If you are looking for a talkative, lively, gentle, and compact macaw, then Hahn’s macaw is the best there is. Non-stop chatter and attractive tantrums are a few of their adorable characteristics. If you have this bird at home, you will never need a morning alarm, and your mornings will never be dull.
Macaws are, in general, large birds, but a Hahn’s macaw is a mini macaw with all the characteristic features of any macaw. So for those wary of larger macaws or those who have space constraints, this lovely bird is an excellent choice.
Train them to talk, and they will pick up phrases very quickly. Teach them tricks, and they will follow suit. They enjoy socializing and will go to great lengths to gain your attention. With this bird as your pet, there will be no time for you to get bored. Continue reading this article to know more about this bird.
For more relatable content, check out these great green macaw facts and scarlet macaw facts for kids.
Hahn’s Macaw Interesting Facts
What type of animal is a Hahn’s macaw?
Hahn’s macaw is a small green parrot. It is the smallest bird and most famous as a mini macaw. A subspecies of red-shouldered macaw, they are charming and gentle birds. They are also known as Hahn’s red-shouldered mini macaw.
What class of animal does a Hahn’s macaw belong to?
Hahn’s macaw (Diopsittaca nobilis) belongs to the Aves class of the Psittacidae family, one of the three families of true parrots. It is a small parrot of a large group of Neotropical parrots famously known as a mini macaw.
It is one of the three sub-species of the red-shouldered macaw (Diopsittaca nobilis). The other two are noble macaw (Ara nobilis) and long-winged macaw. Hahn’s macaw has a black beak, while the other two have horn-colored or beige beaks.
How many Hahn’s macaws are there in the world?
The exact count of mini macaws is unknown, but they are found in abundance in the wild along with other red-shouldered macaws. They are morning charmers, and their loud and clear voices show their presence since their bright green plumage camouflages with the trees. Also, they are widely captive-bred as famous pet birds.
Where does a Hahn’s macaw live?
Hanh’s macaws are found in the tropical forests of South America. They are in abundance in the forests of Brazil, Guyana, and Venezuela.
What is a Hahn’s Macaw’s habitat?
The natural habitat of Hanh’s macaw includes tropical lowlands, woodland, savannah, and swamplands. But they most often prefer rainforests. As pets, a mini macaw needs a warm environment with moderate temperatures, neither too warm nor too cold.
Who do Hahn’s macaws live with?
Hahn’s macaws are found in small flocks in the wild. Like a parrot, this is a monogamous bird and pairs for life.
How long does a Hahn’s macaw live?
The lifespan of a Hahn’s macaw is about 30 years in the wild. In general, these birds are known for their longevity.
How do they reproduce?
The Hahn’s macaw reproduces by the sexual reproduction process. They are monogamous birds that build their nests in the hollow of a tree or a hollowed-out face of a cliff. These parrots breed once a year, and the breeding season is during spring and summer.
The female lays two to five eggs. The incubation period lasts for less than a month.
During this period, the female stays in the nest, and the male feeds incubating female. Until the young are on their own after two months of hatching, both males and females take care of the fledglings. The young birds reach sexual maturity at two years of age.
What is their conservation status?
The conservation status of the Hahn’s macaw is of Least Concern. They are found in abundance in the tropical forests of South America. Also, they are widely captive bred because of their popularity as pets.
Hahn’s Macaw Fun Facts
What do Hahn’s macaws look like?

Hahn’s macaws have green wings with red on their wing side feathers. The bird has a dark greenish-blue plumage on its forehead. The eyes are brunt orange with strikingly white eye-rings.
The hooked beak of this bird is black, and the upper beak has a beige to white color. The feet are also black with four toes, each pair pointing in opposite directions.
Their feet seem to be a little oversized for their small size. The tails are narrow and thin. In-flight plumage is more of darker olive green, bright red, and yellows.
How cute are they?
They are cute parrots and very talkative. It is fun to have them around.
How do they communicate?
Hahn’s macaws are excellent whistlers. They also scream a lot. The bird picks up words, and with early training, they pick up phrases too. This parrot uses various screeching calls, guttural squawks, and growls to communicate with each other in their natural habitat.
How big is a Hahn’s macaw?
The Hahn’s macaws are mini macaws 12 in (30.5 cm) long with a wingspan of about 14 in (35.6 cm). They are similar to the other red-shouldered macaw, the noble macaw (Ara nobilis), but smaller. The bird is similar in size to that of a sun conure.
How fast can a Hahn’s macaw fly?
