The Javan scops owl (Otus angelinae) is a species of scops owl. Scops owls are true owls of the genus Otus. This genus is part of the family Strigidae and the order Strigiformes. The genus Otus is similar to a large family and consists of 57 species of owls. All these species are called scops owls.
Scops owls are found in various shades of brown and this helps these birds to easily camouflage themselves in the bark of trees. Some species are also found in a grayish or a reddish-brown morph.
Identification of these birds is easy as both sexes are small in size and very compact. This makes the species very agile when moving and flying.
The genus Otus, of the family Strigidae, of the order Strigiformes, is a genus of Old World birds. Scops owls and screech owls are said to be closely related.
There are various names given to this bird species. In Germany, it's called Angelina-Zwergohreule, in Spanish, Autillo de Java, and in French, Petit-Duc de Java.
The distribution of the species is quite limited with just a few hundred birds left currently in their habitat range. This is quite a rare species of owl and it is only found in Indonesia, where its distribution is specifically limited to the western Java islands.
Due to their range and population issue, this bird species is now considered Vulnerable.
For more relatable content, check out these fun facts about the Indian scops owl and the barn owl for kids.
Javan Scops Owl Interesting Facts
What type of animal is a Javan scops owl?
Javan scops owl is a rare species of owl of the genus Otus that is found in Indonesia.
What class of animal does a Javan scops owl belong to?
The Javan scops owl (Otus angelinae) is part of the Strigidae family and the order Strigiformes. The species falls under the class of Aves in the kingdom of Animalia. There are no known subspecies of these birds.
How many Javan scops owls are there in the world?
Only a few hundred birds of this species in the genus Otus are left in the world. Their estimated population currently is known to be 1500-7000 birds. The habitat range of the species is quite restricted with a distribution area of only 29266.5 sq mi (75,800 sq km).
Where does a Javan scops owl live?
This species of bird is native to Indonesia. Their range is very restricted as these birds are only found in the western parts of the island of Java. Due to the limited distribution of the birds of the Strigidae family in Indonesia, the species is called by the name of the island they inhabit.
What is a Javan scops owl's habitat?
The usual habitat range of the Javan scops owl (known in German as Angelina-Zwergohreule, in Spanish as Autillo de Java, and in French as Petit-Duc de Java) is found in the seven mountain ranges on the island.
However, a recent description of the island has found that the bird has become extremely rare and it is now found in only three mountain ranges of the region.
The species is found in tropical upper montane forests at an elevation of around 3,280-6,560 ft (1,000-1,999.4 m).
Who do Javan scops owls live with?
Owls are usually solitary birds and they only live in pairs during the mating season. However, there is not much detailed information on the company that Javan scops owls keep.
How long does a Javan scops owl live?
The lifespan of the species is not known, however, in general, owls usually live for about 12-20 years.
How do they reproduce?
There is not much information available about the breeding habits of the species. The number of eggs laid each breeding season is not known.
However, it is known that their eggs are laid around May and December. The juvenile birds fledge in February, June, and July. More generally, owls usually lay around five to six eggs and they nest in the nests of other birds or in holes in trees.
What is their conservation status?
The conservation status of the Javan scops owl (Otus angelinae) is categorized as Vulnerable by the IUCN Red List. Although found easily in their best-suited habitats, their population has been decreasing alarmingly due to habitat loss and there are only small numbers of the species left.
These birds have lots of names in many different languages, such as Angelina's scops owl, Angelina-Zwergohreule, Autillo de Java, and Petit-Duc de Java. There are numerous other names too, however, the bird is only found in Java, Indonesia.
Javan Scops Owl Fun Facts
What do Javan scops owls look like?
Identification of the Javan scops owl (Otus angelinae) is carried out by identifying their reddish-brown upper plumage and their white-like or buffy collar. A whitish wing stripe is also present and the facial disk is colored with a rusty-brown color.
Their irises are colored golden-yellow and their underparts are white or cream in color. Their white eyebrows are seen extending towards their ear tufts.

*Please note that this is an image of an Indian scops owl, not a Javan scops owl. If you have an image of a Javan scops owl, please let us know at
How cute are they?
These owls are quite cute, especially when sighted in their natural habitat range.
How do they communicate?
There is not much information about the modes of communication of the Javan scops owl. Owls in general are usually very expressive and they use different vocal sounds to communicate.
How big is a Javan scops owl?
The Javan scops owl (Otus angelinae) or the Petit-Duc de Java is around 6.3-7.08 in (16-18 cm) long. In comparison, the burrowing owl from North and South America has a length of 7.5-9.5 in (19-24.1 cm). It is slightly bigger than the Javan scops owl.
How fast can a Javan scops owl fly?
This owl's specific speed is not known, but some owls can fly at a speed of 40 mph (64.3 kph).
How much does a Javan scops owl weigh?
The weight of this species of owls is not currently known.
What are their male and female names of the species?
Males and females of the Javan scops owl (Otus angelinae) species are not given different names.
What would you call a baby Javan scops owl?
The babies of Javan scops owls are called juveniles or owlets.
What do they eat?
The diet of the Javan scops owl (Otus angelinae) consists of insects like beetles, mantids, and grasshoppers. Sometimes, these birds also feed on small lizards and snakes. Bigger birds of prey keep smaller birds like the Javan scops owls in their diet.
Are they dangerous?
These owls pose no danger to humans. However, there have been some reports of bigger owls scratching humans.
Would they make a good pet?
These owls are not considered pets as they have a very limited and decreasing population.
Did you know...
These owls eat rodents, birds, insects, and reptiles.
Comparison with other scops owls
There are 57 known species of the genus Otus, known also as scops owls. All scops owls species are part of the family Strigidae. All of them have a similar brownish coloration on the body which helps them stay inconspicuous among the trees.
Why are they called scops owls?
The word 'Otus' is the name of this owl's genus was derived from the Latin word of the same spelling and the German word 'otos'. It means 'eared owl'.
The generic name, that is scops, is a synonym to this word. It was proposed by Marie Jules César Savigny in 1809. There are other names given to the species: Angelina's scops owl, Angelina-Zwergohreule, Autillo de Java, Petit-Duc de Java, Angelinadwergooruil, Celepuk Jawa, Assiolo di Giava, Jaavanpöllönen, and many others.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! For more relatable content, check out these hummingbird facts and tawny owl facts for kids.
You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable Javan scops owl coloring pages.
*Please note that this is an image of an Oriental scops owl, not a Javan scops owl. If you have an image of a Javan scops owl, please let us know at