Do you find robins adorable? Then you will love to learn about this Australian robin, the dusky robin.
The dusky robin (Melanodryas vittata) hails from Tasmania. It is a gray and brown-colored bird that is very commonly seen in flight in its distribution range.
It belongs to the Petroicidae family of birds and the order Passeriformes. Belonging to the phylum Chordata and the class Aves, they prefer living in wood-based open habitats. So, eucalypt forest and coastal regions of their distribution rage is their ideal place to live.
The current genus of this robin is Melanodryas, but previously it was placed in the Petroica genus and its scientific name was Petroica vittata. These Australian robins are significantly different to their Europen relatives.
If you find this interesting, read on to learn more. To learn about more amazing species of robins, make sure to check out Japanese robin facts and oriental magpie robin facts too.
Dusky Robin Interesting Facts
What type of animal is a dusky robin?
The dusky robin (Melanodryas vittata) is a bird that is also known as a stump robin. It is a type of Australian robin endemic to Tasmania. Even though it's a type of robin, it is quite different from European robins.
What class of animal does a dusky robin belong to?
The dusky robin belongs to the Aves class of the Animalia kingdom. It is a part of the Australian bird family Petroicidae and the order Passeriformes. The genus of this bird is Melanodryas, and the scientific name is Melanodryas vittata.
How many dusky robins are there in the world?
The exact number of dusky robins living in this world is unknown. However, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), their population trend has remained stable over the years. The bird is quite widespread in Tasmania.
Where does a dusky robin live?
The dusky robin is an Australian bird. It is endemic to Tasmania and spotting this species in flight is a very common sight in Tasmania.
What is a dusky robin's habitat?
The habitat that the dusky robin bird prefers is eucalypt forest regions. This Tasmanian bird inhabits eucalypt woodlands as well.
Apart from eucalypt forest and eucalypt woodlands, you can spot this species in farmlands, orchards, gardens, and woodlots in Tasmania. They also live near coastal areas like coastal heath and coastal sedge land. This Australian species is most common between 0-3937 ft (0-1200 m).
Who does a dusky robin live with?
Young birds live under the care of their parents until they are mature enough.
How long does a dusky robin live?
The average life span of this Tasmanian bird that inhabits eucalypt forest and other coastal regions is not known, however, the longest living bird of this species lived to be four years and seven months old.
How do they reproduce?
These dusky robins belonging to the Petroicidae family produce two broods each year. Their breeding season starts in late June and goes on until late December.
The nest is built not very high from the ground, so a tree cavity or tree fork is an ideal place to build the nest. The breeding female of the species builds the nest but she gets help from the young birds of her previous brood.
The female lays two to four eggs on average and incubates them for about 16-18 days. Both breeding parents take an active part in feeding the young chicks.
What is their conservation status?
According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the dusky robin (Melanodryas vittata) is a species of Least Concern. These Tasmanian robins are quite widespread in their distribution range. Moreover, their population trend has remained stable over the years. So, it is safe to assume that their population is not facing any risk at the moment.
Dusky Robin Fun Facts
What does a dusky robin look like?
The dusky robin (Melanodryas vittata) of the family Petroicidae is an olive-brown or gray-colored bird. They have brown underparts and olive-brown or gray upperparts.
The shoulder and the throat are covered with white and light gray-brown plumage, respectively. Apart from the gray and brown colors, there is not much coloration. The wing of the bird has white patches, and they have blackish-brown legs and a black bill.
How cute are they?
Like rock sparrows, dusky robins are not the most colorful birds. However, they look extremely cute with their brown-gray plumage and their whitish wing coloring. A dusky robin foraging in the forest looks extremely adorable!
How do they communicate?
The dusky robin (Melanodryas vittata) calls with low notes to communicate. They often sing a song that sounds like a whistle.
How big is a dusky robin?
Dusky robins or stump robins belonging to the Petroicidae family are fairly common in their distribution range. They grow up to a length of 6.3-6.7 in (16–17 cm). In comparison to the stump robin, a fox sparrow is somewhat bigger.
How fast can a dusky robin fly?
A dusky robin in flight is a common sight in Tasmania within their distribution range. It can also be spotted on the ground, walking while looking for food in the forest regions of Tasmania. However, their exact speed is still unknown.
How much does a dusky robin weigh?
A dusky robin weighs somewhere between 0.9-1.1 oz (25-31 g). Compared to a bee hummingbird, the smallest bird in the world, the dusky robin is way heavier.
What are the male and female names of the species?
A male bird is called a 'cock', and a female bird is called a 'hen'.
What would you call a baby dusky robin?
Just like babies of all other birds, a baby dusky robin is called a chick.
What do they eat?
This dusky robin species of Tasmania follows an omnivorous diet. It feeds on a variety of insects that are found near the habitat that the dusky robin lives in.
To prey on insects, they often walk on the ground and catch them. This Tasmanian species is also capable of catching insects in flight. Other than insects, these robins feed on seeds found on the ground of the forest in their distribution range.
Are they dangerous?
A dusky robin or stump robin is found in the forest and coastal region of Tasmania and is not dangerous at all. These birds pose no threats to humans.
Would they make a good pet?
Dusky robins prefer living in forest areas and other open regions. It is not advisable to keep them in captivity.
Did you know...
Dusky robins are very commonly seen on fence posts or stumps in their distribution range. This is how they gained their other name, stump robin.
The dusky robin (Melanodryas vittata) has two identified subspecies: Melanodryas vittata vittata and Melanodryas vittata kingi.
How many eggs do dusky robin lay?
The dusky robin that is quite widespread in its distribution range has a clutch size of two to four eggs on average. Most of the time, female birds lay three eggs. The eggs are muddy brown to reddish-brown in color and are incubated for 16-18 days in nests that are built close to the ground.
Do dusky robins migrate?
Dusky robins are endemic to Tasmania and they are non-migratory birds. However, after the breeding season, altitudinal movements are noticed.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! For more relatable content, check out these ani bird facts and Anna's hummingbird facts for kids.
You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable robin bird singing coloring pages.
The main image is by JJ Harrison.
The second image is by Ron Knight.