. During this time, strong rivalry is noticed among the males as they sing songs to appease a female.

After conception, the female starts nesting. The nest is constructed in low bushes about 12-47 in (30-120 cm) above the surface.

Primary nesting materials include stems and grass which are put together with cobwebs, hair, finer grass, and other materials. The female bird usually lays around four to five eggs. Both parents feed the hatchlings.

What is their conservation status?

The Cyprus warbler (Curruca melanothorax) has been categorized under a status of Least Concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List. These birds are widespread within their geographical range which is why they received this conservation status.

Warbler species like the cerulean warblers have already been considered to be Near Threatened while the aquatic warblers are Vulnerable. Therefore, it is necessary to take up adequate measures before the condition of the Cyprus warblers follows this trend.

Cyprus Warbler Fun Facts

What do Cyprus warblers look like?

The medium-sized Cyprus warbler bird possesses reddish-brown eyes with a reddish orbital ring around each eye and a black tail with whitish tips. During the breeding season, males have a black head as well as dark gray underparts. Their underparts are heavily spotted with black. Females have a gray-brown head and dark gray breast and throat.

They are not heavily spotted like the males. The wingspan of this bird is around 6-7 in (15-18 cm). A juvenile Cyprus warbler has similar identification traits to the Sardinian warbler juvenile.

How cute are they?

Birds are beautiful creatures of nature. The idea of cuteness differs from person to person, some consider Cyprus warblers extremely cute while others don't find them adorable. Their gray color is very interesting and their gray feathers are extremely soft as well. Blackburnian warblers, belonging to the warbler family, are cuter than Cyprus warblers due to their vibrant appearance.

How do they communicate?

Birds communicate through a variety of calls including flight calls, alarm calls, and others. Loud, rattling 'tchit', 'ti', and 'tk' sounds have been identified with this species.

How big is a Cyprus warbler?

The average length of a Cyprus warbler is around 5.3 in (13.5 cm). The species is even smaller than palm warblers measuring approximately 7.9-8.3 in (20-21 cm) in length.

How fast can a Cyprus warbler fly?

The accurate speed range of the Cyprus warbler is yet to be discovered. However, warblers can achieve a speed of up to 30 mph (48.3 kph).

How much does a Cyprus warbler weigh?

The average weight of Cyprus warblers is in the range of 0.02-0.03 lb (9·4–15 g) owing to its medium size.

What are the male and female names of the species?

Neither male or female Cyprus warbler birds have distinct names. They are called male and female Cyprus warblers.

What would you call a baby Cyprus warbler?

A baby Cyprus warbler is referred to as a chick, hatchling, or nestling. Warbler chicks are very cute.

What do they eat?

Cyprus warblers, endemic to the island of Cyprus, indulge in an omnivorous diet consisting of invertebrates like midges, flies, butterflies, and spiders. This bird species also feeds on several wild berries.

Are they friendly?

Curruca melanothorax of Passeriformes order are shy birds. They prefer to remain aloof, hidden among bushes, and tend to avoid human contact. They portray aggressive territorial behavior. Some are more aggressive and others are comparatively gentle. The Sardinian warbler also exhibits a certain amount of aggression.

Would they make a good pet?

Rearing wild birds as pets is considered an illegal offense in many countries. The behavior of the Cyprus warbler as a household pet is not known as the bird is usually not kept as a pet.

Did you know...

Did you know that a group of warblers is called a 'confusion'?

Migration for this species occurs between late September and early October.

With an average length of 4.2 in (10.6 cm), the Lucy's warbler is believed to be the smallest New World warbler.

What does the Cyprus warbler's call sound like?

A Cyprus warbler utters the long rattling 'tcharr-tcharr-tcharr-tcharr' call. The shrill 'tchek' is the common contact call. A male bird sings to compete with other males so that it can win a mating partner. A warbler also sings to mark and defend territories.

What makes a warbler a warbler?

Any small songbird belonging to the Sylviidae family, genus Sylvia can be classified as an Old World warbler. Peucedramidae and Parulidae are also included in the warbler family.

They are known for their insectivorous tendencies and are essentially small-sized birds with slender, small beaks. The color of their plumage includes olive, green, buff, black, and brown. It is by their distinct, loud call that you might spot a Cyprus warbler concealed among the bushes.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other birds from our sea eagle facts and white gyrfalcon facts pages.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable Canada warbler coloring pages.

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Written by Moumita Dutta

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

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Moumita DuttaBachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

A content writer and editor with a passion for sports, Moumita has honed her skills in producing compelling match reports and stories about sporting heroes. She holds a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, Calcutta University, alongside a postgraduate diploma in Sports Management.

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