Fun Ivory-billed Aracari Facts For Kids

Oluwatosin Michael
Oct 20, 2022 By Oluwatosin Michael
Originally Published on Aug 06, 2021
Edited by Jacob Fitzbright
Discover ivory-billed aracari facts, a small toucan, found in South America

The diversity of life on our planet is amazing, and millions of species have made a name for themselves based on their physical characteristics. Toucans are one such bird family.

They are easily recognized with their first glimpse with the most significant shining, big and colorful bills. Toucans are among the most well-known and familiar birds in the world, owing to their unique appearance.

Hence, these species have also appeared in popular culture as cartoon characters and prominently in advertisements.

This family contains five genera and more than forty separate species. The Ivory-billed Aracari is the smallest member of the family, weighing just a few ounces.

Again, two subspecies, one of the yellow-billed aracarias found in the west of Amazonia and P. a. azara, found in Brazil's north-west. Unfortunately, their massive bill is useless in protecting themselves against predators and, in turn, attracts humans to capture them for the pet trade.

Read on for more facts and check our similar articles about the black-capped gnatcatcher and carrion crow.

Ivory-Billed Aracari Interesting Facts

What type of animal is an ivory-billed aracari?

The ivory-billed aracari (Pteroglossus azara) is a small bird species belonging to the Ramphastidae family, and the genus Pteroglossus.

What class of animal does an ivory-billed aracari belong to?

Ivory-billed aracari (Pteroglossus azara) belongs to the Aves class that comprises several species of birds like flamingos and green macaws.

How many ivory-billed aracaris are there in the world?

The exact population is unknown; however, in optimal environments, the density was about two pairs per every 100 hectares. Furthermore, the variety of habitats used and the shifting existence of its successional habitats indicate that the species is unlikely to become endangered in the near future.

So, we can sit back and admire the bird in its natural habitat for the time being.

Where does an ivory-billed aracari live?

These species are found in South America. You have to tour certain of these locations if you wish to see these birds in the wild, like Southern Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Western and Central Brazil.

What is an ivory-billed aracari's habitat?

Its natural habitat is wet lowland forests in the subtropics or the tropics. Often found below 600 m but can cross 2952.8 ft (900 m) and even 4593.2 ft (1400 m) in some places along the Andes between Ecuador and Bolivia.

Who do ivory-billed aracaris live with?

If you see one of these birds, look around; you will find more as they usually forage in pairs or groups of up to five individuals.

How long does an ivory-billed aracari live?

Although the exact life span of this aracari bird is unknown, members of the Ramphastidae family are estimated to live an average of 20-25 years.

How do they reproduce?

They build their nests in trees with tree holes. When a female bird mates with a male bird, she lays two to four white eggs. The eggs are incubated for about 16 days.

Throughout this phase, both the male and female are responsible for incubation and chick-rearing. The chicks are blind and naked when they first hatch, with small bills and thick pads on their feet to protect them from the rough nest floor. After around six weeks, the young birds are ready to fly.

What is their conservation status?

They are classified as of Least Concern according to the IUCN Red List. Why not when we find them fairly prominent in Colombia and Peru, except not so much in Ecuador.

Ivory-Billed Aracari Fun Facts

What do ivory-billed aracaris look like?

This ivory-billed aracari (Pteroglossus azara) is the smallest toucan, weighing just around 5.3 oz (150 g). They have bright plumage and a long bill, like all other toucans.

If you want to differentiate them apart from other toucan species, look for their redbreast, a dark belly band, and a yellow lower belly. Its bill is soft creamy-yellow or white and ivory maxilla with an orange spot below the nostril and variable dark markings.

How cute are they?

With their brightly colored plumage and prominent bill, these are cute birds that you would love to see every day.

How do they communicate?

These species' communication differs slightly from that of other birds. They communicate with each other by songs or mixing their extensive vocal calls with tapping and clattering sounds. They usually interact by vocalizations only during mating rituals and to warn of danger.

How big is an ivory-billed aracari?

This aracari is the smallest of their genus, measuring between 14.2-17.7 in (36.1-45 cm) in length.

How fast can an ivory-billed aracari move?

One of the key points to remember about them is that these species are not very good at flight; they generally hop from tree to tree much of the time. According to some observations, these Aracari are displaced by out-of-phase hopping at an average speed of 3.8 mph (6 kph).

How much does an ivory-billed aracari weigh?

Their weight ranges between 3.5-7.05 oz (99-199.9 gm).

What are the male and female names of the species?

There are no unique names for the male or female birds. However, we can distinguish the males from the females by their crowns, which are black on the males and brown on the females. In addition, males have a longer bill than females. Otherwise, they resemble each other.

What would you call a baby ivory-billed aracari?

This particular baby species doesn't have a specific name, but generally, a baby bird is called a chick.

What do they eat?

The ivory-billed parrot aracari's primary food source is fresh fruit, and they especially love ficus figs, but they have been observed eating insects in the wild too. While in captivity, They must be fed fresh fruit every day and given a low iron protein supplement.

Are they poisonous?

No worries, these birds have not been identified as poisonous species in the world.

Would they make a good pet?

Suppose you are looking for a fun, affectionate, and humorous bird that is also quiet. Then there are birds for you, which are ideal for apartment living because they don't make a lot of noise. They are, indeed, one of the best toucans to keep as pets, at a fair price, in the world.

Did you know...

If you return to the same location where you first saw them, you will almost certainly see them again the following year as these birds do not migrate. They are referred to as resident breeders because their breeding season occurs in the same area where they live all year.

Are they predators?

Though fruits are undeniably a large part of the Aracari's diet, these birds do sometimes venture into the realms munching on flesh. They are strictly frugivores but can be opportunistically omnivorous, preying on insects like termites, cicadas, and crickets.

How high can they fly?

This is a difficult question to answer! These South American Aracari species aren't known for their long-distance flight abilities. They just fly for short distances when they do.

These birds actually like to hop from one branch to the next. They can be found flying in at elevations of 984.3 ft (300 m) in southern Venezuela and northern Brazil. They can also be found flying at elevations of 3937 ft (1,200 m) in the west of the lower Andes, Southern Colombia, Western Brazil, and Central Brazil.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other birds from our eastern wood pewee facts and palm warbler facts pages.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable ivory-billed aracari coloring pages.

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Written by Oluwatosin Michael

Bachelor of Science specializing in Microbiology

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Oluwatosin MichaelBachelor of Science specializing in Microbiology

With a Bachelor's in Microbiology from the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Oluwatosin has honed his skills as an SEO content writer, editor, and growth manager. He has written articles, conducted extensive research, and optimized content for search engines. His expertise extends to leading link-building efforts and revising onboarding strategies. 

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