Dove Species: Identifying And Differentiating Between The Birds

Aashita Dhingra
Oct 27, 2023 By Aashita Dhingra
Originally Published on Nov 26, 2021
The oriental turtle dove

Doves and dove species are tiny, plump birds that relate to pigeon species and are characterized by their gentle, sweet cooing.

The common ground dove, a sparrow-sized dove, scavenges in sandy open regions, occasionally obscured by the grassy clump under which it feeds. These little, lovely doves may be found throughout California to Florida in the southern areas of the United States.

The dusty appearance is possible to forget till the bird takes off with a quiet rustling of feathers as well as a flare of red-brown around the wings.

Common ground doves are typically encountered in couples or smaller flocks, however, their grayish-brown tail feathers merge into the terrain, making them difficult to spot. After reading about the different dove species, also check out related fact files on dove food and dove eggs.

How many species of the dove are there?

Collared doves: Collared doves are delicate, pinkish-brown grayish birds with a unique black cervical collar. Collared dove's eyes are vivid crimson, and their feet are crimson. Several of you might be acquainted with their repetitive cooing. While you'll usually observe a collared dove alone or in couples, flocks might develop if there's a huge amount of food.

Stock doves: Stock doves possess similarities with plumage and stature comparable to rock doves or feral pigeons. They're mostly blue-gray, including a shimmering bottle green stip on the nape of the head and a pinkish breast.

During flying, they have black wing margins and two half-black stripes towards their rear. They don't have whitish rumps unlike rock doves or wild pigeons.

Rock dove or feral pigeon: The rock dove has been the untamed progenitor of commercial pigeons throughout the globe, first tamed to supply food. Feral pigeons appear in a variety of colors, many bluer than the others; others may be grayish-white with deeper checkered patterns, while some are an odd color of drab concrete block red or caramel.

Many are more or less snowy, whereas others resemble wild rock doves. They are often considered strange in metropolitan settings where their numbers are permitted to grow.

Turtle dove: The soothing hum of the turtle dove is an appealing melody of summertime, but it's becoming rarer and rarer due to the sudden and prolonged demographic decreases.

One explanation of the drop is assumed to be a paucity of seeds and grains as food during mating season, leading to a significantly shorter mating season with less nesting efforts.

This species has now been added to the Red List of Threatened Species.

Woodpigeon: The country's biggest and most widespread pigeon in the UK, the woodpigeon is mostly gray beside a white neckband and whiter wings stripes that are readily apparent in flight. Even though it is timid in the countryside, it is docile and accessible in urban areas.

Its chirping cry, as well as the noisy clanging of its feathers as it takes flight, is a familiar voice in the woods.

Is dove a species of a pigeon?

Pigeons are a swarm species that can do serious harm to an estate if it is not treated, yet sadly, most people mistake them for doves. The misunderstanding is relatively unusual and is not entirely incorrect considering they belonged to the same animal genus, but doves prefer to stay to pairings while pigeons like to cling to flocks.

The rock dove birds, also called rock pigeon birds, or common pigeon birds are a member of the bird family Columbidae found in North America. The band-tailed pigeon is a medium-sized bird.

The band-tailed pigeon belongs to the Americas especially North America. The Eurasian collared dove is a dove species native to Europe and Asia; it was introduced to Japan, North America, and islands in the Caribbean.

All of these look very similar which makes it difficult to differentiate between a pigeon and a dove. The Zenaida dove is a brown, band-tailed dove of open woodland.

The Zenaida dove is found in the Caribbean region. Zenaida doves have black spots as a differentiating or identification factor in nature. Note that the characteristics of Zenaida dove birds may be similar, but you may realize and note that there are minute characteristics that differentiate them.

The white-tipped dove is a large new world tropical dove. This white-tipped dove is a bird found in suburban regions like Texas seen especially in the month of April. All such birds, parents or the young ones, feed on trees and plants.

Whilst distinguishing the two birds can be difficult as they're both progenies of the wild rock dove, there seem to be techniques to do it. There are at least three distinctions between the two creatures:

The physical height and visual appeal: The height difference between a dove and a pigeon is the most obvious. Pigeons are bigger than doves and have short, less flamboyant tails. Doves are often livelier than pigeons, however, this varies according to breed and locality.

Predators: Pigeons are typically pursued by plunge birds such as peregrines and eagles and hunting. Ground doves must dread snakes and rodents, particularly when it comes to their eggs, in addition to carnivorous birds.

Calls: Although both pigeons and doves produce similar noises, the trumpeter pigeon transforms the ordinary coo into something a little more akin to a deep giggle. Since each bird descended from the same genus has identical auditory components, it may take much thought to make a clear distinction solely based upon sound.

What kinds of doves can you find in the United States?

Talking about North America, the common ground dove is approximately the size of a song sparrow, earning the spot as one of the tiniest doves in North America. The taxon Columbina, which implies a tiny dove, as well as the species label Passerina, which signifies a sparrow, both emphasize its small stature.

