How To Tame A Horse? A Complete Step-By-Step Guide For You

Ayan Banerjee
Dec 08, 2022 By Ayan Banerjee
Originally Published on Dec 07, 2021
Edited by Katherine Cook
Fact-checked by Sonali Rawat
A how to tame a horse fact is that a horse in Minecraft can be found in plains, savanna biomes, or village stables.

Horses have been loyal companions for thousands of years.

If we visit any part of the world's history, horses seem to be there from the beginning of time. At first, horses were hunted for food but eventually, people discovered that taming a wild horse is far more beneficial than eating one.

This is when the relationship between horses and humans began. In times of war, horses were the only reliable source of transportation and they were also used in fights. Their speed and loyalty have won many battles over the centuries.

In today's world, horse riding is a form of both entertainment and sport. However, in the past, horses served as companions in wars, a form of transportation, and household help.

Riding a horse is a symbol of elegance only when you succeed in horse taming. Horses are loyal to their owners when they are tamed with food or repeated attempts of control. Once they are under control, it is not very difficult to ride a horse.

If you enjoyed this article, why not also know about the fastest horse breed and how tall is a horse here at Kidadl.

How to tame a horse in real life?

Taming a wild horse is a task that could take several months or maybe a year depending on the experience of the handler and also the temper of the horse.

It is advisable to start with a horse that has come in to contact with humans before. This will make the horse more comfortable and it will find it easier to communicate with the handler.

Wild horses tend to be defensive and are always alert as they are prey animals to many carnivores.

There are a few steps that should be followed when taming a horse in a non-violent way. It is important to tame a horse safely because horses that are tamed without violence are more obedient and respectful of their handlers.

Firstly before approaching a stubborn horse, place yourself in the horse's position. Do not try to rush in front of the horse but instead try to make it feel comfortable and safe around you.

At first, the horse may not give a positive response and may shy away from you. Don't walk forward if it fears your presence.

Instead, leave a treat so that the horse can examine and eat it. Repeating the same gesture could eventually make your presence appear as friendly and reliable one.

The horse will begin to feel safe around you and you can come closer. Once you have tamed your horse and your horse responds well to you, you are able to place your horse in a field with other tamed horses.

You can give treats, such as carrots, to trained horses and use a soft voice to comfort them. This will make the horse comfortable in the environment and it will start to approach you by itself.

How to tame a horse in Minecraft?

Minecraft is a very popular sandbox game. In this game, a player gets to create and live in a world and experience challenges and adventures. As a horse is a part of our real-life adventures, this animal is also included in the virtual world as a resource for players.

Horses spawn in plains or savannas and are easy to locate. There are different combinations of colors and markings of a horse in Minecraft.

A horse in Minecraft can have one to seven base colors like white, buckskin, flaxen chestnut, bay, black, dapple gray, and dark bay. Most horses in Minecraft spawn as foals in the Java edition.

They can have any of the five different markings like stockings and blaze, snowflake appaloosa, paint, sooty, or no markings at all. Taming a horse in Minecraft needs a step-by-step process. First of all, finding horses in the Minecraft space is not very difficult because in villages where there are stables, there are always horses.

You can also look in plains or savanna biomes to find a horse. Once you locate a horse, your only goal is to tame and ride the horse in Minecraft.

Without taming a horse, it is not possible to ride or put a saddle on its back. This means you need to tame the horse by repeated mounting attempts until the horse stops kicking.

For that, you first have to select an empty slot in the Hotbar as you must use your hand to tame it while repeatedly attempting to mount it as it is tamed and stops bucking you off.

You can use food like apples, wheat, or carrots to speed up the taming process but it does not directly help to tame the horse. The time required to tame the horse depends on its temper which increases by five each time you try to mount it.

The range of temper is 0-100 and once the threshold of the range is crossed the horse is tamed. Once it is tamed, put a saddle on its back by right-clicking on it, and then you are ready to ride a horse in Minecraft.

