Fun Ghost Knifefish Facts For Kids

Vismita Singh
Apr 22, 2024 By Vismita Singh
Originally Published on Aug 05, 2021
Interesting ghost knifefish facts for kids.

The Ghost knifefish, prominently found in several countries of South America, belongs to the family of ray-finned fishes Apteronotidae. The ghost knifefishes primarily originated in freshwater and deep waters but people usually keep them in aquariums.

Around 89 species such as the black ghost knifefish (Apteronotus albifrons) and brown ghost knifefish (Apteronotus leptorhynchus) are from the ghost knife fish family. Megadontognathus, Platyurosternarchus, and Sternarchorhamphus are a few genera of ghost knifefishes.

Unlike most fishes, ghost knifefishes don't have a caudal fin or tail fin and move with the help of an anal fin on the back. Another feature that differentiates ghost knifefishes from other species is the 'electric organ discharge' or EOD through which the fishes communicate with each other.

The scaleless fish is quite aggressive as well and prey on insect larvae and fishes. The International Union for Conservation of Nature has not evaluated the conservation status of the ghost knifefish yet.

Keep on reading to learn more interesting facts about the Ghost Knifefish. If you want to know more exciting information about different animals, check out kelpfish and black neon tetra.

Ghost Knifefish Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a Ghost Knifefish?

A Ghost knifefish is a carnivore fish generally found in different parts of South America prominently in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Brazil. There are around 89 species and the black ghost knifefish (Apteronotus albifrons) and brown ghost knifefish (Apteronotus leptorhynchus) are the major species of the ghost knifefish. The fishes are known for their electric organ discharge.

What class of animal does a Ghost Knifefish belong to?

The Ghost knife fish belongs to the family Apteronotidae. They are of the Actinopterygii class and the Apteronotus genus. The freshwater fish primarily prey on insect larvae, small fishes while those living in aquariums are fed frozen meat, brine shrimp, and fish food.

How many Ghost Knifefish are there in the world?

The exact population of the ghost knife fish is not known as of now but the species such as the black ghost knifefish (Apteronotus albifrons) and brown ghost knifefish (Apteronotus leptorhynchus) are widely distributed throughout the South American continent. From Venezuela, the Parana River in Brazil, to Amazon Basin, ghost fish can easily be found.

Where does a Ghost Knifefish live?

The black ghost knifefish (Apteronotus albifrons) and other species of ghost knife fish are primarily found in the different regions of the South American continent. The fish can easily be spotted in the rivers of Venezuela, Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and many more.

What is a Ghost Knifefish's habitat?

The ghost knife fish is a tropical freshwater fish and is majorly found in rivers and great lakes of South America. Many people also love to keep the black ghost knifefish (Apteronotus albifrons) as a pet and keep them in a large aquarium.

Who does Ghost Knifefish live with?

Species such as brown ghost knifefish and black ghost knifefish (Apteronotus albifrons) are nocturnal and remain active during the night. Unlike other species, several species of ghost knife fish are quite shy and solitary. But during the breeding period, the fishes come together. Also, the fish don't accept other species of knifefishes as tank mates.

How long does a Ghost Knifefish live?

The ghost knife fish of the Apteronotidae family generally live around 9-10 years but a few species such as the black ghost knifefish (Apteronotus albifrons) live around 10-15 years.

How do they reproduce?

The black ghost knife fish (Apteronotus albifrons) or any other species of the ghost knife breed only after attaining maturity. The exact process of breeding in freshwater or rivers is not known.

But the black ghost knifefish are bred in fish tanks, large aquariums, and ponds. Several water parameters such as the optimum breeding temperature and consistency are required for breeding.

Also, the tank size should be large enough, placed in a dark location for the black ghosts, and should have enough hiding places. Also, the water temperature should be exactly 80.6 F (27 C).

All these water parameters are required to make the female black ghosts safe. Without these vital parameters, the female would not lay eggs.

Unlike other species, ghost knife fish found in rivers usually prey on their eggs after spawning and have no parental involvement with the eggs. People generally remove the adult ghost knife fishes after the process of spawning or mating.

What is their conservation status?

The International Union for Conservation of Nature has listed the fish species in the Least Concern category as the population of any species of ghost knifefish such as the black ghost knifefish and the duckbill knifefish is not a subject of disquiet. Freshwater fish can easily be found in several countries of South America, prominently in Venezuela and Brazil.

People also keep the black ghost knifefish in tanks.

Ghost Knifefish Fun Facts

What does Ghost Knifefish look like?

The Melanosternarchus belongs to the family of ghost knife fish and is a small fish while the black ghost knifefish is quite large compared to other species of ghost knife fish.

The former has a large mouth, and a delicate and thinner body while the latter has a black thick body with a white stripe on its nose which makes the fish quite fascinating. Unlike other fishes, black ghost knifefish, the Melanosternarchus, the duckbill knifefish, or any other species of the ghost knife have no scales on their body.

They can come in black, brown, white, and tan colors.

How cute are they?

The ghost knifefish is one of the most beautiful fishes on the South American continent. The black knife fish is one of the species in the family of ghost fishes.