This white-tipped dove is a bird found in native suburban regions like Texas. All such birds, parents or the young ones, feed on trees and plants.

Collared doves may be found almost anywhere, however, they are most commonly observed in urban and rural areas. They are regular guests to lawns. Collared doves, on the other hand, arrived in the UK mostly in the 1950s, following a fast migration throughout native Europe from the Middle East.

The wild rock dove may currently be mainly localized in the west and north shores of Scotland, on islets, and along the beaches of North Ireland. With the exception of highland locations, wild or pet pigeons nest practically anywhere. They have a nest with a maximum population in the most densely inhabited cities and suburbs.

With the exception of regions of north Scotland and Northern Ireland, stock doves are extensively spread in the United Kingdom, with especially high numbers in the English Midlands and South West. The UK is home to more than half of its Country's population.

The turtle dove is mostly an avian of South and East England, however, it can be found much further north as Wales.

Seek for it around forest borders, in hedgerows, and in open areas with dispersed shrubs. Woodpigeons may be located in meadows and woodlands throughout the UK, as well as in urban areas where they visit courtyards.

How do you tell common doves apart from mourning doves?

In the countryside, the common ground dove is known as the 'moaning dove' because of its repeating cry or the 'tobacco dove' because it lives among agriculture fields.

Mourning doves are sometimes mistaken with some other types of doves seen around the nation, however, there are various methods to tell them apart. Inca dove and common ground doves have brown patterns on their feathers and are considerably shorter than mourning doves.

White-winged doves are roughly the same size as crows, but they have prominent white spots on their feathers that can be observed in both soaring and sitting birds. Mourning doves resemble pigeons that are said to be connected to the deceased, departed carrier pigeons.

How to identify common doves?

The common ground dove has small, circular wings, shorter tails, and small, slender bills. They move with a shuffling because they are plump and have stumpy legs.

Common ground: Doves prefer open or small shrub habitats with grasslands or tree groves, such as riparian pathways and open grasslands. They may also be seen in cities and suburbs, wherein they visit lawns and bushes.

The body of a common ground dove is golden brown, with huge, black dots on the wing’s coverts. The wings have beautiful rufous streaks when flying.

Males get a pinkish wash on their heads, necks, and chests, as well as azure crowns, whilst females are paler. Fine, black scales cover the neck & breast of both sexes, as well as the bills, are pinkish red with quite a dark end.

The common ground dove is a quiet bird that prefers to hide in meadows and tiny tree plantations.

Males coo with a soft, groaning tone. Often spotted on the grass at the yard bird feeder, Seeds, and grains, as well as insects, are eaten by common ground doves. Common ground doves within Southeast and Texas are darker and more colorful than those in the Southwest, which are lighter and murkier.

Compare With Similar Species

The Columbidae family includes all varieties of doves. They are the sole family in the Category of Columbiformes. Although if they can't differentiate between a Blue Jay as well as a Cardinal, many folks adore birding.

Whereas most birds, irrespective of their moniker, are lovely, others may be rather harmful, necessitating bird eradication of Oshawa services. Plenty of the birds within this family possess robust bodies, shorter necks, and thin beaks. Above all, their culture and food have an impact on their form.

The mourning dove has a grayish-brown body with black patches and a short neck and a pointy tail. The voice of the mourning dove is a gentle, modulated cooAHoo accompanied by many coos and they are 12 in (30.4 cm) in length from tips of beak to tip of the tail.

Grayish brown with a white wing spot and a long, fairly curved tail, white-winged doves are a species of a dove. They are somewhat bigger than the mourning dove, and their cry is a quiet 'hoohoo hoohoo' with a falling concluding note.

Eurasian collared doves are gray with a simple black ring on the neck. Eurasian collared doves have white top borders.

Eurasian collared doves have a long, square tail. Eurasian collared dove is 15 in (38.1 cm) in length from the apex of the beak towards the end of the tail, and the cry of a Eurasian collared dove is a three par coo with a sound akin to that of a pet pigeon.

How can I help?

Commercial birdseed, safflower, maize, canary grain, wheat, millet, and other seeds attract common ground doves to floor dispensers.

To avoid predators, they require surrounding bush concealment. They drink from lakes and streams on a routine basis but ensure that there's some open area surrounding the source of water so predators can't readily creep upon them. In several locations, these doves are still shot as game birds, and they are easy targets for feral cats.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for dove species then why not take a look at how long do doves live or dove facts?

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Written by Aashita Dhingra

Bachelors in Business Administration

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Aashita DhingraBachelors in Business Administration

Based in Lucknow, India, Aashita is a skilled content creator with experience crafting study guides for high school-aged kids. Her education includes a degree in Business Administration from St. Mary's Convent Inter College, which she leverages to bring a unique perspective to her work. Aashita's passion for writing and education is evident in her ability to craft engaging content.

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