Fun Fruit Dove Facts Facts For Kids

Anusuya Mukherjee
Oct 20, 2022 By Anusuya Mukherjee
Originally Published on Aug 06, 2021
Edited by Luca Demetriou
Fruit dove facts like a male Jambu fruit dove is more colorful than the female are interesting

Fruit doves or fruit pigeons are some of the world’s most colorful birds. They belong to the genus Ptilinopus and the Columbidae dove family.

These colorful birds are fruit eaters or frugivorous. Their range spreads from the forests in Southeast Asia to the dense woodlands of Oceania.

Among the extensive genus of more than fifty species, many species of these shy and inconspicuous birds are now threatened. The Jambu fruit dove Ptilinopus jambu a resident of Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and nearby countries is evaluated as Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List.

These colorful birds are found in moist, tropical, and subtropical forests, lowland rainforest, monsoon forest, and even in urban gardens. The most commonly noted urban visiting fruit doves are the black-headed fruit dove, the knob billed fruit dove, and the vulnerable Makatea fruit doves.

Fruit doves either live alone or in pairs. The plumage color, size, and certain other features distinguish the species.

Like the pink headed fruit dove, has a comparatively longer tail than the Jambu fruit dove. The black banded fruit dove has a comparatively solid color head compared to a lilac crowned fruit dove.

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Fruit Dove Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a fruit dove?

A fruit dove is a colorful bird also known as a fruit pigeon.

What class of animal does a fruit dove belong to?

Fruit doves, also known as fruit pigeons, are a genus (Ptilinopus) of birds in the pigeon and dove family (Columbidae).

How many fruit doves are there in the world?

It is difficult to record the exact number of fruit doves in the world as there are fifty species. Some like the Mariana fruit dove, Jambu fruit dove, Negros fruit dove are either near threatened, or critically endangered. Conservation status of the beautiful fruit dove and the Palau fruit dove are of the least concern.

Where does a fruit dove live?

Fruit doves live in forests and woodlands, on the edges of the rainforests, woodland clearings, mangrove swamps, thickly forested riversides, second growth forests, in Southeast Asia and Oceania. Almost fifty varieties of fruit doves are found in and around the Philippines, New Guinea, Australia, Taiwan, Polynesia, Indonesia, Sumatra, Java, and Brunei.

The various species of these birds are spread widely over this range.

What is a fruit dove's habitat?

Though most fruit doves live in thickly forested areas, their habitat differs sometimes. The jambu fruit dove usually inhabits mangrove swamps, rain forests in the lowlands, and generally lives in regrown second growth woodland or a secondary forest. Being similar to other dove species, jambu fruit doves nest where fruit, seeds, and berries are available to feed on.

Who do fruit doves live with?

Fruit doves either live alone or in pairs. Most of the fruit doves are shy. They hide among the greenery of the forests and are not easily seen. This is truer for the wompoo fruit dove and the jambu fruit dove ptilinopus jambu with their greenish plumage. A sizable flock may assemble while feeding in a tree.

How long does a fruit dove live?

The lifespan of fruit doves is from 4-12 years.

How do they reproduce?

Most fruit doves have a similar breeding pattern. In the Jambu fruit dove species, the male announces its breeding territory with signs and signals with its soft low coo and raised wings. The male also bobs its head and is ready to win its breeding territory with a quick pecking at its opponent in case the defending exhibit fails.

The female builds the nest while the male collects materials for the nest. The nest is a combination of twigs, roots, and other plant materials. The female builds a clumsy nest on the branch of a tree by putting twigs roots and grasses together loosely.

The clutch usually consists of one or two white eggs. The female incubates the eggs for twenty days before the chicks are hatched. Young male chicks have similar coloration as female Jambu fruit doves for about nine months.

What is their conservation status?

Jambu fruit doves are Near Threatened according to the IUCN Red List.

Fruit Dove Fun Facts

What do fruit doves look like?

