The hermit flower beetle (Osmoderma eremicola), also called scarab beetle, is primarily found in a few countries of North America such as the United States, Mexico, and Canada. This scarab or hermit flower beetle possesses a strong odor and people also refer to it as a leather beetle.
The hermit flower beetle is quite small in size and its average length is around 0.98-1.18 in (25-30 mm), while the larvae are 1.25 in (3.17 cm) long. Adult beetles are generally black, but some are found in a dark brown color, as well.
Their textured and glossy appearance makes them more fascinating and their larvae are generally large white grubs that possess white and reddish heads. They are attracted to lights at night.
These beetles generally inhabit woodlands and lay their eggs in rotting wood. The larvae develop in hollow trees. Adult beetles primarily feed on sap and fruits, while developing larvae feed on decomposing wood.
The IUCN has not evaluated the status of the hermit flower beetle, but research suggests that the population of the species is stable. A loss of habitat and predation are both major threats to the species.
Let's read more interesting facts about the hermit flower beetle, and if you find this article insightful, don't forget to check out more fun facts about different animals like the black blister beetle and the tiger beetle.
Hermit Flower Beetle Interesting Facts
What type of animal is a hermit flower beetle?
The hermit flower beetle (scientific name: Osmoderma eremicola) is a native species to North America. Unlike the June bug, the beetle is not oval-shaped. The species is also called a leather beetle and a scarab beetle. You are most likely to find these beetles in the months of July and August.
What class of animal does a hermit flower beetle belong to?
The hermit flower beetle (Osmoderma eremicola) belongs to the class of Insecta, the family of Scarabaeidae, and the Osmoderma genus.
How many hermit flower beetles are there in the world?
The exact population of the hermit flower beetle (Osmoderma eremicola) is not known as of now, but research suggests that the population of the scarab beetle is stable. These beetles are widely distributed in North America.
Where does a hermit flower beetle live?
The range of the hermit flower beetle (Osmoderma eremicola) includes several nations of North America such as Canada, Mexico, and the United States. You can spot these beetles in states such as Iowa, Florida, Arizona, and many more during July and August.
What is a hermit flower beetle's habitat?
Like most species, the hermit flower beetle (Osmoderma eremicola) dwells in woodlands and lays its eggs in rotting wood, while larvae develop in hollow trees. The species prefers tree holes and wet portions of the tree.
Who do hermit flower beetles live with?
Adult beetles are nocturnal and solitary; they prefer hiding in nooks and crannies of trees during the daytime. They come together during the breeding season.
How long does a hermit flower beetle live?
The exact life expectancy of the scarab beetle is not known as of now, but generally, large beetles of this species feed on wet and decaying wood for around three years. Before turning into an adult, larvae construct an oval pupal cell with small wood particles.
How do they reproduce?
Very little information regarding the reproduction patterns of the species is available as of now, but it is known that hermit flower beetle larvae take around three years to turn into an adult. Like other insects, these beetles are also involved in several courtship displays in order to attract partners.
Females generally lay their eggs in rotting trees, but their average litter size is not known as of now. Unlike adult beetles, the larvae are generally present in trees when the wood has started to decay.
Also, the size of larvae is generally bigger than that of adults. They construct an oval pupal cell by cementing small wood particles when they are ready to pupate.
What is their conservation status?
The IUCN has not evaluated the status of the hermit flower beetle, but research suggests that the population of the species is stable. Loss of habitat and predation are both major threats to the species.
Hermit Flower Beetle Fun Facts
What do hermit flower beetles look like?
Adults are generally black, but some are found in a dark brown color, as well. Their textured and glossy appearance makes them more fascinating. The larvae are generally large white grubs that possess white and reddish heads. They are attracted to lights at night.
*Please note that this is an image of a Osmoderma scabra beetle, not a hermit flower beetle. If you have an image of a hermit flower beetle, please let us know at
How cute are they?
These insects are quite attractive and it is interesting to discover that their larvae are generally larger than adults. Also, their transformation is fascinating to observe. These insects also possess a strong odor and are called leather beetles for this reason.
How do they communicate?
Like other beetles, the brown hermit flower beetle follows similar methods of communication. They generally use tactile and chemical cues to perceive their environment. Pheromones released by these beetles are used to find their mates during the breeding season.
How big is a hermit flower beetle?
The hermit flower beetle is quite small in size and its average length is around 0.98-1.18 in (25-30 mm). Meanwhile, larvae are quite large and their average length is around 1.25 in (3.17 cm). These beetles are bigger than green June beetles and ground beetles.
How fast can a hermit flower beetle move?
The exact speed of a hermit flower beetle is not known but this is being studied by several researchers. The insect becomes quite active during the months of July and August. A similar species, the Australian tiger beetle can reach a top speed of 5.6 mph (9 kph).
How much does a hermit flower beetle weigh?
The weight of the hermit flower beetle is not known as of now.
What are their male and female names of the species?
No specific name is currently given to male and female beetles of this species, people generally refer to them as hermit flower beetles.
What would you call a baby hermit flower beetle?
No specific name is given to the baby hermit flower beetle, but it is called a larva during its early stage.
What do they eat?
These insects are herbivores and they generally feed on sap and fruits. They are preyed upon by birds such as the lesser goldfinch and the red-headed woodpecker.
Are they dangerous?
No, they are not dangerous but they can attack if they feel threatened. These insects do not bite.
Would they make a good pet?
These insects are not generally considered good pets.
Did you know...
Like bees, flower beetles are able to fly around their habitat.
How did hermit flower beetles get their name?
The scientific name, Osomoderma eremicola, is closely related to the name, Osmoderma eremita. The meaning of their scientific name is 'smelly skin' as these insects release a scent or odor that can be detectable from a large distance. The strong odor is one of their unique features and gives them their name, hermit flower beetle.
What does a hermit flower beetle need in its habitat?
These insects inhabit woodlands and lay their eggs in rotting wood, while larvae develop in hollow trees. They generally prefer the presence of wet and rotting wood in trees. Like adults, larvae feed on wet and decaying wood.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other insects from our fungus beetle facts and elm seed bug facts pages.
You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable beetle coloring pages.