Dog Biting Nails: Here Are The Reasons And What To Do About It

Shagun Dhanuka
Mar 10, 2023 By Shagun Dhanuka
Originally Published on Nov 23, 2021
Edited by Jacob Fitzbright
Portrait of a Great Dane

A dog biting its nails and licking its paws from time to time is common so don't be surprised if your pet starts chewing their nails; it's a natural part of their grooming routine.

Many dogs chew their nails on occasion, but if your dog chews its toes or claws regularly, it may have a medical or behavioral problem. Additional signs of canine claw disorders include painful walking, swelling around the claws, and brittle or irregular nails.

Nail-biting should be handled with your veterinarian because it can cause bleeding and subsequent illnesses. Humans do not find nail-chewing attractive, and animals do not find it healthy either.

It's not a typical habit for dogs, whether it's an occasional chew or your dog is a chronic nail biter, it might suggest a variety of issues. One of the indicators that your pet has an allergy is them chewing their nails or paw.

Canine atopy is more prevalent if your dog exhibits symptoms every year or all year. Itching, the most common symptom of atopy, usually occurs between the toes.

Excessive nail-biting could also be a sign of a medical problem. A dog chewing his nails repeatedly can result in injuries, blood, and secondary illnesses.

Continue reading to learn more about why your dog is biting nails and the health reasons behind it. After this, you may also look at other fun fact articles for children like a dog shaking headand dog licking paws.

Why do dogs bite nails?

Grooming can lead to a dog chewing its nails, especially if they are quite long and painful. They do, however, bite more frequently for medical reasons, like as allergies, skin conditions or infections, or even anxiousness.

So, what could cause dog paws to be uncomfortable? While there can be many reasons why your dog may be gnawing at its nails, we'll look into some of the most prevalent ones in this post.

Your dog's nails can grow too long if the trimming is not done properly and regularly, making walking unpleasant or even painful. Fractures and other injuries can occur as a result of overgrown nails.

Make it a habit to trim or cut your dog's nails if you hear them clicking on the floor. Nail trimmers can be found in almost any pet store. However, if you're not confident in your ability to cut your dog's nails safely and properly, hire a professional groomer to do the trimming.

Your dog's nails require a trim and some grooming regularly. While cutting the nail, it can chip, rip, or break accidentally.

If a dog's nail splits, breaks, or tears during a trim it can bleed or become extremely uncomfortable. Although this is a typical injury in dogs with them biting their nails, it is recommended that you take them to the veterinarian if the broken nails appear to be too serious as they might lead to other health hazards.

Our dogs, like us, can become bored if they aren't stimulated enough. When dogs are bored, especially when they are alone and not having fun, they may try to amuse themselves by licking or chewing their nails which might also lead to broken nails if done too harshly.

If they don't have their favorite treats, toys, or bone, they may try to entertain themselves by biting or licking their paw.

Your dog may develop unpleasant behaviors, such as biting their nails, as a way to pass the time.

When a dog gets bored, they may engage in a variety of other related undesirable activities like bored dogs may chew up furniture or shoes, for example. They may try to escape the yard, or boredom may cause them to chew on their nails.

During times of extreme tension, many dogs might develop destructive habits such as chewing their nail. Self-trauma behaviors might be triggered by confinement, phobias, or separation anxiety.

Some dogs are uneasy or neurotic. Your dog may chew on its nails to soothe his nervousness if it is suffering from separation anxiety or is concerned about its surroundings. If your dog is fearful and worried, he may destroy his paws with his sharp teeth.

Here are some common indications to look for if your dog is nervous: nail chewing or biting their paws, peeing or pooping inside the house, highly hostile, pants constantly, depression, destructive behavior, and incessant barking

Swollen, oozing, and shattered nails are common symptoms of this illness, which are often caused by another condition like being infected by parasites. If only one claw is infected, the cause is most likely trauma, however, numerous infected claws indicate other medical issues.

Some common symptoms of other underlying medical issues are fever and mood swings. Your dog's nails might grow unnaturally and get irritated due to a variety of parasites.

Demodex mites, for example, can cause pain and irritation in a dog's paws. Demodicosis is the medical term for this ailment.

Allergies are a common yet severe cause of gnawing on the toes and nails in dogs. Pollen, mold, allergens even fleas could cause an allergic reaction or infections on your dog's skin.

Itching between the toes and around the nail beds or other parts of the skin can also be caused by food sensitivities. Because of the itchiness, dogs lick their feet and bite their nails.

Because the moisture and infection in the saliva foster a secondary bacterial or fungal infection on the feet, it's critical to cease this behavior as soon as you notice it.