As many horses spawn as foals in the Java edition of Minecraft, equipped foals require foods like sugar and apples in order to grow faster.

If two adult horses eat golden apples or golden carrots, they will be attracted to each other and will breed a foal that can have characteristics similar to either of the parents.

The abilities of the horse can be increased by unlocking chests or by feeding it. It is not very difficult to find horses in Minecraft.

How to tame a horse in LokiCraft?

LokiCraft is a similar game to Minecraft. In this game, the horse is also used for quick transportation. Games like LokiCraft and Minecraft have a similar goal of creating a player's paradise.

Like the horse in Minecraft, there is a proper methodology to tame a new horse in LokiCraft. Firstly find a horse.

Horses spawn near villages in stables, mostly as foals. After you have located your horse, pick a saddle and then try to put a leash on it. Press the leash button to pick up the leash.

After putting the horse on a leash, attempt to mount the horse repeatedly until you are not bucked by it anymore. Try feeding the horse with wheat and attempt to mount again and again until you are not bucked off by the horse.

Feed the horse with wheat to speed up the process of taming process. When the horse is tamed, a love icon will rise in the air indicating the horse has accepted your command and loves you and it will not buck you off this time.

Once mounting is successful then there is your good news. Press the inventory button of the horse and put a saddle on the back of the horse. Now press the usual command buttons you use to run to control the horse's movement.

By using a saddle, a horse seems to be equipped. Use your tamed horse to travel faster as it can even jump several blocks.

To change what your horse has in its inventory and to add new items, you can press the sneak button. Generally, a horse has two empty slots to equip new items both in LokiCraft and Minecraft.

How to tame a horse in Multicraft?

Multicraft is very similar to the other games, Minecraft and LokiCraft. Minecraft is the most popular out of the three. Here the control and methods to find horses, tame, and ride them are also similar.

To begin with, you first need to search and find one horse that is comparatively easy to find in Multicraft because the world in Multicraft is less complex than the other games. When horses appear in front of you feed them with wheat.

In Multicraft, feeding horses will be enough to tame and ride them unlike a horse in Minecraft.

Taming a horse is required to ride a horse in Multicraft, similar to a horse in Minecraft. However, it is easier in this game because you need to tame the horse with wheat or sugar or golden carrots or apples in order to mount or ride the horse.

Horses do not accept every type of food. Food that affects their abilities or health is only valid.

Here the horse will also buck you off if you try to mount or ride it without taming it. Once the horse is tamed, choose the armor and saddle from the inventory menu and put them in the empty slots of the horse. Now your horse is ready for riding.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for how to tame a horsethen why not take a look athow much weight can a horse carry or horse facts.

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Written by Ayan Banerjee

Bachelor of Science specializing in Nautical Science

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Ayan BanerjeeBachelor of Science specializing in Nautical Science

Thanks to his degree in nautical science from T.S. Chanakya, IMU Navi Mumbai Campus, Ayan excels at producing high-quality content across a range of genres, with a strong foundation in technical writing. Ayan's contributions as an esteemed member of the editorial board of The Indian Cadet magazine and a valued member of the Chanakya Literary Committee showcase his writing skills. In his free time, Ayan stays active through sports such as badminton, table tennis, trekking, and running marathons. His passion for travel and music also inspire his writing, providing valuable insights.

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Fact-checked by Sonali Rawat

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature, Masters of Art specializing in English and Communication Skills

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Sonali RawatBachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature, Masters of Art specializing in English and Communication Skills

Sonali has a Bachelor's degree in English literature from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University and is currently pursuing a Master's in English and Communication from Christ University. With considerable experience in writing about lifestyle topics, including travel and health, she has a passion for Japanese culture, especially fashion, and anime, and has written on the subject before. Sonali has event managed a creative-writing festival and coordinated a student magazine at her university. Her favorite authors are Toni Morrison and Anita Desai.

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