Fun Gang-gang Cockatoo Facts For Kids

Abhijeet Modi
Nov 14, 2022 By Abhijeet Modi
Originally Published on Aug 05, 2021
Edited by Monisha Kochhar
You can find amazing gang gang cockatoo facts here.

Gang cockatoos are a small and compact cockatoo, genus of Callocephalon, only found in southeastern Australia. They typically move to higher altitudes during summer, and during winter, return to lower ranges.

There are different species of cockatoo with different colors, from white, yellow to bright red, and wispy crest. Gang cockatoos are a distinctive and charismatic Australian bird, with feathers that have pinkish edges on the underbelly.

They highly prefer nesting on tall, great trees with great height. These bird species are arboreal and are seen on the ground only when they want to drink water or pick fallen seeds or pine cones on the ground.

These bird species have slow wing beats and their flight is owl-like. Long-distance flight takes place at a great height which ends with twisting and turning while spiraling towards the ground.

The Gang cockatoo (Callocephalon fimbriatum) has an important role in dispersing and distributing seeds from various plants that they consume as their daily diet.

Forest degradation and climate change affect their habitat since they prefer cool weather for settlement. The fact that they are still found largely in Australia shows that they are not migratory birds that migrate to other regions or places.

If you find the gang gang cockatoo interesting, read on, and afterward, the cockatoo and palm cockatoo may have your attention too.


Gang-Gang Cockatoo Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a Gang-Gang Cockatoo?

Gang gang cockatoos are a type of cockatoo bird species that are colorful and attractive in nature.

What class of animal does a Gang-Gang Cockatoo belong to?

As a bird, the gang cockatoo, Callocephalon fimbriatum, belongs to the Aves class of animal.

How many Gang-Gang Cockatoos are there in the world?

Gang cockatoos, which are mostly found in Southeastern Australia are not found globally. The total population of the bird species is unknown, but there are more than 10,000 present in Australia and New South Wales alone.

Where does a Gang-Gang Cockatoo live?

Gang cockatoos prefer to live in cool and wet forests and woodlands, tropical rainforests, and places with vast forests and tall trees since they nest on tall trees. They are widespread in eastern New South Wales from central to south Australia.

What is a Gang-Gang Cockatoo's habitat?

Gang cockatoo, Callocephalon fimbriatum, distribution and habitat can be found in tall mountain forests and woodlands during summer, and in winter they move to lower altitudes for habitat, into drier and more open forests. They may be seen on roadsides and in gardens, parks of urban areas. These birds highly prefer cool and temperate place for their habitat.

Who do Gang-Gang Cockatoos live with?

The gang cockatoos can be found in small family groups as a flock outside the breeding season, and usually form large flocks at their water and food sources.

How long does a Gang-Gang Cockatoo live?

The gang cockatoo (Callocephalon fimbriatum) can live more than 20 years, and if you have one as a pet, with care and optimal living condition, they can live up to 60 years also. But in the wild, they rarely live beyond 30 years due to certain factors.

How do they reproduce?

Cockatoos are monogamous birds who pair for life and both the adult male and female gang prepare the nest together when the breeding season arrives. The breeding season begins from October through January.

The female lays up to three eggs and the male and female gang incubate the eggs. That lasts for around 24-30 days.

Once hatched, the chicks are fed by their parents for seven to eight weeks and four to five weeks more after fledging. The family groups of these birds are often seen feeding together during the breeding season.

What is their conservation status?

The conservation status of cockatoos in New South Wales has been declared Vulnerable while in some regions it is of Least Concern, but their population is under threat in the future. These bird species are not found globally, and their distribution can be found mostly in and almost confined to only Australia.

Therefore, their population could come under threat in the future.

Gang-Gang Cockatoo Fun Facts

What do Gang-Gang Cockatoos look like?

The gang gang cockatoos are small, stocky birds with a wispy crest, broad wings, and a short tail. The adult male is known to have a scarlet red head and crest, with a slate-gray over its body.

The female gang has a dark gray head and crest with the underpart feathers edged pink and yellow, and its upper parts faintly edged pale-gray. Gang cockatoos have a wingspan of 62-76 cm, and they are gregarious but relatively quiet.

Juveniles look like the adult female gang, and young males have red crowns and a forehead with a crest that is shorter and less twisted. These birds are easy to spot due to their red crown in their head.

How cute are they?

These birds are cute and attractive to look at, and considering their calm nature makes them even cuter. Many people have raised them as pets due to their undeniably cute and colorful looks.

How do they communicate?

The cockatoos use vocals and body language to communicate. They raise their crests in greeting, excitement, or alarm. Their calls or communications are loud and harsh in sound like 'er-eck or gr-rare-iriek'.

How big is a Gang-Gang Cockatoo?

The gang cockatoos are the same size as squabs pigeons.

How fast can a Gang-Gang Cockatoo fly?

The cockatoos can fly 43 mph (70 kph) with their long, broad wings in a rapid flight. They are known to fly in great heights and nest on tall trees.

How much does a Gang-Gang Cockatoo weigh?

The gang gang cockatoo size or weight ranges between 300-350 g.

What are their male and female names of the species?

The male and female species of this bird do not have a specific name and they are both known as gang gang cockatoos.

What would you call a baby Gang-Gang Cockatoo?

A baby gang cockatoo is known as a chick or hatchling.

What do they eat?

The gang gang cockatoo diet mainly consists of fruits, seeds, nuts, berries, and sometimes insects.

Are they dangerous?

These bird species are one of the least dangerous bird species. They are friendly to pet if given a nut or fruit, and amusing to watch.

Would they make a good pet?

Gang cockatoos are one of the most favorable petting birds that are loved by many. If you would be sensitive to the loss of your pet, then a gang gang cockatoo pet may be perfect for you, since, with great care and living condition provided to them, they can live up to 60 years!

They start being friendly and attached once you pet them for a while. It has also often been compared to a parrot since they are quite similar in behavior and friendly in nature.

Did you know...

The gang gang makes long rasping screeches which are similar to the sound of a cork being twisted from a bottle. The gang gang cockatoo call is usually made during flight or while other birds are perching in treetops, and during feeding, they make soft growling sounds.

The gang cockatoo love to chew everything and need stimuli to keep them interested and entertained.

It is a common ailment that gang gang cockatoos pick their feather due to boredom or needed attention.

How did the Gang-Gang Cockatoo get its name?

The name gang gang has its origin or derivative from the New South Wales aboriginal language, either from Ngunnawal or Wiradjuri. It is also possible that both group members called it that.

Having your own Gang-Gang Cockatoo

Many people have raised these birds as their pets, but they are heavily priced. A single red helmeted gang gang cockatoo price is generally between $1400-$1700, and sometimes even more depending on the species and availability.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other birds including Amazon parrot, or scarlet macaw.

You can even occupy yourself at home by drawing one on our Gang-Gang Cockatoo coloring pages.

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Written by Abhijeet Modi

Master of Computer Science

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Abhijeet ModiMaster of Computer Science

An experienced and innovative entrepreneur and creative writer, Abhijeet holds a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Computer Application from Birla Institute of Technology, Jaipur. He co-founded an e-commerce website while developing his skills in content writing, making him an expert in creating blog posts, website content, product descriptions, landing pages, and editing articles. Passionate about pushing his limits, Abhijeet brings both technical expertise and creative flair to his work.

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