The exact speed of this particular bird is not available, but in general, macaws and parrots fly at speeds of up to 60 mph (96.6 kph). They are excellent fliers and spend most of their time flying in the wild.
How much does a Hahn’s macaw weigh?
An adult Hahn’s macaw weighs about 5.8 oz (164.4 g). They are the smallest birds of all the macaws and are famous as pets due to their compact size when compared to larger macaws that demand a lot of space.
What are the male and female names of the species?
The macaw species do not have any particular male and female names. But in general, a flock of parrots is called pandemonium, company, or prattle.
What would you call a baby Hahn’s macaw?
A baby Hahn’s macaw does not have any particular name but is called a chick in general. The young bird is known as a hatchling, fledgling, or nestling, depending on its stages of development. Baby birds are nippy, and feather plucking is commonly observed in them.
What do they eat?
Hahn’s macaw diet includes seeds, berries, fruits, and nuts in the wild. This bird spends most of its time every morning foraging on top of trees. In captivity, the bird’s diet is mainly fruits, vegetables, and bird feed. A high-quality pellet diet and clean water and other food are a must to meet its nutritional needs in captivity.
Are they dangerous?
No, Hahn’s macaws are not dangerous at all. The bird is famous as a pet.
But these parrots show some aggressive behavior during their breeding season. Little birds are nippy, but as they mature, they leave this habit. The larger birds of prey in the wild, large snakes such as pythons and boas, and howler monkeys are their natural predators.
Would they make a good pet?
Hahn’s macaws are excellent pets. Small and cute, they are popular among all the macaws for them being small size compatible with small houses instead of larger macaws. They are talkative and playful parrots that bond with their owners for life. They are long-lasting companions with their wonderful lifespan with little care.
Hahn’s macaws are intelligent, charming, and very gentle birds. The days are fun-filled to have these high-spirited birds at home. They are non-stop talkers with loud and clear voices. With early training from a young age, these pet birds pick up many words and phrases. But be prepared for its screams and noisy tantrums to seek your attention.
This is a social bird and needs a lot of your time. So be sure to spend a lot of time with your pet or face its destructive behavior. A large enough cage for this breed is a must for it to expand its wings and move around freely. Give the bird toys to keep it engaged.
They eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables in their diet. Nuts, seeds, leafy vegetables can be added as part of their food at times.
A high-quality pellet diet is ideal for taking care of your pet’s nutritional requirements. They are very good fliers, make sure they get time out of their cage to move around. You can teach them tricks which these birds pick up very quickly to meet their exercise needs.
It's a pleasure to have them around with proper training. When they trust the person they are with, Hahn's macaws enjoy being cuddled and scratched like other macaws.
Regular vet visits are ideal for keeping a check on the health issues observed in the macaws. Here is a list of few issues that you can observe in your lovely pet: proventricular dilatation disease (a digestive disorder), psittacosis (a bacterial infection), nutritional disorder.
They are also prone to self-mutilation and feather plucking. Their beaks need to be trimmed as and when required. Cleanliness, fresh water, good food, your regular attention, and fun-filled out-of-cage activities are important for a healthy pet that will give you company for long years.
Make sure to have a captive-bred mini macaw bird from avian stores since they are not easily available in pet stores. And also, check for the reputation of the breeder as well. Since this species also fall prey to the illegal pet trade.
Did you know...
Macaws eat clay from riverbanks in the wild. The clay is thought to neutralize the poisons they ingest through unripe fruit and certain seeds.
Hahn’s macaws can even hang sideways and also upside down.
Hyacinth macaw bird is the largest of all macaws.
Hahn’s mini macaw is crossbred with blue-crowned conure and sun conure species, and the hybrids are called macaw conure.
How much are Hahn’s macaw birds?
The intelligent Hahn’s mini macaw may cost anywhere between $800-$2,000. The cost depends on the reputation of Hahn’s macaw breeders. In general, they are found in the avian specialty stores with bird breeders rather than in pet stores.
Hahn’s macaw world records
Macaws are, in general, known for their longevity. The captive-bred birds are sometimes companions for a lifetime. Few macaws have set world records for their long lifespan.
Charlie, a blue macaw at 117 years, is the longest living macaw that has given company to Winston Churchill. The second one is Poncho, a green-winged macaw living its 92nd year. As seen in movies, the bird retired officially after shooting '102 Dalmatians'.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other birds from our Toco toucan interesting facts and kea parrot fun facts for kids pages.
You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable Hahn's macaw coloring pages.