How Long For Robin Eggs To Hatch? Fun Facts For Kids

Joan Agie
Oct 17, 2023 By Joan Agie
Originally Published on Oct 22, 2021
Four robin eggs in a nest

In the wild, robins are one of the most common songbirds and they are frequently the first bird to appear in spring.

Robins have a scarlet belly and are gray or brown in color. Male robins are more colorful than female robins.

Robins are known for feeding on earthworms from the ground. They scurry through lawns and gardens in search of worms and other insects in the ground.

In wildlife, robins eat berries, fruit, nuts, and seeds. One of the most common songbirds in the eastern United States is the American robin (Turdus migratorius), a big North American thrush. It was given the name robin by early colonists because its breast color matched that of a smaller thrush, the European robin (Erithacus rubecula).

In the winter, male and female robins have their own feeding areas, which they fiercely defend. Many robins will have their pair by Christmas.

They don't spend much time together at first, just tolerating one another, but they will stay together until the fall molt the next year.

Robins used to be a forest-nesting species that mainly dwell on any fruiting tree, but they've evolved to be especially adaptable to cities and open spaces throughout time. Apart from swamps and marshes, they may be found in just about every sort of environment and now regularly nest in any house, garden, and park.

Hawks, snakes, and cats are among the predators of adult robins. Foxes, bobcats, shrikes, and owls eat robins, while crows and blue jays often steal their eggs and young. All of these are natural predators.

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When do robins lay eggs?

The incubation of robin eggs lasts for 12-14 days from the time the last egg is laid.

Robins rarely reuse their nests and they can start as early as January if the weather is mild, though the breeding season generally starts in March. Between mid-April and mid-August, parents begin producing eggs, with young chicks fledging after about two weeks.

Shortly after returning from their winter range, an American robin reproduces in the spring. From April through July, the breeding season is in full swing. Every spring, American robins are among the earliest birds to lay their eggs. They don't use any sort of bird's house. Each breeding season, parents usually have two or three broods of young.

Unlike other birds, robins do not deposit their eggs at sunrise. They deposit their eggs in the middle of the day. During the breeding season, robins consume a lot of earthworms, and they seek food for feeding during the early dark hours of the day when worms are most plentiful.

Robins obtain a large portion of their calories by feeding on the worms in the ground. They look for worms by sight, so there must be some light, but the worms hide shortly after daybreak. So, first thing in the morning, robins feed and then lay their eggs.

How long do baby robins stay in the nest?

Baby robins leave the nest or fledge after approximately a fortnight, and then stay with their parents for another two or three weeks. The mother begins incubating a new batch of laid eggs while the male continues to feed the baby robins.

When the baby robins are 13-14 days old, they are ready to fledge, meaning they leave the robin nest. Baby robins will stay with their parents for up to three weeks after leaving the nest.

These young birds will migrate away from their birthplace locations in May, but just a few miles or kilometers. The nestling phase is 13-16 days long. Every year, robins have two broods.

Stages Of Hatching Robin Eggs

The female robin constructs a nest out of twigs, mud, and dried grass in nature with the aid of her mate before a female robin lays her eggs. Robins require two to six days to create their nest in a tree.

The entire process, from building the nest to incubating young robins, can take anywhere from 17-27 days. A couple of robins may frequently nest twice or three times in a season, each time beginning from scratch and creating a new nest.

Each day, female robins lay their eggs by sitting on a nest. They produce one tiny blue egg a day, to a total of three to five.

A female robin eats earthworms first thing in the morning to give her body the energy it needs to face the physical rigors of producing an egg. She may limit the amount of time she is sitting on the nest until all of the eggs have been deposited.

This is done to keep the older eggs cold and ensure that the entire clutch develops at the same time. The female rarely leaves the nest for more than 5-10 minutes at a time until the eggs begin to hatch in around two weeks.

To ensure that the embryos grow correctly, the mother robin must maintain the eggs at a certain body heat. The mother robin creates a brood patch to allow the eggs to absorb more direct body heat.

The mother pushes the brood patch on the eggs during cold weather to warm them with her body heat. In warmer weather, the female will cover the brood patch with her long, outer feathers, reducing the amount of heat received by the eggs.

During the incubation stage, the mother moves the eggs throughout the nest on a regular basis. Rotating the eggs keeps the heat of the eggs consistent and prevents the embryos from sticking to the eggshell.

The eggs are ready to hatch after 12-16 days, generally one every day in the sequence they were deposited. The chicks utilize an egg tooth, a sharp hook at the end of the beak, to poke a hole in the shell, just like most birds.

The baby robins must rest occasionally during the arduous battle to break free from the shell, which might take an entire day.

Both parents feed the nestlings up to 40 times each day. When baby robins are roughly 13 days old, they are ready to leave the nest.

Step By Step Guide For Hatching Robin Eggs

When humans save a robin's blue egg from an abandoned nest, they should be watching and measuring the temperature of the egg. It's probably no longer fertile if it's chilly outside.

Look for any cracks in the egg as well. Robin eggs will not be hatching and are no longer fertile once the egg seems shattered. Once they have determined the egg is abandoned, wrap it in a clean, dry washcloth or hand towel. In a small plastic dish, place the towel and egg.

Under a 40-watt light bulb, place the bowl. The distance between the bulb and the bowl should be at least 6 in (15.2 cm). When you touch the washcloth, it should be warm. The temperature of the egg will remain around 100 F (37.8 C) as a result of this.

Until the egg hatches to produce baby birds, turn it every 40 minutes. To help, prevent the egg from overheating and rotate it half a turn on the vertical axis.

Continue to keep the egg in the washcloth under the lamp until it hatches. A robin's egg typically takes 12- 14 days to form a baby chick, so be prepared to watch and raise these baby birds for up to a fortnight.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for how long for robin eggs to hatchthen why not take a look athow long for duck eggs to hatch or American robin facts.

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Written by Joan Agie

Bachelor of Science specializing in Human Anatomy

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Joan AgieBachelor of Science specializing in Human Anatomy

With 3+ years of research and content writing experience across several niches, especially on education, technology, and business topics. Joan holds a Bachelor’s degree in Human Anatomy from the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria, and has worked as a researcher and writer for organizations across Nigeria, the US, the UK, and Germany. Joan enjoys meditation, watching movies, and learning new languages in her free time.

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