Labrador Vs Golden Retriever: Decide Which Is The Best Breed For You

Aryan Khanna
Nov 20, 2022 By Aryan Khanna
Originally Published on Nov 19, 2021
Edited by Monisha Kochhar
Fact-checked by Pradhanya Rao
A Labrador vs Golden Retriever discussion is inevitable as both the dogs have such good qualities.

As you might look for differences between these two dog breeds in order to decide which one's better, there are chances that you might perhaps overlook the fact that they are in fact cousins of some sort and have tons of similarities.

Both the Labrador Retriever, as well as, the Golden Retriever belongs to the same category of dogs classified as sporting dogs by the American Kennel Club (AKC) for their unmatched outdoor prowess and at the same time their friendly nature.

There are in total seven categories in which all known dog breeds are divided depending upon the purpose that these dogs were bred for.

It is very easy to say that Labrador Retrievers and Golden Retrievers both are equally popular dog breeds in America.

Going by the data obtained by researchers, among a total of 193 dog breeds, the Labrador Retriever is the most popular dog sitting in the first position and the Golden Retriever is close behind it in the third spot.

There are multiple reasons why both these dogs are so popular in America.

Before we go on to discuss which one might be better for you, let us take a trip down memory lane to give you some insight into the origin of both these breeds as it isn't easy to choose between these two dogs without taking a close look at both of them.

Beginning with Golden Retrievers, we might see them as one of the most popular dogs in America in the current day, but what can possibly surprise you is the fact that they originated in Scotland, Great Britain back in the 19th century.

When it first started, the Golden Retriever was bred with the purpose of it serving as a gun dog.

The Golden Retriever came into existence by the breeding of the Tweed Water Spaniel and the Bloodhound that are now Extinct. The years that followed saw the dog being perfectly engineered to serve the purpose of being the best gun dog but with equally adept beauty features.

It was then sailed to America where it gradually became a very well-liked dog breed for multiple reasons but caught the eye of the entire nation when it was adopted as a pet by the 38th American President, Gerald Ford.

People saw the Golden Retriever on television and developed a deep liking for it.

It is the English origin of this very popular dog breed due to which people often refer to it as the English Golden Retriever as well.

Now for the Labrador Retriever.

Like many other dog breeds including the Golden Retriever, was originally bred in the 19th century but unlike the Golden Retriever, it was bred in Canada.

Even though the Labrador and the Golden Retriever are quite similar dogs and were bred to be working dogs, both of them are specialized for working on different surfaces.

The Golden Retriever fancies working on the land and the Labrador Retriever was a fisherman's favorite since the beginning and is better at working on the water.

The Labrador Retriever now might arguably be slightly more hardworking than the Golden Retrievers for the former was an expert in collecting fish since its origin. The Golden Retrievers, on the other hand, although are very energetic dogs, are relatively lazier than the Labrador Retrievers.

So if you cannot take your dog out for some exercise or a walk seven days a week, it is wiser to go for the Golden Retriever as they wouldn't have an issue missing a day's walk and might even prefer resting but make sure not to make this a habit as it might, later on, make your dog suffer.

On the monetary front, it is the Labrador Retriever which is generally more expensive than the Golden Retriever.

Labrador Retrievers have an average price of $900-1500, whereas, Golden Retrievers are able for around $800-1200.

Now if we are talking about dog lovers enthusiastic about adopting a dog, either might be preferred but let us still take a closer look at how both of these breeds are different from each other and which one might perhaps be the better pick for you.

If you enjoy this article, why not also read facts about the Labrador mixandGolden Retriever lifespan here on Kidadl?

Activity Level And Temperament

Labrador Retrievers and Golden Retrievers are both wonderful dogs with potentially the best qualities a dog breed has in this category. Both were created by genetic mutation back in the day but have successfully delivered on the expectations that were set.

In the present day, both these dogs have left people spoilt for choice, potential dog owners cannot decide which dog to go for.

People need to conduct a deep study, consult experts, consider all the relevant factors, and then decide on either one.

One such factor people often consider is the energy level of both these dogs, their enthusiasm towards outdoor activities, and their temperament.

Without any surprise, both the Labrador, as well as, Golden Retrievers have set breed standards in terms of energy levels, let us now take a closer look to see if one edges the other by even the slightest of margins.

As the name 'Retriever' suggests, both the Labrador Retriever, as well as, the Golden Retriever are high-energy dogs excelling in fetch games and other retrieving, search activities.

Both breeds share a quite similar temperament with characteristics such as intelligence, energy, friendliness, and are loving.

If you have a lifestyle that includes a lot of outdoor activities such as jogging, swimming, or going for long runs, these dogs might just be the perfect fit for you. The only department which isn't included in their portfolio is guarding.

