Do Bats Hibernate? Do They Spend Their Winters In The 'Batcave'?

Martha Martins
Nov 02, 2023 By Martha Martins
Originally Published on Jan 07, 2022
Group of sleeping lyie's flying foxes on tree.

Bats are the only mammals that can actually fly, making them one of a kind.

Humans benefit from their presence because they help manage many insects and mosquitoes by eating them during the spring, summer, and early fall. Bats go into hibernation in the winter because they know that extreme cold weather scares away insects.

Bats go into hibernation in October and November and then emerge in March. The hibernation period is referred to as 'torpor'. Bat species can limit the amount of energy in their physique by up to 98% during this time.

Temperature fluctuations in different climates around the world can cause bat hibernation patterns to differ by region. Bats may be able to eat and stay energetic throughout the year in parts of Florida and other states in the south of the United States.

If bat species are disturbed when hibernating, they will awaken and fly for a short time. This depletes their food reserves and they may due as a result. Bats that are hibernating should be left alone.

At what temperature do bats hibernate?

Bats hibernate during the winter. Hibernation is a prolonged state of deep slumber (or torpor) that allow animals to survive harsh winter conditions. Their body temperature drops and their metabolic rate slows, allowing them to conserve energy and rely on fat reserves rather than foraging for food. Bats require chilly roosts that remain at a constant temperature during hibernation.

Some species of bats require temperatures between 35-40 F (1.6-4.4 C) to hibernate. If the weather becomes cooler, bats in the attic will move out, allowing you to close gaps and other entry sites after the weather has passed.

Bats are the only vertebrates that have been able to successfully use caverns as permanent shelters. Although bats use caves all year, their most essential role in temperate bat ecology is as a hibernaculum.

When a bat hibernates, its temperature drops to a level that is comparable to the surrounding temperature. In other words, the bat becomes as icy as the environment around it.

A bat's heart rate falls to around 20 beats per minute. To keep warm, a bat does not require much food.

They can sustain this for five to six months by consuming a small amount of the food they have stored in their bodies. They lose a quarter to half of their weight and appear significantly leaner when they emerge from hibernation.

Do bats hibernate in houses?

The majority of people believe that bats only live in caves and hibernate there. Big brown bats are hardy enough to make it through the winter inside houses, hibernating in walls and attics to be hot and safe. Big brown bats are more prone to reside inside houses than small brown bats.

The big brown bat is a bat species that hibernates in Michigan homes. This species hibernates and lives in territories.

Bats migrate to residences if they reside in a location where the winters are cold because bats do not like cold climates. Their target will be an older house with at least two stories.

Due to the quantity of space available in a huge attic, an entire bat colony may move in. Bats rely on one another to stay hot and prefer to build their nests together.

During winter climates, a bat may make an appearance in your home. From late fall (October/November) through early spring (March/April) in summer, they hibernate.

Species of bats were once thought to hibernate in caves or mines, but we now know that many hibernate within homes and buildings. Bat colonies are frequently found in rock crevices, mines, caves, or other isolated sites since most bats prefer to hibernate in dark and lonely places.

A bat may hibernate in close quarters with people. Little brown bats and big brown bats are particularly fond of roosting in houses and other structures.

The intense heat helps bat species to focus less on staying hot and more on spending their energy on expanding, therefore their maternity colonies are typically seen in attics through late summer. Some people may decide to stay for the entire winter.

During the winter, to avoid scorching their stored fat, bats travel as little as necessary. These pests, however, may survive around the house looking for insects if they are awakened by loud noises, lights, or increased temperatures.

Bats that are unable to get sustenance frequently die, and attics and hollow walls decay. People that come across a colony by accident may frighten the colony as a whole, resulting in a frantic, scared clamor.

Bats also get into the nest for insulation to keep their bodies hot. Mites, fleas, ticks, and even bat parasites on their bodies have the potential to spread around homes as a result of this behavior.

You should also begin to consider the region surrounding your home. Bats are drawn to hollow, dead trees.

They also like regions with consistent water sources, so if you dwell near a river, pond, or lake, you'll have an advantage. Every year, hundreds of hibernating bats migrate to the same spots each year covering long distances in the process.

