Ibisbill Ibidorhyncha struthersii is a bird native to Central Asia, Himalayan, and Tibetan plateau and got its name for its long, red down-curved bill. This bird was named in honor of Dr. Struthers, a zealous naturalist.
Their familial relatives also include the Avocets and Stilts. This unique bird's bill measures 2.5-3.4 cm (6-8 in). They are seen near rivers, banks as well as valleys, and streams.
They are often mistaken with waders who too are shorebirds from the same family however, they are different species.
They also differ in appearance if observed closely, for example, the wader has a dark beak and feet while ibisbills have a distinctive thin red bill and red feet which is distinct from any other species. In this article, we will take a look at some fun and interesting facts about the ibisbill species.
If you like this article then you should also visit our articles on the Eastern Kingbird and Hyacinth Macaw facts.
Ibisbill Interesting Facts
What type of animal is an Ibisbill?
The Ibisbill is a type of bird species of animal that belongs to the Animalia kingdom, order Charadriiformes and family Ibidorhynchidae.
What class of animal does an Ibisbill belong to?
The Ibisbill, Ibidorhyncha struthersii, is a bird that belongs to the Aves class of species and family Ibidorhynchidae
How many Ibisbills are there in the world?
The Ibisbill, Ibidorhyncha struthersii, exact population is not known and is classified as a Least Concern species. These bird species have a large range estimated at 1.9 million square mi and there is no evidence that their population is depleting.
Where does an Ibisbill live?
The Ibisbill, Ibidorhyncha struthersii, habitat consists of shingle riverbanks, streams, and stony riverbeds in high zones of Central Asia, India, Tibet, the foothills of the Himalayas as well as Kazakhstan. The ibisbill needs to live in habitats near slow-moving water preferably on slopes in order to procure prey.
What is an Ibisbill's habitat?
The Ibisbill will be found primarily near streams, shingle riverbanks, and wetlands across paths of silt, stones, rocks, pebbles, and little vegetation. They are found in river valleys from elevations that range from 330-4,900ft (100-1500 m).
Who do Ibisbills live with?
They are largely solitary birds residing on shores of rivers, valleys, and streams particularly during winter and Autumn months, and are seldom seen in a group of five to eight birds. They become extremely active when the breeding season approaches.
How long does an Ibisbill live?
The average lifespan of Ibisbill, Ibidorhyncha struthersii, is 15 years. The oldest ibis was tracked by scientists and lived 26 years.
How do they reproduce?
They are extremely active during the breeding season. Adult ibisbills are monogamous in nature at least till the end of the breeding season.
They show unique behavior during a breeding season like holding their head downwards and running short distances while only standing upright to look at their surroundings.
Adults mate sexually and build nests in shallow regions located in islands or riverbanks with small stones or pebbles and lay two to four eggs. Both parents equally take care of the nestlings and juveniles are completely dependant on their parents in the initial few weeks.
What is their conservation status?
The Ibisbill, Ibidorhyncha struthersii, is classified as a Least Concern species by the International Union For Conservation Of Nature (IUCN).
Ibisbill Fun Facts
What do Ibisbills look like?
The Ibisbill bird has largely gray plumage with a white belly. Their legs are crimson in color and their three toes point forward, the hind toe is absent. Ibisbills' outer and middle toes are semi webbed.
Juvenile birds have white-tipped feathers on their black face and adults have a black face and black breast band. Their eyes are red as well.
Their beak color is relatively duller than their feet. Female beaks are slightly longer than male beaks. Both males and look similar otherwise hence you need a keen eye to spot the difference.
We've been unable to source an image of a Ibisbill and have used an image of a Bar-tailed godwit instead. If you are able to provide us with a royalty-free image of a Ibisbill, we would be happy to credit you. Please contact us at hello@kidadl.com.
How cute are they?
The Ibidorhyncha struthersii is a cute and unique species with bold plumage that has distinct habits as well as appearance. If you ever encounter any one of these species ensures to maintain a distance.
How do they communicate?
Ibisbills (Ibidorhyncha struthersii) are vocal birds and their sound is a ringing 'klew-klew' call. They communicate through both calls as well as body language. They are known for their loud voices specifically during breeding season when they are extremely loud. They are known to utter 40 loud calls during courtship displays.
How big is an Ibisbill?
The Ibisbill is 15-16 in (38-41 cm) in length which is 10 times bigger than the smallest species of bill i.e. the weebill 3.1-3.5 in (8-9 cm) in length.
How fast can an Ibisbill fly?
They are usually seen moving slowly around and between stones and boulders and picking out aquatic invertebrates with their beak but they are also good swimmers and can fly at relatively good speeds.
How much does an Ibisbill weigh?
An Ibisbill weighs 0.59-56.9 lb (270-320 g). The Shoebill bird is known to be the largest species of the bill species of bird and has an enormous shoe-shaped bill.
What are their male and female names of the species?
The male and female sexes are not addressed differently however they differ in reproductive functions though their outward appearance is more or less similar.
What would you call a baby Ibisbill?
A baby ibisbill is referred to as a chick or nestling. They do not have any specifically assigned names and are seldom seen out in the open unless they grow in age. The ibisbills' young are territorial birds and their behavior is similar to Oystercatchers.
What do they eat?
There is diet is primarily carnivorous. They are voracious eaters in behavior and primarily feed on insects as food. They peck on insects on the surface. Various flies constitute a major part of their diet. They move their head repeatedly up and down while foraging while searching for food.
Are they poisonous?
No, they are not poisonous however they are known to attack if approached in their territories. Their other instant response to danger is their flight instinct. They are also good swimmers and can travel distances utilizing their different abilities.
Would they make a good pet?
No, they are innately wild birds hence they not suitable to have as pets . They thrive best in their natural habitat. If you wish to visit these species you could visit any regions they are native to and see them. .
Did you know...
The Sibley-Monroe checklist is a list of bird species based on a study conducted by Charles Sibley and Burt Monroe which researches hybridization and reassesses relationships between modern birds.
Ibis birds of the world are popularly called farmers friends and are wading birds because they feed on insects which avoids the destruction of crops. This included the ibisbills although they are seen largely in areas away from human footprints they are also in some instances seed finding prey in populated waters.
Do Ibisbills migrate?
Ibisbills migrate depending on the changes in climate. They reside in lower elevations during winters and breed in higher elevations. They don't leave their native habitats otherwise and are solitary beings.
How do you identify an Ibisbill?
The ibisbill has a unique beak that is not seen in other species of birds. It's slightly lighter than its crimson-colored feet.
They have a dark face and black breast and the beak is a prominent part of their identity which helps them find prey. They also have altitudinal migration and the best place to see it is Jim Corbett National Park located in Uttarakhand, India. They usually reside in areas where the human footprint is low.
If you face trouble still you could utilize the help of a guide or a bird app which could assist you with finding out if you identified the right species. These birds are a must-see for every birdwatcher's list.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other birds from our Swallow-Tailed Kite fun facts for kids and Blue-Winged Teal facts pages.
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