These dogs are quite athletic with a strong sense of smell and high intelligence but they do not make good guarding dogs.

Their friendly relation with the family members makes them a relatively low threat to any intruders.

Now even though the temperament is quite similar, there are slight differences that separate the Labrador Retriever from the Golden Retriever. For instance, it has been noted that right from a young age, a Labrador puppy needs a relatively more intense workout session than Golden Retriever puppies and this pattern carries on until the end of their lives.

If someday you aren't able to take your Golden Retriever out for exercise, it won't mind and it would equally enjoy its day lying on the couch.

However, in the case of Labrador Retrievers, they would prefer to go out for some time at least as their energy levels are just a tad bit higher than the Golden Retrievers.

Labrador Vs. Golden Retriever Grooming

Despite the fact that both these dog breeds were bred thousands of miles away from each other, both of them have double coats to get some protection during the chilly winters. Even though both the Labrador Retriever and Golden Retriever have double coats, this doesn't make their grooming routine exactly the same.

It is the Golden Retriever owners who would need to pay a bit more attention and be careful about their pet's grooming routine.

Golden Retrievers are also regarded as wavy coated Retrievers owing to their long fur and silkier texture. Compared to Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers have a more frequent bathing and brushing routine as well.

Generally, the double coat of Golden Retrievers, as well as, Labrador Retrievers, can be kept well maintained if brushed a couple of times a week but this will change when the seasons change.

During the winter months the undercoat of these dogs grows thicker in order to protect them from the weather conditions but come the spring and summer months, these rescue dogs begin to shed their undercoat. This shedding period arrives twice a year lasting for around three to four weeks.

It is during this period that the frequency of brushing rises thrice a week or more if required.

Now the Golden Retrievers need more care and attention during this period because their longer and silkier fur is more difficult to maintain than that of Labrador Retrievers. Only brushing might not be sufficient for Golden Retrievers, this breed needs its long fur to be trimmed every couple of months.

Neck, ears, feet, and tail are some of the common areas where the longer fur requires trimming.

Moreover, there is also some discrepancy in the bathing frequency in both these popular breeds. A Labrador Retriever needs to be bathed once every six weeks but a Golden Retriever should be bathed once every month.

This is neither too high a frequency nor too low as an average dog is bathed every four to six weeks.

So it is the Golden Retriever that requires slightly more attention than the Labrador Retriever when it comes to grooming. Make sure not to over bathe your pet as this can damage the dog hair and affect its natural oils present in the skin.

So it is the Labrador Retriever that is easier to maintain to some extent.

Golden Retriever Vs. Labrador Genetic Diseases

With the good comes the bad, both these breeds are a part of some of the most intelligent dog breeds but not the longest living ones.

On average, the lifespan of a Labrador Retriever as a Golden Retriever is around 10-12 years. Even with proper care and nourishment, hardly any Golden Retrievers or Labradors continue to live beyond this age but there are some exceptions every now and then.

However, at the same time, we see a huge number of Labs as well as Golden Retrievers not being able to live to their average life span owing to a number of genetic diseases.

Beginning with Labrador Retrievers, this dog breed suffers from a number of genetic issues such as bloating, joint problems, and some other liver problems. Labradors are more susceptible to liver disorders than some of the other dog breeds.

During these liver issues, the liver of your dog doesn't receive enough amount of blood that it should and thus then cannot remove toxins from the bloodstream causing further issues in the body.

Special diets and medications are often enough to treat this condition but in serious cases, vets often need to resort to surgeries.

Additionally, bleeding disorder is another genetic disease to which Labradors are more prone than most of the other dog breeds. This bleeding disorder is generally known as hemophilia and can be treated conveniently if detected at the right time.

An inherited disease that can arguably be found in every other Labrador Retriever is hip and elbow dysplasia. This disease leads to joints developing in an improper manner which in the end leads to arthritis.

Labradors usually develop this genetic disease when they become older but it can be treated with early X-rays.

Moreover, an overweight Labrador will be at higher risk to suffer from this issue than a healthy one.

Taking a look at the genetic diseases of Golden Retrievers, just like their cousin Labrador, a large number of Golden Retrievers are unable to live the entirety of their life owing to genetic diseases. Some of the most common ones include eye problems, cancer, and joint issues.

Entropion, trichiasis, susceptibility to cataracts are some of the most common eye problems which affect Golden Retrievers. These issues commonly lead to deterioration of the retina, impaired vision, and in severe cases complete blindness too.

Over the years, cancer has become weirdly common in this intelligent breed, almost 50-60% of Golden Retrievers die of cancer and it is this staggering rate that has made people think about how this might be hereditary.

Labrador Vs. Golden Retriever Coat Color

Coat color plays a pivotal role in the minds of people when they ultimately decide on which dog breed to pick.