Jambu fruit doves are small, stout, doves with a fan shaped tail and colorful plumage. The male has a crimson face, vivid green upperparts, white underparts, and a brown or cinnamon undertail.

The males are more colorful than the females and have distinctive markings. The birds have a small head, a white eye ring, and a white belly.

The vibrantly colored adult male can be recognized by its crimson face with a distinct black chin and a reddish pink patch on the breast. Being more attractively colored among the two sexes, the young male’s unmarked green upperparts and the distinct white underparts create a contrasting look.

It's chocolate brown undertail also matches its camouflage body colors. Females look duller with a dull purple face and a dark chin.

How cute are they?

Fruit doves are gorgeous, harmless, and gentle birds that look cute and plump.

How do they communicate?

Fruit doves are known for their vocalizations. Fruit dove sounds are generally soft low coo or occasional hoots.

How big is a fruit dove?

Compared to the crowned pigeons, (world’s largest pigeons) that are about 29 in (73.6 cm) long, the Jambu fruit dove is more than three times shorter with a length of 9-11 in (23-27 cm) with a wingspan of 13 in (33 cm).

How fast can a fruit dove fly?

There is no recorded speed for how fast a fruit dove can fly.

How much does a fruit dove weigh?

These small birds weigh around 0.09 lb (42 g).

What are the male and female names of the species?

Male and female fruit doves do not have any special names.

What would you call a baby fruit dove?

A baby fruit dove is called a chick, nestling, or a fledgling.

What do they eat?

It is extremely easy to guess the fruit dove diet. Yes, its fruits like fig and berries. All species of fruit doves mostly feed on fruits. Fruits of ficus plants make a major part of their diet. These birds mostly feed on fruits straight from the trees and while feeding at a fruit they often assemble in groups.

Occasionally, they also feed on the ground around fruit trees on the fruits dropped by bigger birds or monkeys. Most doves drink by sucking which is a unique feature.

Are they friendly?

Fruit doves are small, gentle, birds living in forests.

Would they make a good pet?

Most fruit doves like the Jambu fruit dove, Ptilinopus jambu, have extremely colorful plumage worth having in a bird collection. However, most of these gorgeous bird species are not kept as pets.

Only 20 or 25 species of fruit doves are kept as pets like the pink headed fruit dove. Most fruit doves including the Beautiful fruit dove, or the extremely colorful rose crown fruit dove, and the orange fruit dove cannot be kept as pets.

Cage life is not suitable for these wild birds. Some species are kept in aviaries or specially designed bird rooms.

Did you know...

The Palau fruit dove is the national bird of the Republic of Palau, the Western Pacific island country.

Some of the most colorful fruit doves are the Mariana fruit dove, the rose crowned fruit dove, the beautiful fruit dove, and the superb fruit dove. The orange fruit dove also called the flame dove, endemic to Fiji is different than the flame breasted fruit dove which is endemic to the Philippines.

Fruit dove adaptations are their green upperparts helping as camouflage, the downy feathers which come off easily making it difficult to catch the birds.

What is special about the fruit dove?

Most fruit doves are so colorful that look like birds straight out of a fairytale.

Why are fruit dove populations declining?

The number of Jambu fruit doves is declining rapidly mostly due to habitat loss and forest degradation. This bird species also faces threats of hunting.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! For more relatable content, check out these least tern facts and wandering albatross facts pages.  

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable fruit dove coloring pages.

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Written by Anusuya Mukherjee

Bachelor of Arts and Law specializing in Political Science and Intellectual Property Rights

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Anusuya MukherjeeBachelor of Arts and Law specializing in Political Science and Intellectual Property Rights

With a wealth of international experience spanning Europe, Africa, North America, and the Middle East, Anusuya brings a unique perspective to her work as a Content Assistant and Content Updating Coordinator. She holds a law degree from India and has practiced law in India and Kuwait. Anusuya is a fan of rap music and enjoys a good cup of coffee in her free time. Currently, she is working on her novel, "Mr. Ivory Merchant".

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