It's critical to maintain your home secure, which includes controlling any undesirable visitors. Bats may not be the most attractive animals, but they, like us, seek a place to call home.

They don't want to hurt you in any way. You'll be better prepared to cope with the situation and learn about measures to prevent it in the future if you know when and where they hibernate and how they can enter your home.

As a result, just attempting to wait out a sleeping bat infestation is not a viable long-term remedy. After establishing that there are no bats inside, any holes in a home's external walls or gaps around vents must be shut.

Do bats poop when they hibernate?

During hibernation, bats do not metabolize food or go through the digestive process. So, bats don't poop while hibernating.

We know a lot about bats, but we don't know where bats migrate in the winter. Although some colonies have been followed, there are some species of bats that leave no trace of their location.

When hibernating, bats do need to urinate and poop on occasion. When their bodies wake them up, they either fly away and poop while flying or find a perch where they can stay upright and release themselves. They go back to sleep after that.

Do bats awaken during hibernation?

Every couple of weeks, big brown bats awaken. They may move about or even fly short distances during this waking phase. They may fall through a crack in a recessed light fixture, cold air return, open attic hatch, or wall during this period.

Some species of bats are frequently reported in basements. This is because there isn't much food (flying insects) for them to eat. They would starve if they stayed awake in a warm home without hibernating. While certain bats are capable of activity throughout their hibernating period, due to their unique self-preservation method, they are usually inactive.

To preserve energy, a bat's metabolism slows down as it hibernates. Every day, its body enters and exits torpor, a profound resting condition in which its heart rate decreases from 200-300 beats per minute to that as low as 10 beats per minute.

This keeps the bat's power level at 2% of normal levels, allowing it to survive for up to six months on just a modest amount of stored body fat.

During hibernating, a bat can lose up to half of its body weight. A bat may also adjust to its surroundings while in torpor.

Are bats active during hibernation?

Although certain bats are susceptible to activity throughout their hibernation phase, they are normally dormant due to their unique self-preservation mechanism. To preserve energies, a bat's metabolism slows down as it hibernates.

Bats don't always hibernate for the entire winter. They will often get up on warm nights to go foraging for insects.

Researchers discovered that most bats spend the majority of their hibernation period in a state of numbness, only being active for 1-2% of the time. When bats suddenly awake, it is normally followed by a quick rise in body temperature from 35-66 F (2-19 C).

This means that when bats have to wake up after hibernation, they need to use lots of energy.

Some bats wake up more often during hibernation than others and this depends on how much energy they retain. Although some species of bats can only raise their body temperature by a degree or two every two minutes, it can take an hour or more to become fully active.

Bats go into hibernation in mid-October and remain dormant until March. Bats need to find roosts where they can keep warm and protected while hibernating.

Bats are defenseless while in hibernation and they seek out dark, quiet, and sheltered areas where they will be secure from predators. Hibernation in bats is unique in that they may stay inactive, in a state of torpor, for extremely long periods of time.

The ordinary little brown bat can hibernate for up to six months or only sleep for a few hours.

What to do if you find a bat in the winter?

If you locate a bat in the winter and the temperature is above freezing, release the animal outside. It should be able to find a new spot for hibernation, under some bark, a hole in a tree, but ideally not back in your attic!

If the temperature is below freezing, put the bat in a box overnight until the temperature rises throughout the day, then release the bat. These animals should not be kept in this condition for lengthy periods of time since they will quickly dehydrate in the house's warm temperatures.

If a little brown bat, or another type of bat, enters your home during a protracted deep freeze, call a local wildlife rehabilitator who is licensed to handle animals suffering from rabies or other diseases to see if they can take the bat.

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Written by Martha Martins

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Linguistics

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Martha MartinsBachelor of Arts specializing in Linguistics

Martha is a full-time creative writer, content strategist, and aspiring screenwriter who communicates complex thoughts and ideas effectively. She has completed her Bachelor's in Linguistics from Nasarawa State University. As an enthusiast of public relations and communication, Martha is well-prepared to substantially impact your organization as your next content writer and strategist. Her dedication to her craft and commitment to delivering high-quality work enables her to create compelling content that resonates with audiences.

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