The paws are frequently affected by atopy, which is a form of allergy. Atopy (also known as atopic dermatitis) causes dogs to chew their nail and lick their paws regularly.

What does it mean when dogs bite nails?

It's not a good idea for your pet to gnaw on their feet since it can exacerbate any underlying severe issues, such as allergies or anxiety, or plain discomfort. A groomer not doing his work properly can cause dogs to chew their nails, especially if their nails are quite long and painful.

They do, however, bite more frequently for medical reasons, like fungal allergies, skin disease or illness, or even anxiety.

Dogs chewing their nails can be an indication of nervousness and may be identified as such, especially if it occurs in conjunction with other anxious behaviors like cowering or pacing.

While talking to your vet is the best way to figure out the causes and treat it with the best medication for nail-biting, especially if your pet does it frequently, there are a few things pet owners can do to see if it helps.

When a dog bites its paw, it's critical to figure out what's causing the problem so it can be remedied by the appropriate medication as prescribed by a vet.

Your dog could find their paws to be itchy that leads to them biting its nails because it is suffering from a skin infection. Separation anxiety can cause nail-biting in certain dogs. If you've left your dog alone all day while you're gone, they could be stressed.

An allergy can sometimes be the cause of a dog gnawing its nails. Some allergens from the outside may have stuck themselves to your dog's paw.

Boredom can cause a dog to engage in a variety of undesirable activities, including gnawing its nails. The nails may be overly long, which might lead to a dog pulling nails which would cause bacterial infection, fungal infection to any other kinds of infections.

Dogs biting their nails can be a very distressing event. There could be a medical reason for your dog's undesirable habit. Take them to the veterinarian to assess the best course of treatment.

Brown chihuahua dog posing in fallen leaves

How to stop dogs from biting nails?

It's usually not a cause for concern if your dog chews on its nails now and then just like humans but you should only interfere if the situation becomes a long-term issue that is not healthy. If they begin to bite their paw regularly, you must determine the source of the problem and take appropriate action.

Your vet will be able to assist you in identifying the underlying causes and making advice for how to put an end to and treat your dog's discomfort.

Just as there are a variety of reasons why your dog chews their paw, there are also a variety of ways you can help your dog break the behavior.

Make sure your dog's nails are clipped regularly; if they get too long, they can cause a variety of problems, including bacterial infection, itchiness, or fungal infection. Keep their nails clean, wash their paws after coming back from a walk and make sure they get regular grooming sessions as required.

Avoid exposing your dog to hazardous chemicals and avoid things that cause allergic responses like food, or some itchy ointment. Do you use pesticides regularly? If this is the case, don't let your dog walk on the sprayed grass until the chemical has dried, or else it would harm their skin.

To keep your dog occupied and avoid boredom and anxiety, make sure it has some toys, receives attention, and gets daily exercise like a walk on the grass. But also make sure to clean their paws after a walk to avoid pollen or allergens getting stuck in nails.

Overall, you should check on your pet frequently, keep a close eye on its paws, and contact your vet right away if you see any injury like broken nails, illness, or other irregularities like skin itchiness, allergy to certain foods, or a skin infection.

What to do when the dog is biting nails?

If your dog has been chewing on its paw or toes excessively, you should have them assessed for any medical disorders that could be impacting them. Take note of when and where your dog bites its nails, how often it bites its nails, the quality of its nails and feet, and any other signs you may have seen.

All of these criteria can aid in the diagnosis of your dog by their vet.

Preventing excessive nail-biting and chewing is the best strategy to deal with it. Cleaning and clipping their nails regularly will greatly lessen the likelihood of uncomfortable, broken nails.

While talking to your veterinarian is the best way to figure out the causes and remedies for nail-biting, especially if your pet does it frequently, there are a few things pet owners can do to see if it helps.

Dogs can also be treated with medicine for allergies or anxiety, but this should be done in consultation with your vet.

Behavioral modification strategies can be used to recondition your dog to proper behavior if he has a behavioral problem. In many circumstances, distraction and de-stressing strategies, as well as rewards for good conduct, might help. Along with a normal daily schedule, exercise, mental stimulation, and appropriate chew toys can be used.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for dog biting nails then why not take a look atdog running away or bulldog facts.


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Written by Shagun Dhanuka

Bachelor of Business Administration

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Shagun DhanukaBachelor of Business Administration

With a Degree in Business Administration, Shagun is an avid writer with a passion for food, fashion, and travel, which she explores on her blog. Her love of literature has led her to become a member of a literary society, where she contributes to promoting literary festivals in her role as head of marketing for her college. Shagun also pursues learning the Spanish language in her free time.

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