Fun German Longhaired Pointer Facts For Kids

Oluwatosin Michael
Jan 12, 2023 By Oluwatosin Michael
Originally Published on Aug 06, 2021
Edited by Monisha Kochhar
German longhaired pointer facts about the excellent family dog with high energy level.

The German Longhaired Pointer is an intelligent breed that is native to the country of Germany and was bred to be a hunting dog. This means its primary purpose was to cover large distances quickly and bring back game kills.

Having said that, the German Longhaired Pointer is a rather friendly and affectionate dog who is extremely vivacious and enthusiastic about things like playing with its family, meeting new people, and running about on open grounds.

Deutscher Langhaariger Vorstehhund Pointer dogs are strong dogs that are also very agile to suit their active running lifestyles. Along with the name German Longhaired Pointer, this dog breed is also referred to as the Deutscher, Langhaariger, and the Vorstehhund.

This dog breed could be your next best friend if you can give it the home it needs! Keep reading to see if the German Longhaired Pointer is the perfect fit for you.

A Germen Longhaired Pointer has many friends like a German Wirehaired Pointer. The German Wirehaired Pointer is a close cousin of this purebred dog like the German Shorthaired Pointer.

Here are some interesting insights into this pure bred dog breed that is eager to please the owners. After reading about these dogs with webbed feet, do check our other articles on the Affenpinscher] and Pitbull Boxer mix as well.

German Longhaired Pointer Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a German Longhaired Pointer?

The German Longhaired Pointer is a breed of dogs that belongs to the biological family of Canidae. Its scientific name is Canis lupus familiaris and the German Longhaired Pointer hunting instincts make it an excellent hunting dog.

What class of animal does a German Longhaired Pointer belong to?

The German Longhaired Pointer is classified as a mammal owing to the fact that it has fur and is warm-blooded and it gives birth to its babies, which are the most distinctive traits of mammals.

How many German Longhaired Pointers are there in the world?

The German Longhaired Pointer was originally bred and developed in Germany as a gun dog or a dog that fetches the hunting game after it's been shot. However, owing to their friendly, affectionate, playful and loyal nature, this dog breed became popular all over the world.

Today, it is hard to put a number on their population that has spread out all over the world since not many surveys have been conducted regarding this breed.

Where does a German Longhaired Pointer live?

The German Longhaired Pointer is best suited to homes and houses that have ample open spaces for it to run around to its heart’s content. These extremely playful and energetic dogs are best suited for farms or estate houses with large grounds and lawns.

What is a German Longhaired Pointer's habitat?

Having been bred as a gun dog breed, the German Longhaired Pointer is typically most comfortable in areas that have plenty of open spaces where it can run around until it gets exhausted. It is preferable to have some forms of vegetation that could give the dog some amount of entertainment in the form of obstacles while it runs.

Any type of terrain is usually acceptable for this dog breed since the German Longhaired Pointer is an extremely adaptable gun dog.

Who do German Longhaired Pointers live with?

German Longhaired Pointers live with people in their homes. Sometimes, they live with other dogs that their human families keep. In general, the German Longhaired Pointer is a fairly loyal and attached dog which is why it needs a human touch and presence to keep it happy.

How long does a German Longhaired Pointer live?

A German Longhaired Pointer has been observed to have an average life span of 12-14 years of age. It depends on the German Longhaired Pointer activity level.

How do they reproduce?

The German Longhaired Pointer follows the same pattern and behavior for reproduction that all dogs do.

Typically, in order to show an interest in a female for the purposes of reproduction, the male will approach the female’s private parts and smell them.

If at all the female wishes to proceed, she will cooperate and move her tail to one side as a concrete communication of her mutual desire to reproduce.

If, however, the female does not wish to reproduce with that male, she will may deny any further opportunity to the male by either sitting down or turning aggressive toward the male.

If the female is fertilized after intercourse with the male, she will be pregnant for about two months following which she will give birth to four to six baby German Longhaired Pointers.

What is their conservation status?

The German Longhaired Pointer dog has not been assigned a specific conservation status per se due to the lack of data on their global population and its trends. However, the German Longhaired Pointer is a popular breed of dog that, even though originated in Germany, has now spread all over the world.

German Longhaired Pointer Fun Facts

What do German Longhaired Pointers look like?

The German Longhaired Pointer is generally a strong dog with visible muscles and of a large size. However, this breed of dog is also quite agile and quick in its movement owing to its breeding purpose of being a gun dog that needs to be fast.

Their skeletons, albeit strong, are moderately dense.

True to its name, the breed has a fur coat that is closer to being a long coat with about 2 in (5.1 cm) of wavy and flowing fur all of which hangs down or sits straight.

The coat on German Longhaired Pointers is by default double coats in the hues of brown and white. Their ears are very similar to those of a cocker spaniel and as such are long and droopy.

How cute are they?

