Fun Little Sparrowhawk Facts For Kids

Monika Sharma
Nov 17, 2022 By Monika Sharma
Originally Published on Aug 31, 2021
Edited by Luca Demetriou
Fact-checked by Gowri Rao
Little sparrowhawk facts suggest that these birds have thin legs and long toes.

The little sparrowhawk, Accipiter minullus, is indeed a miracle of nature as these birds were almost considered extinct in the eastern countries, but today they are one of the most widespread birds. These birds are native to southern Africa and are mostly found in northern Angola and the western cape.

Over time due to advancement in the agriculture sector, the sparrowhawk accipiter nisus endured many issues related to it.

The primary reason why the population of this juvenile little sparrowhawk experienced a negative curve is because of pesticides used in the agriculture sector.

It did not only affect their population but also resultant in affecting the health of their eggs. Various reasons such as breakage during the incubation as well as detouring health in the adults of this species led to a serious downfall in their population.

The Eurasian sparrowhawk is excellent in hunting and usually preys on small birds. These birds of the world follow nature-based rules when it comes to hunting. These excellent predators generally hide under the shed and surprise their prey, the birds of prey are generally small birds.

To keep filling the glass of your curiosity, make sure to check out our amazing articles on seaside sparrows and white hawks.

Little Sparrowhawk Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a little sparrowhawk?

The little sparrowhawk, Accipiter minullus, is a kind of bird and it belongs to the class Aves like all the other birds.

What class of animal does a little sparrowhawk belong to?

Sparrowhawks are a few of the most intriguing birds around us, they belong to the waves class and come from the family of acciptriormes.

How many little sparrowhawks are there in the world?

Sparrowhawks are a few of the largest genus of the birds and they come in around 48 plus species. The sparrowhawk, accipiter nisus, was once seen very near to extinction in regions such as Britain due to harmful pesticides, resulting in thin eggs and various health problems.

Nonetheless, today the bird enjoys a very vast population in its native countries such as South Africa.

Where does a little sparrowhawk live?

The distribution of these birds is across the regions of eastern and southern Saharan Africa. The little sparrowhawk range starts from the southern democratic republic of Congo all the way to the eastern and western cape in South Africa.

What is a little sparrowhawk's habitat?

The natural habitats of these birds are usually lush with their prey. A prime diet for these birds of the world for a day can be a small bird or a small mammal.

The Eurasian sparrowhawk lives in the north and typically near the rivers. To search for food, you can also find these birds in suburban gardens and grasslands.

Who do little sparrowhawks live with?

The little sparrowhawk range map takes plenty of areas where these birds can be caught and found breeding. Generally, the distribution of these birds suggests that they live with birds that are found far in the north mostly woodland areas. Birds such as pigeons and goshawk or African pygmy goose are the usual neighbors of these birds.

How long does a little sparrowhawk live?

The life span for an average adult of this species can be anywhere around four to ten years. Across the world there are various species of the sparrowhawks, counting both north and south, thus the lifespan relies very much on the habitat conditions and eating habits.

How do they reproduce?

A little sparrowhawk female plays a major role in the breeding season. Males of the species mostly take responsibility for defending the nest and searching for food.

Breeding season starts in September for this genus and the nest is also built during a similar time frame. Females of this species are very smart and generally use the old nest of either the goshawk or shikras. Little sparrowhawk eggs are incubated by both males and females of the species.

Broad wings of the females are pretty useful during incubating the eggs. Chicks remain under their parents' protection for about one year.

What is their conservation status?

Southern Africa has proven to be a very good habitat for these birds of the world. All thanks to the food distribution and favoring environmental conditions, these birds carry a conservation status of Least Concern.

Little Sparrowhawk Fun Facts

What do little sparrowhawks look like?

To provide a vague description of this bird, it can be said that they have long tail and toes with thin legs and slate grey color. Nonetheless, to identify these small birds, that's not enough.

They have a bright yellow color and grey pale underparts and broad wings, helping them catch a good flight. An average male in this species is smaller in size compared to a female.