It often becomes very difficult to choose on the other factors as both of them are smart dogs and undoubtedly one of the most intelligent dogs as well. So the potential owners ultimately decide on the basis of the coat color which dog breed to pick.

Interestingly, even this might not be as easy as it sounds, it is actually a lot more difficult with so many different options in front of you.

In terms of coat color, Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers are the same as well as different.

Labrador Retrievers are found in a variety of colors ranging from black to yellow but Golden Retrievers, on the other hand, do not have such a wide variety in terms of colors. The Golden Retrievers specialize in different shades but of the same color.

You can see a Golden Retriever in only golden color but the golden color can become almost white or even dark golden-red depending upon the breeding genes and the life stage of the dog.

On the contrary, Labradors sport the same color throughout their lifetime, whether as a baby or an adult.

Labradors are also known to exist in three to four different colors such as black, chocolate, yellow, and even red but the last one isn't often regarded as purebred.

Apart from the coat color, the tail of both these dog breeds is quite distinct. A Golden Retriever has a long tail but it is covered with long strands of hair and waves a lot from side to side while walking.

For a Labrador, on the other hand, its tail is thick and entirely covered with short hair, eliminating the wavy look which the tail of the Golden Retriever has.

Are they good with other dogs?

If you already have dogs at your home or some other pet, you would naturally think a couple of times before getting a new dog.

However, you need not be overly stressed about this issue if you plan on getting a Labrador retriever or a Golden Retriever. There must be some reason why people have multiple dogs at their homes and usually one of them being a Golden or a Labrador Retriever.

It is the friendly temperament of these dogs which have led them to become one of the most popular dog breeds not only in the United States but in the entire world.

The high energy level of these dogs always keeps a lively environment at home with their owners as well as the other pets. Both the Labrador Retriever, as well as, the Golden Retriever are known to be friendly, sociable, and kind.

There is hardly any other dog breed that excels in these fields more than these dogs.

Statistically, it has been noted that a whopping 31.6% of people who own a Golden Retriever also have another dog at their home. This good-natured and cooperative behavior of these dogs also makes it convenient for their owner to manage multiple of them without a fuss.

Are they good for families and children?

Now, these dogs are not only good with their fellow canine mates but also with their owners and especially with children. If you have second thoughts before getting a dog because you think they might not be good for your family or children, you must go for a Golden Retriever or a Labrador Retriever.

A Golden Retriever's family-friendly nature is unmatched.

A Labrador or a Golden Retriever is a great addition to a family but it is better to have a Golden Retriever when you have small kids at your home and opt for a Labrador Retriever when you have teenaged kids.

A Labrador Retriever is more relatively more energetic than the Golden Retriever and would demand more physical activity than its cousin. A Golden Retriever wouldn't mind sitting by your side on the couch or the bed for the entire day but a Labrador Retriever would be better off with some exercise every day.

This doesn't make Labrador Retrievers any less compatible for being house dogs.

Golden Retriever And Labrador Health Problems

Both the Golden Retriever and the Labrador Retriever are a complete package and come with their part of negatives. These dog breeds are fairly susceptible to a number of common illnesses.

Cancer is the biggest concern for both these breeds in general and specifically for Golden Retrievers. Researchers have concluded that around 38% of Golden Retrievers every year lose their life due to cancer. This number is lower for Labrador Retrievers at 31% but is still quite high.

Apart from cancer, there are several other health problems that can take a toll on your pet dog. Labrador Retrievers have a long list of health problems including hip and elbow dysplasia, entropion, diabetes, cataracts.

On the other hand, the Golden Retriever is also vulnerable to a number of health issues including lymphoma, hip and elbow dysplasia, eye disorders, and skin problems.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Labrador vs Golden Retriever facts then why not take a look at if Golden Retrievers shed or Golden Retriever facts?

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Written by Aryan Khanna

Bachelor of Business Administration specializing in Marketing

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Aryan KhannaBachelor of Business Administration specializing in Marketing

A dedicated and hardworking content writer currently pursuing his Bachelor's in Management Studies from St. Xavier's University, Kolkata. Aryan aims to gain corporate exposure and enhance his skills while creating well-researched and engaging content that is SEO-friendly. Aryan is a talented individual who puts in the effort to overcome any obstacle in his way.

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Fact-checked by Pradhanya Rao

Bachelor of Commerce specializing in Marketing and HR

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Pradhanya RaoBachelor of Commerce specializing in Marketing and HR

With a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce from Christ University, Bangalore, Pradhanya's passion for the English language and literature led her to explore the field of content writing, where she has gained extensive experience in writing, reviewing, editing, and fact-checking. She has also earned certifications in Google Ads Search, Google Ads Display, and Social Media Marketing, showcasing her proficiency in digital marketing.

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