Fun Fainting Goat Facts For Kids

Moumita Dutta
May 08, 2023 By Moumita Dutta
Originally Published on Aug 05, 2021
Edited by Jacob Fitzbright
Fact-checked by Deeti Gupta
Fascinating fainting goat facts for everyone.

Fainting goats have an abrupt origin, it is believed that in 1880, four goats of this category were introduced in Marshall County which is situated in the state of Tennessee. The Tennessee fainting goat, Tennessee wooden-legged goat, nervous goat, and falling goat.

This breed plays a crucial role as it has contributed much to the field of research and elucidated the function of chloride ions in muscle excitation.

The phenomenon of fainting was mentioned in 1904, and later in 1939, it was interpreted as congenital myotonia.

The manifestation of fainting is a consequence of a genetic mutation in goats which results in the stiffening of muscles. A similar type of gene mutation has been discovered in human beings, as well as in mice.

The goats who suffer from myotonia congenita have a distinguished attitude as they are calmer than other goats and also easier to train because they cannot jump over a high fence or dig up a hole to crawl beneath it.

If you want to know more interesting facts about fainting goats, then keep reading this article. You can also check out our other articles on pygmy goat facts and axis deer facts for more knowledge on these animals.

Fainting Goat Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a Fainting Goat?

The Tennessee fainting goat is a breed of meat goat that suffers from a hereditary condition called myotonia congenita that distinguishes it from the rest of the goat family.

What class of animal does a Fainting Goat belong to?

The fainting goat belongs to the class Mammalia, family Bovidae, and genus Capra.

How many Fainting Goats are there in the world?

The population of fainting goats once thrived but now their abundance has been reduced greatly as stated by the Livestock Conservancy, approximately ten thousand fainting goats are remaining in the world.

Where does a Fainting Goat live?

This breed of goat was introduced to Tennessee in 1880 by a farmworker named Jon Tinsley from Nova Scotia. They were recorded to be found in the five counties of Tennessee including Coffee, Maury, Lawrence, Giles, and Marshall.

What is a Fainting Goat's habitat?

Fainting goats have always been raised as farm animals in man-made habitats, such as farmlands with an ample amount of grasses and shrubs on which to graze.

Who do Fainting Goats live with?

Fainting goats, like all other goats, are herd animals, although their inclination towards living alone or in groups is not specified. It is advised to keep at least two goats together because of their nature.

How long does a Fainting Goat live?

The average lifespan of fainting goats is around 12-15 years.

How do they reproduce?

The female fainting goats attain their sexual maturity by the time they are a few months old but it is recommended not to breed them until they turn at least six months old.

The procedure of reproduction is mating and a single male can mate with multiple females, the standard duration of gestation is around five months, and the average litter size is two or three kids.

The female fainting goats can mate every six months.

What is their conservation status?

The population of the Tennessee fainting goat has decreased to such an extent that it is now labeled as a rare goat breed.

Fainting Goat Fun facts

What do Fainting Goats look like?

Fainting goats possess distinct characteristics which distinguish this breed from other goats, especially the structure of their body and head are different from the rest of the goat breed.

The body of the myotonic goat is wider and also constitutes more body mass, the wider body is one outcome of the muscle condition which is found in the Tennessee fainting goats.

The weight of this goat breed is approximately 60-174 lb (27-79 kg) and their height is 17-25 in (43-64 cm). Their muscles are heavier in their shoulders and back area, and the male goats can be as heavy as 200 lb (90 kg).

The myotonic goats have a fair-sized head with a wide muzzle, their eyes are protruding while their ears are closer to their face.

Their large horns and coat can be of any color combination but the most common of them this the black and white combination.

How cute are they?

The baby fainting goats are extremely adorable, even when they grow up their goofiness remains intact which makes them even cuter.

How do they communicate?

The sound that goats frequently make is called bleating and it is the source of communication and may signify a lot of things like hunger, danger, or pain.

How big is a Fainting Goat?

Fainting goats are wider than most breeds of goats, and the concentration of muscles is more on their back and neck. Their average size can range from 17-25 in (43-64 cm) and their weight is approximately 60-174 lb (27-79 kg).

An Alpine goat is 75-85 (cm) and weighs around 132 lb (60 kg), from this it can be understood that the mass content of the fainting goats is higher than that of most breeds.

How fast can a Fainting Goat move?

These goats suffer from stiffness of muscles so much that they cannot even cross a high fence and are easily startled. How fast they can move has been documented.

How much does a Fainting Goat weigh?

The weight of these goats is approximately 60-174 lb (27-79 kg), the body mass is relatively more because of the condition of the muscles and the male goats can be as heavy as 200 lb (90 kg). Fainting goats were raised for their meat but now they are mostly kept as a novelty.

What are the male and female names of the species?

The male fainting goats are called bucks while the females are called does.

What would you call a baby Fainting Goat?

The baby of a fainting goat is called a kid, the Tennessee female goats can give birth to two or three kids every six months.

What do they eat?

This breed of Tennesse goats are herbivores, their food comprises grasses, shrubs, leaves, and grains.

Are they dangerous?

These goats are not dangerous, they constitute a friendly demeanor.

Would they make a good pet?

Tennessee fainting goats have an extremely friendly temperament and are not aggressive, they are well adapted to their environmental condition and they require massive areas, so are not ideal to be kept inside a home. However, these goats are easily stunned and collapse often because of the stiffness of their muscles.

These goats are easy to train and are great for crossbreeding for yielding a strong set of offspring.

Did you know...

The fainting goat breed does not faint literally, they just lose consciousness.

The coat of myotonic goats can be long or short and few goats even produce the luxe cashmere coat.

In 1939, Harvey and Brown, with their experiments on the myotonic goats, contributed and shed a huge light on the physiological explanation of this condition.

What happens when a goat faints?

The phenomenon of fainting among the Tennessee fainting goats is induced by a hereditary condition that is called myotonia congenita. The gene mutation in myotonic goats reduces the muscle chloride conductance as a result it slows down the process of relaxation after an involuntary action.

This causes contraction of the muscles, and the muscle stiffness is so severe that the goat ultimately collapses. The newborn goats take around 18-143 days to develop fainting goat syndrome, and myotonia congenita is not painful.

Uses of the Fainting Goat

Fainting goats were initially domestic goats and the breeders selected the strongest of the fainting goat breed to reproduce. Fainting goats are not raised by the breeders for meat or as dairy breeds because the population has decreased to such an extent.

Keeping a fainting goat is not tedious as it cannot even jump over a fence that is a little high. Nowadays, most fainting goats are kept as pets to preserve their myotonic condition.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other mammals including mountain goat facts and Highland cattle facts.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable baby goat coloring pages.

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Written by Moumita Dutta

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

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Moumita DuttaBachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

A content writer and editor with a passion for sports, Moumita has honed her skills in producing compelling match reports and stories about sporting heroes. She holds a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, Calcutta University, alongside a postgraduate diploma in Sports Management.

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Fact-checked by Deeti Gupta

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature

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Deeti GuptaBachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature

A detail-oriented fact-checker with a research-oriented approach. Devika has a passion for creative writing, she has been published on multiple digital publishing platforms and editorials before joining the Kidadl team. Currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from St.Xavier's College, Deeti has won several accolades and writing competitions throughout her academic career.

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