Fun Long-legged Sac Spider Facts For Kids

Christian Mba
Oct 20, 2022 By Christian Mba
Originally Published on Aug 06, 2021
Edited by Luca Demetriou
Fact-checked by Ankit Shinde
Long legged sac spider facts about the yellow sac spiders.

Have you ever noticed a spider? Long-legged spiders are a common species that belong to the cheiracanthium family. They are found in most of the US and prefer to live indoors. They are poisonous.

Cheiracanthium mildei are also known as yellow sac spiders. The long-legged sac spider bite is known to be extremely painful and the swelling can last for several days, causing great discomfort. These pests are fast runners, making them ambush predators that are most active at night, under the cover of darkness.

Here are some fun and interesting facts that will make you more curious about the long-legged sac spider (cheiracanthium mildei). Afterwards, do check our other articles on banded garden spider facts and yellow sac spider facts.

Long-Legged Sac Spider Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a long-legged sac spider?

The long-legged sac spider or yellow sac spider (cheiracanthium mildei) is a spider that belongs to the family cheiracanthium. Their tarsi are not pointed outward which is a unique characteristic that identifies them.

Long-legged sac spiders are common in households. They are seen in Europe, North America, Central Asia and also widespread in northeastern United States and eastern Canada. Two known species of the cheiracanthium family are c. inclusum and c. mildei.

What class of animal does a long-legged sac spider belong to?

Long-legged sac spider (Cheiracanthium mildei) is a spider that belongs to the arachnida class of the cheiracanthium family. These pests of North America come under the araneae order. Its scientific name is Cheiracanthium mildei.  They are mostly spotted indoors whereas other Cheiracanthium inclusum is mostly seen outdoors.

How many long-legged sac spiders are there in the world?

There is no accurate and rough estimate regarding the total number of long-legged sac spiders (Cheiracanthium mildei) in the world. They are a very common species and most often seen inside houses. Around 400 species from the family are seen across the world.

Where does a long-legged sac spider live?

Long-legged sac spiders usually live indoors and found in ceilings, behind the shelves, wall of the house, and corner of the house. They are found in Europe, North America, Central Asia and also widespread in the northeastern United States and eastern Canada. They are a very common species in most of the US.

What is a long-legged sac spider's habitat?

Long-legged sac spiders live mostly in houses. They are seen on the walls, ceilings, corners of the house, and behind the shelves. They construct a sac or silk tube in these places. These spiders do not build webs. Sac spiders are active at night and take shelter during the day. They hunt prey during the night.

Who do long-legged sac spiders live with?

Long-legged sac spiders (genus cheiracanthium) prefer to live solitary and sometimes in pairs.

How long does a long-legged sac spider live?

Long-legged sac spiders have an average lifespan between 2-7 years. It may vary depending on its food habits and environment.

How do they reproduce?

Female yellow sac spiders or long-legged sac spiders produce five egg sacs which contain 30-48 eggs after mating. Eggs are usually during the autumn season.

The egg sac looks like a paper sac and is white in color and is coated with spun silk. These egg sacs are seen in the corners or behind the shelves of the house. A female long-legged spider guards these egg sacs until they are hatched.

What is their conservation status?

Long-legged sac spiders (genus cheiracanthium) are very common and can be spotted mostly indoors. They are of least concern and are widespread throughout different places.  Hence they do not face any extinction threats.

Long-Legged Sac Spider Fun Facts

What do long-legged sac spiders look like?

Long-legged sac spiders or yellow sac spiders or black footed spiders is a species of the cheiracanthium family that is spotted indoors mostly. They are light yellow to pale yellowish green in color.

These spiders have an orange brown stripe on the top of their abdomen which is a pale yellow to light grey . The leg span of males is slightly larger than female spiders. The fused head and thorax, which is known as cephalothorax, are reddish to orange brown in color.

How cute are they?

Long-legged sac spiders are small and fascinating creatures that are mostly seen indoors. The long-legged sac spider poisonous bite can be extremely painful for humans. So, no one can categorize this dark legged pest as cute.

How do they communicate?

Long-legged sac spiders communicate with each other through pheromones which the cheiracanthium species release. They also communicate by touching and leaving small trails of silk.

How big is a long-legged sac spider?

An adult long-legged sac spider is small sized and has a length of 0.3-0.4 in (0.7-1 cm). It is much smaller than a hummingbird.

How fast can long-legged sac spiders move?

Long-legged sac spiders can run very quickly and it helps them to catch their prey.

How much does a long-legged sac spider weigh?

Long-legged sac spiders are very tiny and have a length of 0.3-0.4 in (0.7-1 cm). It weighs is extremely low and is estimated to be below an oz.

What are the male and female names of the species?

As a long-legged sac spider is a spider, its species is c. mildei. A male long-legged sac spider is called a spider itself and a female long-legged sac spider is called an epigynum.

What would you call a baby long-legged sac spider?

A baby long-legged sac spider is called a spiderling.

What do they eat?

Long-legged sac spiders are carnivores. Their diet includes flies, crickets, moths, and other similar sized insects. Cheiracanthium species lives indoors mostly, where their main predator is lizards. The other predator that is outdoors is the chameleon.

Are they harmful?

Long-legged sac spiders are poisonous. Their bite can harm humans in a minor way as their venom is mild. But in some cases, Cheiracanthium inclusum have become extreme. The bite can cause a mild fever and headache.

Would they make a good pet?

Long-legged sac spiders (genus cheiracanthium) are common species found indoors mostly. Black footed spiders are not suitable for keeping as a pet as they are poisonous and are very small animals.

Did you know...

Female long-legged sac spiders (genus cheiracanthium) sometimes kill and eat the male spider after mating. They also consume their own eggs too. Females have longer legs in the front than the other legs that help them in hunting.

Long-legged sac spider bites

Long-legged sac spiders (genus cheiracanthium) are poisonous and can bite humans. As they are a very common species, humans are prone to get bitten. Their bite is very painful and its effect may last from a few hours to a few days. It can cause swelling, sometimes mild fever, and headaches. In most cases, it is not severe.

How to get rid of long-legged sac spiders

One of the best ways to get rid of long-legged sac spiders is to seal the holes, cracks, and gaps that allow them to enter the house. It will prevent the entry of these spiders into homes.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! For more relatable content, check out these bolas spider facts, and cat-faced spider facts.

You can even occupy yourself at home by drawing one of our sac spider coloring pages.

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Written by Christian Mba

Bachelor of Science specializing in Computer Science

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Christian MbaBachelor of Science specializing in Computer Science

Christian Mba is an experienced blogger and content writer with over a decade of experience. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Nigeria and has a keen interest in Python programming. Along with his writing and blogging expertise, he is also an SEO specialist with more than six years of experience. Chris, as he is commonly known, has a passion for music and enjoys playing the piano.

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Fact-checked by Ankit Shinde

Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication

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Ankit ShindeBachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication

Ankit is a Journalism and Mass Media graduate from the University of Mumbai. With experience in SEO, blog and article writing, and fiction writing, he is a versatile writer and content creator. In his free time, Ankit enjoys reading, writing, and listening to music.

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