The German Longhaired Pointer is an extremely friendly and loving dog with many colors. With no doubts about its beauty, the definite factor that makes this dog a cute one is its ears. Because of its long and droopy ears that fly with the wind when it runs, the German Longhaired Pointer has an amiable face.

How do they communicate?

Like other dogs, the German Longhaired Pointer communicates using vocal, visual, and action cues.

Even though in comparison with many others, the German Longhaired Pointer is a relatively quiet dog, it will still bark if it gets excited, aggressive, or wishes to warn its family against any danger or threat. It will wag its tail to show excitement or affection and will lick you to the same effect.

Only very rarely will the German Longhaired Pointer bite to show displeasure or to protect itself or its family against a threat.

How big is a German Longhaired Pointer?

The German Longhaired Pointer is a large and muscular dog in general. Females can be anywhere between 23-26 in (58.42-66.04 cm) tall, whereas their male counterparts can be anywhere between 24-28 in (60.9-71.12 cm) tall. In comparison to an average-sized weight of human being, this dog would be about knee height or a little taller than that.

How fast can a German Longhaired Pointer run?

A healthy and well-cared German Longhaired Pointer can achieve speeds of 35 mph (56.3 kph). Moreover, this dog breed can cover large distances at a go due to its high stamina, weight, and speed.

How much does a German Longhaired Pointer weigh?

An average, well-fed and healthy German Longhaired Pointer breed usually weighs about 66 lb (29.9 kg). The weight of a pointer varies. It can gain weight when overfed which will lead to various health issues.

What are the male and female names of the species?

A female German Longhaired Pointer is called what a female dog is called, a bitch, whereas a male is called a dog, like all other dog breeds.

What would you call a baby German Longhaired Pointer?

The German Longhaired Pointer baby is called a puppy.

What do they eat?

Since the German Longhaired Pointer breed is essentially a domesticated breed of dog, it eats most of what humans eat, with some exceptions. Its regular diet contains dog food made of chicken, fish, or other meats or actual raw or cooked meat. They can also eat some types of vegetables and fruits.

Are they slobbery?

No, the German Longhaired Pointer breeds are not particularly slobbery dog breeds. It usually only slobbers up when it’s expecting food or notices something it wishes to eat or if it's extremely tired and needs water or if its temperament changes.

Would they make a good pet?

The German Longhaired Pointer puppies make for an excellent pet, provided they can be offered large spaces where they can run about doing dog sports for training and exercise without hindrances or restrictions to meet its energy requirements and health. The German Longhaired Pointer temperament is extremely friendly and this dog breed is always eager to please the owners.

While this breed is easy to train, its high energy levels require that they be properly exercised for the sake of their health.

Being an extremely energetic and playful group of dog breeds, this group of dogs needs at least three hours of exercise per day to remain healthy and active.

If these criteria can be ensured for the training of dog breed, then this dog, owing to its highly affectionate and loving nature along with its intuitiveness for human emotions, makes for an excellent pet.

German Longhaired Pointer shedding is minimal. Their temperament and health should be monitored and their temperament may worsen if dog sports are not provided.

Its grooming and training should be done twice a week for better health. After proper grooming, your pet will feel good.

Did you know...

German Longhaired Pointers belong to a fairly old breed, with their origins set sometime around the late 19th century. As per history, the German Longhaired Pointer standards for pure breeding dogs were published by one Baron von Schorlemer.

This breed enjoys close resemblance with its cousin breeds German Shorthaired Pointer (GSP), the German Wirehaired Pointer (GWP).

Do German Longhaired Pointers get separation anxiety?

Yes, German Longhaired Pointers are prone to experience separation anxiety and other health issues if their neediness and temperament, and exercise are not addressed when they’re young. Since this breed is a sociable breed that loves being around humans and outdoors, even as adults, they can experience separation anxiety temperament.

It should be outdoors to have fun and feel the energy from its training and exercise to improve health.

From where did the German Longhaired Pointer originate?

The roots and group of the German Longhaired Pointer can be traced back to the 19th century when humans started breeding them as gun dogs by combining the heritage of hawk and water dogs with that of scent hounds.

Once Baron von Schorlemer laid down the standard for a pure-bred German Longhaired Pointer, breeders began to hone those desired traits in the breed, and thus the modern German Longhaired Pointer was born.

A German Longhaired Pointer price varies from $1000-$1800.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other mammals from our Welsh Terrier facts and Irish Terrier fun facts pages.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable German Longhaired Pointer coloring pages.

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Written by Oluwatosin Michael

Bachelor of Science specializing in Microbiology

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Oluwatosin MichaelBachelor of Science specializing in Microbiology

With a Bachelor's in Microbiology from the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Oluwatosin has honed his skills as an SEO content writer, editor, and growth manager. He has written articles, conducted extensive research, and optimized content for search engines. His expertise extends to leading link-building efforts and revising onboarding strategies. 

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