The orange-brown front with faded hues of blue is also a signature feature of these birds. Young birds also look similar, just more pale compared to an average adult of this family.

How cute are they?

These orange-yellow families of hawk adults are very cute. Although, it should be taken into note that they are carnivores and are said to eat birds such as pigeons. Thus, they can very well create a chaotic environment in your garden.

How do they communicate?

Communication among predators especially during the breeding season is the key to ensure the safety of the young chicks and the nest. Male hawks are given the duty to protect the nest and they communicate any danger to the female by making several calls or producing sounds.

Their excellent ability to flight is also an advantage, nonetheless, communication is usually more prominent and done through making sounds or calls.

How big is a little sparrowhawk?

A little sparrowhawk male generally weighs less than their females. However, to compare these birds to other birds of the world, it can be said that sparrowhawks are slightly larger than red-cockaded woodpeckers and are around nine times smaller than a yellow-crowned night heron.

How fast can a little sparrowhawk fly?

These orange-brown birds with bright-yellow eyes can catch very impressive flights as they generally prey on their food, it's also an added advantage for this Eurasian sparrowhawk to fly this well.

How much does a little sparrowhawk weigh?

An average adult sparrowhawk can weigh anywhere from 0.16-0.18 lb (74-85 g). The birds of this genus are considerably small compared to its other sub-species.

What are the male and female names of the species?

The male and female of this family are addressed similarly. One can refer to them either through their scientific name or simply by calling them sparrowhawks.

What would you call a baby little sparrowhawk?

A little sparrowhawk baby can be simply called a hatchling or a nestling. Depending on the age of the chicks either of the two can be used to address the babies of these orange-brown underparts and yellow-eyed birds. Adult sparrowhawks often use old nests made by birds like the goshawk to breed their young ones.

What do they eat?

Young sparrowhawks are fed with insects, whereas the adult eats various birds of prey, which are insects or pigeons, or small birds.

Are they dangerous?

Sparrowhawks are interesting birds and are not dangerous to the human. However, these thin-legged, brown-colored are very dangerous for other smaller birds.

Would they make a good pet?

Sparrowhawks can be good birds and are usually found in the south. Although, families must be well aware of their predator nature in case they have other pet birds.

Did you know...

Sparrowhawks are considered the reason for the decline of native birds due to their overhunting of numerous kinds of birds of prey, which also includes songbirds.

Kestrel and sparrowhawks are often confused to be one, given they are both predators in nature. Nevertheless, sparrowhawks prefer to take cover during their hunt whereas, the kestrels hover around.

Do little sparrowhawks migrate?

The little sparrowhawk migrates the most during their breeding season. The fashion often follows a resident and sedentary pattern.

How did the sparrowhawk get its name?

Sparrowhawks got their name due to their hunting habits. Their name refers to a very small bird that preys on other birds.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! For more relatable content, check out these vesper sparrow facts and Hawaiin hawk facts pages.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable sparrowhawk coloring pages.

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Written by Monika Sharma

Bachelor of Science specializing in Electronics and Telecommunication

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Monika SharmaBachelor of Science specializing in Electronics and Telecommunication

With a passion for crafting engaging and informative content, Monika brings a wealth of writing experience to our team. Her Bachelors in Electronics and Telecommunications from Symbiosis Institute Of Technology adds a unique perspective to her work, allowing her to effectively communicate complex ideas in a clear and concise manner. Over the past two years, Monika has perfected her writing skills through her roles as a content writer, content manager, and digital marketer for reputable companies in both the USA and India. This hands-on experience has provided her with a deep understanding of industry trends and best practices, ensuring that the content she produces is always of the highest quality. She stays current with the latest field developments,continuously refining her skills to deliver exceptional content.

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Fact-checked by Gowri Rao

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Economics

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Gowri RaoBachelor of Arts specializing in Economics

With a bachelor's degree in Economics from Krea University, Gowri is a highly skilled data analyst and an expert in regression and causation modeling. Her interests in economic trends, finance, and investment research complement her professional expertise. In addition to her professional pursuits, Gowri enjoys swimming, running, and playing the drums, and she is also a talented tutor.

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