Do you want to identify the smallest cuckoo in the world? Let's make your search easy.
Among all the cuckoo species, the lesser cuckoo (cuculus poliocephalus) is the smallest.
The lesser cuckoo (cuculus poliocephalus) is a monotypic species of the Aves class and Cuculiformes order. The lesser cuckoo (cuculus poliocephalus) is also known as the Asian lesser cuckoo, Asian little cuckoo, Asian small cuckoo, Petit coucou in French, Gackelkuckuck in German, and Cuco chico in Spanish.
The lesser cuckoo (cuculus poliocephalus) is called hototogisu in Japan and often praised for its song. The lesser cuckoo (cuculus poliocephalus) is also recognized by the Chinese culture and the Korean literature.
The lesser cuckoos (cuculus poliocephalus) are brooding parasites and lays its eggs in the nests of other birds, known as the host. The lesser cuckoo (cuculus poliocephalus) is a migrant bird, and is found in northern Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, foothills of the Himalayas, Myanmar, Vietnam, eastern Russia, North Korea, South Korea, and Japan.
The breeding population of the lesser cuckoo (cuculus poliocephalus) travels to different cities in India, and the wintering range is distributed in some parts of Africa and Sri Lanka.
However, in the city of Hainan (China), the lesser cuckoo (cuculus poliocephalus) is a resident bird. The lesser cuckoo (cuculus poliocephalus) is very closely related to the madagascar cuckoo (cuculus rochii), and sunda cuckoo (cuculus lepidus), and they are often treated as conspecific species.
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Lesser Cuckoo Interesting Facts
What type of animal is a lesser cuckoo?
The lesser cuckoo (cuculus poliocephalus) is a bird species of the Cuculus genus and Cuculiformes order.
What class of animal does a lesser cuckoo belong to?
The lesser cuckoo (cuculus poliocephalus) belongs to the Aves class that includes all birds.
How many lesser cuckoos are there in the world?
The population size of the lesser cuckoo (cuculus poliocephalus) is currently unknown.
Where does a lesser cuckoo live?
The breeding range of the lesser cuckoo (cuculus poliocephalus) is found in the northern Pakistan, Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Manipur and Nagaland, China, Myanmar, Vietnam, South Korea, North Korea, Eastern Russia and Japan. The wintering range of the lesser cuckoo (cuculus poliocephalus) is found in Sri Lanka and Africa.
What is a lesser cuckoo's habitat?
Lesser cuckoos (cuculus poliocephalus) are very forest dependent (evergreen montane forests, temperate forests, foothill forests, coniferous forests, and mixed pine-oak forests) but they can also be found in the tropical and sub-tropical high altitude shrublands and dry savanna ecosystems.
Who do lesser cuckoos live with?
The lesser cuckoo (cuculus poliocephalus) prefer to be solitary and only tend to be in pairs during the mating season.
How long does a lesser cuckoo live?
The longest record of a living lesser cuckoo (cuculus poliocephalus) is seven years.
How do they reproduce?
The breeding season of the lesser cuckoo (cuculus poliocephalus) starts from May and ends in July. It is a brooding parasite and chooses to lay its eggs in the nests of small warblers, wren-babblers, and shortwings.
It relies on these host species to raise its young cuckoo, usually pushing out the eggs of the host within a few days after the hatching.
What is their conservation status?
Lesser cuckoos (cuculus poliocephalus) are of the Least Concern, according to The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species.
Lesser Cuckoo Fun Facts
What do lesser cuckoos look like?
The lesser cuckoo (cuculus poliocephalus) is small but compact and stumpy in shape. The adult male species are grey in color with a black-barred tail, covered with white spots.
The female species are usually rufous in color, along with dark bars across their wings. The young lesser cuckoo is brown in color with faint white feathers. All of them have dark eyes and pale-yellow feet in common.
How cute are they?
Lesser cuckoos (cuculus poliocephalus) are not considered very cute due to their dark grey color and sharp eyes.
How do they communicate?
No information is given regarding regarding the communication of the lesser cuckoo (cuculus poliocephalus).
How big is a lesser cuckoo?
The average lesser cuckoo (cuculus poliocephalus) is 8.66-10.63 in (22-27 cm) long, which is 10 times the size of an oriental cockroach.
How fast can a lesser cuckoo fly?
There is insufficient data regarding the flying speed of the lesser cuckoo.
How much does a lesser cuckoo weigh?
The average weight of a lesser cuckoo is 0.08-0.13 lb (40-59 g)
What are the male and female names of the species?
These species do not have any sex-specific names. They are simply referred to as male lesser cuckoo and female lesser cuckoo.
What would you call a baby lesser cuckoo?
No specific name is given to the baby of the lesser cuckoo (cuculus poliocephalus).
What do they eat?
The lesser cuckoos (cuculus poliocephalus) are omnivores and feed on caterpillars, grasshoppers, butterflies, beetles, crickets, cicadas, dragonflies, mantids, fruits, berries, and other plant matter.
Are they dangerous?
The lesser cuckoo (cuculus poliocephalus) are wild animals and are hence considered extremely dangerous.
Would they make a good pet?
No, the lesser cuckoo (cuculus poliocephalus) would not make a good pet. It is illegal to keep them as a pet in most of the world.
Did you know...
The lesser cuckoo (cuculus poliocephalus) is a completely migrant bird. It is only a resident in the city of Hainan in China.
What is the call of the lesser cuckoo?
Lesser cuckoos (cuculus poliocephalus) are mostly recognized by their song which is a short phrase of jumbled notes, and sounds like "eat-your-choKY-pepper!", with the latter call being louder than the former call. Their loud, distinctive, and bubbling voice keeps getting repeated monotonously.
Comparison with other cuckoos
The lesser cuckoo (cuculus poliocephalus) is the most identifiable by sight among all the species of cuckoos because it is the smallest in its size and shape. It is also the most widely spaced among all the cuckoos.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! For more relatable content, check out these birds from our bowerbird facts and hummingbird facts pages.
You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable lesser cuckoo coloring pages.