The pink squat lobster's body might look like an octopus or spider but don't let this little guy fool you!
It can grow up with colors varying from browns and reds all the way down to oranges and yellows depending on where they live.
This means if you are looking at one of these lobsters chances are pretty good it may have a pretty color. These lobsters are found on rocky seabeds off southern New England and down to Florida as well as around Indonesia and California where they make their home under rocks or corals for protection from predators like crabs.
This squat lobster species does not have claws and therefore remain at seafloor level where they feed by grabbing prey with their powerful pincers, though some are also known to scavenge among dead fish or crabs if need be.
Squat lobsters of North America differ from those in Europe due to various factors such as size, coloration patterns, and the morphology of antennae which can change even between different areas within one specific coastline. The squat lobster is the only lobster that can thrive in saltwater.
It has a red or purple shell with long spines on its back and front flippers which it uses to defend itself from predators. These lobsters are also called crawfish by fishermen because of their crustacean-like claws.
For more relatable content, check out these mantis shrimp facts and ghost shrimp facts for kids.
Hairy Squat Lobster Interesting Facts
What type of animal is a hairy squat lobster?
The pink hairy squat lobster ( Lauriea siagiani) is a type of lobster that is often compared to a giant barrel due to its shape.
What class of animal does a hairy squat lobster belong to?
The pink hairy squat lobster (Lauriea siagiani) belongs to the class Malacostraca just like a slipper lobster and is found in underwater marine zones.
How many hairy squat lobsters are there in the world?
Nobody really has a clue, but we can estimate that it is less than 10,000 because they are so rare to find and research on them is difficult due to this reason.
Where does a hairy squat lobster live?
When a pink hairy squat lobster (Lauriea siagiani) ventures into the waters of the marine sea, they can often be found in deep water near rocky reefs as this is their preferred habitat.
They are also seen on sandy bottoms where there is plenty to eat and hide within crevices or under rocks with only their tails visible at the surface.
What is a hairy squat lobster's habitat?
These squat lobsters are a type of lobster that lives in clear, warm waters off the coast of Indonesia.
Who do hairy squat lobsters live with?
Well, they don't enjoy a carefree life of solitude. They are quite content living underwater on either sandy or rocky shores with other marine creatures like shrimps and king crabs.
How long does a hairy squat lobster live?
Some people are unsure how to answer this question, but it has been estimated this lobster can live from anywhere from six months up to three years.
How do they reproduce?
They can only reproduce if the female is in her egg-laying phase which lasts for about six months. When it is time to lay eggs and settle down with one partner, she releases hormones that attract males who are nearby.
What is their conservation status?
This lobster species in the shape of a giant barrel has aconservation status of Least Concern.
Hairy Squat Lobster Fun Facts
What do hairy squat lobsters look like?
This crab species is one of the most bizarre species in the world. In order to survive in their underwater habitat, they have developed a xestospongia exoskeleton which is pink and hairy. The whole body length of this species displays this feature.
How cute are they?
This crab species of Indonesia is one of the cutest and most colorful crab sponges species of the sea world.
How do they communicate?
This species has been found to use their antennae as means for communication. Studies show that the hairs on an individual's antennas are not only used to sense food sources but also to distinguish between other closely related squat lobsters and non-threatening creatures such as shrimp or crabs.
How big is a hairy squat lobster?
This species measures around 0.5 in (1.5 cm) in length.
How much does a hairy squat lobster weigh?
They grow up to be 0.01 lb (10-20 g) in weight on average.
What are the male and female names of the species?
Females and males related to this species are known as pink squat lobsters. This species is more or less similar to each other in their features and looks. You might not be able to distinguish between a male and a female if you had to.
What would you call a baby hairy squat lobster?
These young babies are popularly known as squat babies. They look so adorable and tiny that you will fall in love with them if you see them.
What do they eat?
It is known to feast on food like plankton, zooplankton, detritus, and dead plants and animals.
Are they dangerous?
No, these animals do not pose any threats to humans whatsoever.
Would they make a good pet?
You'll need some patience as well as an empty tank with live sand in order to start up this new hobby. Be sure that there is enough room for them so they don't feel confined all day long because those claws are powerful when they want something, like maybe dinner?
However, these lobsters live at the bottom of the ocean so it would be hard to replicate this environment in an aquarium.
Did you know...
These squish-able, spiny creatures are the unsung heroes of our sea. These lobsters have an important job to do!
They act as a direct trophic part of the food chain which allows all sorts of other animals that live above them on land and below them in water to enjoy food without having it pass through too many mouths first.
How did the hairy squat lobster get its name?
This creature got its name because it likes to swim around near the ocean floor with its legs stretched out like hair on fire while using two spiky arms for protection from predators.
This animal's odd feature likely evolved due to living at such depths without enough light or food sources which caused it to either evolve into something more efficient or die off completely.
Most animals who live down there are just too slow-moving.
What is the difference between a hairy squat lobster vs. hermit crab?
Hairy squat lobsters have claws on both the front and back of their body, giving them a threatening look. A hermit crab only has one claw in the center of its abdomen which makes them appear less intimidating or dangerous than a squatter lobster.
Squat lobsters are an unusual ocean species.
They are low to the ground and their bodies resemble a cross between a spider and an octopus with eight legs each as well as two claws on their front side, unlike hermit crabs. Their body is covered in long brown hair so they can camouflage themselves from predators that live at different depths of water.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other arthropods from our black witch moth facts and giant leopard moth facts pages.
You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable hairy squat lobster coloring pages.