Fun Eyebrowed Thrush Facts For Kids

Moumita Dutta
May 08, 2023 By Moumita Dutta
Originally Published on Aug 05, 2021
Edited by Katherine Cook
Eyebrowed thrush facts will make you fall in love with these birds.

The eyebrowed thrush (Turdus obscurus) is a migratory bird that can be located in more than 50 countries worldwide. They are essentially birds of the wilderness and prefer to remain aloof from human habitation.

This species shares an unthreatened status owing to their considerably large numbers. Although they are pretty abundant and available in several countries, enthusiastic bird watchers might have a challenging time tracing these birds in the vicinity.

Sighting these birds in towns or cities can prove to be a grueling experience. However, the wide-ranging habitat of these birds makes their survival easy.

The scientific name of the eyebrowed thrush, Turdus obscurus, has its roots in Latin where the word 'turdus' implies 'thrush' and the term 'obscurus' means 'dark'. The species derived its name from its unique and defining eyebrow pattern. Their white-lined eyebrows that curve to the corner of their eyes, render them a mesmerizing look.

If you enjoyed these fun-filled facts about the eyebrowed thrush, then don't forget to peek into some more exciting facts about the little crow and Anna's hummingbird.

Eyebrowed Thrush Interesting Facts

What type of animal is an eyebrowed thrush?

An eyebrowed thrush is a species of bird belonging to the family of Turdidae, order Passeriformes.

What class of animal does an eyebrowed thrush belong to?

The eyebrowed thrush belongs to the class Aves.

How many eyebrowed thrushes are there in the world?

The European population of this species has been recorded at 200,000 to 510,000 pairs which account for about 50 to 74% of their worldwide breeding range. However, due to the lack of accurate computations, the total number of birds in current existence throughout the globe cannot be ascertained.

Where does an eyebrowed thrush live?

The eyebrowed thrush can be located in Siberia, Japan, Mongolia, Indonesia, and southern parts of Asia. It is an infrequent visitor to the western parts of Europe and North America.

This bird can also be traced (rarely) in the western parts of Alaska during springtime. However, the bird is pretty common in the western Aleutian Islands and Pribilof Islands. During winter migration, this species flies off to countries in Africa and Asia, commonly found in China and India.

What is an eyebrowed thrush's habitat?

Their wintering habitat ranges from forests to orchards to shrublands (like in China and India), depending upon the availability of food and prevailing weather conditions. The breeding habitat includes the dense forests of eastern Siberia, normally close to water bodies.

Who do eyebrowed thrushes live with?

Eyebrowed thrushes are sociable birds. These birds posit a dualistic behavior, meaning they can be traced flying in flocks while they can also dwell in solitude. During migration, these birds form small flocks and cover long distances.

How long does an eyebrowed thrush live?

The average life span of these birds is yet unknown owing to the dearth of information.

How do they reproduce?

Although extensive data about the birds' breeding behavior is not available, breeding generally occurs during the summer months of late May and continues up to July. The nests are normally situated at a height ranging from 3-15 ft (91-457 cm) above the surface.

The clutch size comprises four to six eggs. Females serve an incubation period of 13 to 15 days. Both male and female parents engage in feeding the hatchlings while fledging takes place for 10 to 12 days.

What is their conservation status?

According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List, the conservation of the species of eyebrowed thrushes is a matter of Least Concern since they are pretty abundant throughout the globe and do not fall under the vulnerable category as of yet.

Eyebrowed Thrush Fun Facts

What do eyebrowed thrushes look like?

These birds are medium-sized and their dominating body color is brownish-gray. With a dark gray head, white belly, orange to buff-brown color down the flanks and breast, and defining white eyebrows curving to the edges, these birds are a treat to the eyes.

A male and female of this species wear a singular appearance with few alterations. Females possess white marks on their throats, a darker gray head, and dull-colored breasts and bellies.

How cute are they?

The eyebrowed thrush might not exactly fit in when it comes to cuteness. However, they possess an enticing look due to the white-tinged eyebrows that set them apart from the other species of birds.

How do they communicate?

This species of the thrush family communicate mainly through vocalizations which include both songs and different types of calls. These birds chuckle with 'tuck-tuck' sounds or the piercing high-pitched 'tsssst' while their flight calls sound more like a 'zieeh' or 'tseee'.

The songs bear a mournful tone that comprises repetitive phrases like 'teveteu-trrryutetyute-trrryutetyutyu'. They also let out alarm calls to alert the flock members nearby.

How big is an eyebrowed thrush?

Eyebrowed thrushes have a medium size and their average length ranges from around 8-9 in (21-23 cm). These birds are larger than tree swallows and forest rock thrushes.

How fast can an eyebrowed thrush fly?

Eyebrowed thrushes are thrifty and can achieve great speeds during flight. However, the accurate speed limit of these birds remains a mystery due to the lack of information.

How much does an eyebrowed thrush weigh?

The weight of these birds ranges from 2-4 oz (61-117 g).

What are the male and female names of the species?

The male bird is known as 'cock' and the female bird is called 'hen'.

What would you call a baby eyebrowed thrush?

Like the babies of any other species of birds, the baby of an eyebrowed thrush is normally called a chick.

What do they eat?

The eyebrowed thrush primarily indulges in a diet of insects, earthworms, and snails. Nevertheless, this species is omnivorous as they are also known to feed on fruits and berries foraged from trees. They hop on the ground while looking for invertebrates.

Are they dangerous?

Since very little information is available about this species, no concrete statements can be made in this regard. However, the bird is not known to portray any aggressive behavior as they are very sociable and can often be traced in small flocks during migration.

Would they make a good pet?

The eyebrowed thrush is a very rare bird, living mostly in the taiga and coniferous forest covers. The bird is very difficult to spot in homes as pets due to their rare occurrence. Therefore, no conclusions can be drawn on whether this bird would make a good pet or not.

Did you know...

Eyebrow thrushes draw a close resemblance to the American robin in behavior as well as appearance.

Are there eyebrowed thrushes in the UK?

This species of eyebrowed thrush (Turdus obscurus) is a very rare bird in the United Kingdom. These birds are vagrant visitors and an extremely uncommon sight. According to records, only some of these birds could be traced to a few locations since 1991, mainly in October.

These rare birds were spotted in the UK with the first sighting dating back to 1964 in Northamptonshire.

What does the eyebrowed thrush's call sound like?

The calls of the bird include flight calls, alarm calls, and songs. While the bird lets out the long 'ziiii' sound for a flight call, the alarm calls are piercing and harsh high-pitched trilling sounds. The male often croons a soft whistling song.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other birds including aquatic warblers, or rufous-backed robins.

You can even occupy yourself at home by drawing one on our eyebrowed thrush coloring pages.

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Written by Moumita Dutta

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

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Moumita DuttaBachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

A content writer and editor with a passion for sports, Moumita has honed her skills in producing compelling match reports and stories about sporting heroes. She holds a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, Calcutta University, alongside a postgraduate diploma in Sports Management.

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