How Long Do Ticks Live: A Complete Pest Guide For Kids

Abhijeet Modi
Oct 31, 2023 By Abhijeet Modi
Originally Published on Dec 06, 2021
Ticks feed on hosts to survive, they can live on humans, on cats, in our houses and even without a host! So how long do ticks live?

Ticks are small blood sucking insect-like creatures, and there are about 850 species.

They are related to spiders so they are arachnids. Their size ranges from a pin's head to that of a pencil eraser.

These eight-legged insects are seen in shades of brown to reddish brown and black. A tick becomes engorged and turns a greenish-blue color after feeding on its host for several days.

Their growth is dependent on the blood they take in. Ticks generally are attached to the skin for up to 10 days after biting, so tick bites are very easy to identify.

Ticks cause many human health problems as they can transmit many diseases. There is a variety of tick species found throughout the world. They can survive for a long period without food, in your house, on your pets, or even under water.

A tick bite is a big problem in North America. The most common tick species in North America include deer ticks, black-legged ticks, American dog ticks, and brown dog ticks.

When black-legged deer ticks become adult ticks, they like white- tailed deer as their hosts. Black-legged ticks are also called deer ticks. Deer ticks as nymphs feed during the summer season.

The larvae of deer ticks survive less than a year if they do not feed at that time. Some deer ticks can survive for a longer period even if they fail to feed at the time of their first season.

deer ticks usually become complete adults in fall when they attach onto a host and stay there until the spring. But adults tend to live only for under a year in case they do not feed at that time.

Dog ticks have a longer life than deer ticks. Their larvae can survive up to 540 days and the nymphs can survive up to 584 days. Adults can even survive for one to three years without food.

An adult female brown dog tick can lay up to 1000-3000 brown eggs at once. They lay eggs which hatch to form larvae and can live for a maximum of eight months without any food or water.

During the nymph stage of a tick's life cycle, it can live up to a maximum of three months without attaching itself onto a host.

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How long can ticks live in a house?

Can ticks live in your house? And if so, how long can they survive there? The answer to this question purely depends on their species and the life cycle of ticks. Some species of ticks prefer to live inside your homes. There is a possibility for ticks to enter your home if you have a pet.

Black-legged ticks are unlikely to survive for more than 24 hours in your house, as they need a lot of humidity and dense vegetation. Black-legged ticks are most commonly seen in forests.

American dog ticks and lone star ticks can live their whole life cycle in your house. These species of ticks can survive in a variety of habitats. They love to spend live in warm and dry areas.

Brown dog ticks are most probably seen in homes and dog kennels. As ticks require a moisture habitat for living, so they are seen living in or near washing machines.

The hot water and detergent in your washing machine is not enough to kill a tick. However, a quick spin in the dryer can destroy them as they can't survive in dry conditions.

Ticks have four life cycle stages, in which they feed on blood to survive throughout the three stages. Most ticks are disease carriers. Black-legged ticks transmit Lyme disease to a human host. A Lyme disease carrier tick can transmit it to a human through its bite.

Lyme disease needs medical attention. A Lyme disease transmitted person should be very aware because the bite can cause a very serious secondary illness. Symptoms of Lyme disease take weeks or months to recover from.

Yet another disease which shows the same symptoms as that of Lyme disease is Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Carpets in your home are the best option for ticks to live in. They lay eggs there so your house acts as a good nesting place for these ticks.

How long do ticks live without a host?

Most tick species need to feed right away to survive. However, others are able to live for a long time without food and water. After tick hatching, they feed on blood for the rest of their life cycles in order to survive ticks. The life cycle consists of the egg, larval, nymph, and adult stage.

Ticks cannot survive without a host. Reports on how long a tick can survive without a host varies.

But the average lifespan expected for a tick living without a host is about 18 weeks without food and water. Ticks patiently wait in a position called questing on the tips of grasses and in shrubs for a host to feed on.

Ticks have four life stages. Eggs are the first stage but they do not feed on blood to survive.