They are scale-less and move with the help of the anal fin. Most of the species of the ghost knifefish have delicate or slender bodies which makes them interesting to look at and quite elegant.

How do they communicate?

Like any other species, ghost knifefishes communicate the same way. Generally, fishes communicate through their touch and some studies also reveal that by the darkening of the skin, and sense of smell these fishes communicate.

A unique characteristic of the black ghost knifefish and other species of the ghost knife family is the use of electric organ discharges or EODs. Unlike other fishes, the black ghost knifefish receive and sense the electric impulse through which they can communicate with each other.

How big is a Ghost Knifefish?

There are around 89 species in the ghost knife fish family and there exist differences in the size and weight of every fish. Several fishes such as the Melanosternarchus fish and Adontosternarchus fish are around 6-10 in (15-25 cm) in length while species such as the black ghost knifefish (Apteronotus albifrons) are more than 19 in (50 cm) long.

The black ghost knifefish is five times larger than a few species of catfish while the Sternarchorhamphus muelleri fish is 25 times larger than the Rasbora fish.

How fast can a Ghost Knifefish swim?

The exact speed of the ghost knifefish is not known at the moment but the black ghost knifefish is quite active during the night. Most of the species such as the Sternarchorhamphus muelleri fish, Megadontognathus fish, and the bulldog knife fish are considered very fast as they are found in the tropical freshwater of the South American continent.

How much does a Ghost Knifefish weigh?

No such information regarding the weight of a ghost knife fish is available at the moment. Species such as the Sternarchorhamphus muelleri fish, and the black ghost knifefish are quite large and we can imagine their weight by their huge body.

What are the male and female names of the species?

There are no such names given to the male and female species of the ghost knife fish. People usually observe the eyes of the fish to determine the sex of the fish. The male fish have eyes on top of their head while the females have eyes on the front of their heads.

What would you call a baby Ghost Knifefish?

People often call a baby ghost knife fish an alevin. The term, Alevin is used to refer to newly hatched babies or juveniles.

What do they eat?

The species of ghost knife fishes are found either in freshwater or in aquariums. The fishes are carnivores, the species found in rivers and lakes generally prey on small insects, fishes, and crustaceans. While those living at homes and large aquariums are fed frozen meat, earthworms, small pellets, fish foods, and plankton.

Are they aggressive?

A few species of ghost knife fish are smaller in size than most of the species found in South America. These fishes are also regarded as very shy and they even love to be alone.

But if someone tries to provoke them or come closer to them, the fish can attack as well.

The black ghost knife fish is quite large compared to other species of the ghost knife family and has no teeth but a beak that can harm humans, especially kids. Also, these fishes become aggressive with other species of knifefish.

Would they make a good pet?

The ghost knife fish is often regarded as a peaceful fish of rivers and lakes but species such as the black knifefish or brown knifefish are semi-aggressive or aggressive with their tank mates. Many people throughout the world consider the fishes as pets.

But before taking them home, several things should be kept in mind such as minimum tank size, proper water conditions, the diet, and more.

It is suggested that the minimum tank size should be 100 gallons.

Also, sand and fine gravel should be used to make a suitable environment for the fish. The aquarium's water temperature should be around 80.6 F (27 C), the main purpose of maintaining such water conditions, and arrangements are to resemble the wet season of their natural habitat.

Did you know...

The electric eel is the cousin of the ghost knife fish.

The Bakken Museum, situated in the state of the United States, Minneapolis has a device that converts the electric signals of the black ghost knife fish into audible sounds.

A species of ghost knife fish, tamandua knifefish are found in whitish-pink color and the fishes are one of the beautiful species of ghost knifefishes.

Different types of Ghost Knifefish

There are several types of ghost knife fish and research states that there are around 89 species of ghost fishes. The bulldog knifefish, the black ghost knife fish, the duckbill knifefish, the brown ghost knifefish, and the Sternarchorhamphus muelleri fish are a few species of ghost knifefishes.

What fish can live with Ghost Knifefish?

Firstly, we need to understand that the ghost knifefish needs more space compared to other fishes. The size of the aquarium should not be less than 100 gallons as a small and confined space makes the fish more aggressive.

Also, it is suggested not to keep the fishes of the same species as they could turn wilder quite easily.

People generally keep peaceful fishes such as corydoras, catfish, and discus fish with them as these fishes serve as great companions to the ghost knifefish. People highly consider the corydoras as it is a smaller fish.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other fish including Cory catfish, or blue catfish.

You can even occupy yourself at home by drawing one on our Ghost knifefish coloring pages.

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Written by Vismita Singh

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English and Education, Bachelor of Education, Master of Arts specializing in English Literature

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Vismita SinghBachelor of Arts specializing in English and Education, Bachelor of Education, Master of Arts specializing in English Literature

Vismita holds an undergraduate degree in English and Education from the University of Allahabad and is currently pursuing a Master's in English from the Handia PG College. She has experience as a content writer and possesses versatile skills such as content writing, proofreading, and problem-solving. Outside of work, she engages in creative pursuits like painting and environmental activities, and has even earned the title of "Green Olympiad".

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