After an adult lays eggs, those eggs can thrive without a blood meal until they hatch into larvae. Every stage after egg hatching requires a host to live on. Larvae, nymphs, and adults need to bite a host for blood and cannot live without a host

Larval ticks, nymph ticks, and adult ticks live for a varied duration of time without a blood meal. They can even live for a long period.

The most common tick found in North America, the American dog tick, feeds not only on humans but also on cattle and other animals. They can live for two years without a host. Nymphs can live without food for over a year and a half.

How long do ticks live on humans?

Can a tick live on humans? And if so can they lay eggs on humans? The answer is yes. Ticks can thrive on humans but they cannot lay an egg on you.

A tick can remain attached to human skin for up to 10 days after its first bite. They usually latch onto your skin. However, the latching of a tick into your skin is not painful.

If you fail to remove the tick at first, it will fall by itself once it is full. This can happen after a few days but might also take up to two weeks. Ticks attach to the hard to find areas like the groin, armpits, and scalp.

The longer a tick stays on you, the greater the chance the tick will transmit Lyme bacteria into your body. This bacteria can cause Lyme disease. This tick borne disease happens if the tick stays on your body for more than 36 hours.

However, every tick does not carry this disease. Only a few ticks can cause Lyme disease, but a tick cannot lay egg on you.

When female adult ticks are full of blood, they will drop off to lay eggs but somewhere sheltered. A tick infested person needs medical attention. There is no vaccination yet discovered for Lyme disease.

Ticks cannot live for long in clothing. Clothing mainly provides a dry and warm environment. However, a tick cannot live in dry conditions. Ticks need high humidity to live. A tick would die within 24 hours on dry clothing but can survive up to three days on wet clothing.

A tick's bite is so easy to identify but a person will not feel a tick biting them. There may be a chance of little redness appearing around the bitten area.

However, it is important to look for tick bites because medical attention is needed as they are disease carriers. Ticks are carriers of diseases like Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

How long do ticks live on a cat?

Can a tick live on a cat's body, if so how long can ticks live on this animal? Are tick bites harmful to your cats? Here you will find an answer to all these questions. A tick can attach itself to a cat and they feed on cats using the same method as they do on humans.

After finding a perfect host, ticks will walk around the host until they find a good spot for them to latch on and feed. They will then drop off after a few days when they are full.

Ticks usually attach themselves to the face, ears, neck, legs, or feet of a cat. They can stay there until you remove them from the cat's body or they are engorged with blood. This usually happens three to four days after a tick first bites.

This tick bite can also pass on nasty infections to pets. Most of these insects are not disease carriers but in rare cases, they cause tick borne illnesses. You can naturally keep ticks off your cats. Try using cedar oil spray, homemade tick or insect repellent, neem oil, apple cider vinegar, or eucalyptus oil.

A tick attack is expected more on cats without proper protection from parasites. A cat may get infections from a tick that is not safely removed from its body.

Long-haired cats and cats with dark coats are more vulnerable to tick attacks as ticks can hide deep into the fur and remain there undiscovered until they themselves fall off when engorged with blood.

You should carefully examine the inside and outside of a cat's body including the tail and area around the anus. Ticks feed on the cat for a blood meal.

Ticks are not just active in spring and summer. It is important to protect your cat from tick bite even if it never leaves the house. Symptoms of tick bite in a cat include poor appetite, fever, anemia, skin infection, lameness, and coughing. If your cat shows any of these symptoms, then they require veterinary treatment.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friends facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked this article about how long do ticks live then why not take a look at how long do spiders live, or tick facts?

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Written by Abhijeet Modi

Master of Computer Science

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Abhijeet ModiMaster of Computer Science

An experienced and innovative entrepreneur and creative writer, Abhijeet holds a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Computer Application from Birla Institute of Technology, Jaipur. He co-founded an e-commerce website while developing his skills in content writing, making him an expert in creating blog posts, website content, product descriptions, landing pages, and editing articles. Passionate about pushing his limits, Abhijeet brings both technical expertise and creative flair to his work.

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