Mealy parrots are split into two subspecies, namely the northern mealy parrots, one of the largest amazon parrots, and the southern mealy parrots, are more or less similar in appearance however they are native to different regions of America and the Amazon. The southern mealy parrots were earlier considered to be conspecific.
They are most commonly seen on the Carribian coast, Costa Rica, and Panama. There are a total of five subspecies of mealy parrots.
They are amazing as pets when trained and are an excellent companion to any bird lover. They develop an instant connection with owners and enjoy social interactions.
It's better to consider adopting more than one parrot to avoid the loneliness of any kind to the bird and enough space for all parrot birds to move around and live freely even if they are kept as pets in a cage. Lonely caged birds tend to become self-destructive and aggressive.
Regular visits to the medical professional are also essential to ensure your parrot's health is at its best.
It's always better to adopt than to buy a pet online. If you liked this article, check out the American kestrel and the kea parrot.
Mealy Parrot Interesting Facts
What type of animal is a Mealy Parrot?
The green mealy amazon parrot is one of the largest parrots and is a species of bird.
What class of animal does a Mealy Parrot belong to?
Mealy parrots are birds and belong to the Aves class of species. They belong to Psittacidae and their scientific names are Amazona guatemalae (Northern mealy parrots) and Amazona Farinosa (Southern Mealy parrots).
How many Mealy Parrots are there in the world?
The exact number of mealy parrots is not known, however, there exist two major types in the family and there are a total of five subspecies in the same family. Some of them have a little yellow spot while others have a bluish tinge.
Where does a Mealy Parrot live?
Parrot families live in tropical rainforests in Central America and South America and are also native to the Amazon region. Mealy parrots rest in cavities and make seasonal movements.
What is a Mealy Parrot's habitat?
Parrot habitats are humid lowland rainforests near clearings, dense rainforests as well as wooded areas, and parts of the savannas. They are found in parts of Central and South America, Mexico, Bolivia, Brazil, Panama as well as Costa Rica.
Who do Mealy Parrots live with?
Parrots are largely group birds and seldom like to be left alone. As pets, they can be left alone for no longer than six to eight hours. Fun fact, parrots enjoy watching television and might also mimic human speech.
How long does a Mealy Parrot live?
The mealy Amazon parrot's lifespan is 60 to 80 years. Their lifespan reduces by a few years when in captivity. The older parrot ever that survived, according to the Guinness World Records, was named Cookie, a cockatoo parrot who lived 82 years and 88 days and passed away on 27 August 2016.
How do they reproduce?
They are monogamous and mate for life. The breeding season is usually in spring in the months of November to March. They build nests in a tree cavity. Females lay one clutch of three eggs once a year.
The eggs are then incubated for a period of four weeks. Males usually assist females in raising their young and by regurgitating food for the female parrot. Females feed their offspring until they are ready to leave the nest.
What is their conservation status?
The mealy parrots are considered to be Near Threatened by the International Union For Conservation Of Nature (IUCN). In many instances, this species is illegally smuggled into the United States from Mexico and in some areas, mealy Amazons are hunted as food.
Mealy Parrot Fun Facts
What do Mealy Parrots look like?

Mealy amazons parrots have a light blue/teal sheen to their green coat. This parrot has a short, squarish tail and its green feathers seem to have been dusted lightly. The end of the tail is lighter lime green.
These parrots in some instances have patches of yellow on the head. Eye color is reddish-orange. Their undercoat is usually yellow, blue, purple, red, or teal.
How cute are they?
Amazon green parrots are extremely vibrant, unique, and cute animals. They live in semi-humid forests and are rarely seen in deciduous forests and plantations. If adopted and trained as a pet they become loyal companions to their owners and fun and loving beings.
How do they communicate?
Mealy parrot sounds are usually loud screeches, crackling noise, and are some of the most raucous sounds you hear in the forest. As a pet, they will be loud and you might want to consider this factor before adopting them into an apartment.
Most parrots try to mimic the human voice and a talking mealy amazon parrot is filled with fun and entertainment. They don't like being left alone for long hours and enjoy the company of other parrot species as well as humans.
How big is a Mealy Parrot?
Mealy amazons are 15inch-16inch (38cm-41cm ) in length which is roughly five times the size of a Pygmy parrot, which is 3.1inch (8cm) in length and is categorized as one of the smallest species of parrots.
How fast can a Mealy Parrot fly?
Average mealy Amazon parrots can fly at 20 to 30 miles per hour. They are social birds and are usually seen in large flocks or pairs in the wild. These large flocks can reach over 100 parrots.
How much does a Mealy Parrot weigh?
Mealy parrot birds weigh 19-25oz (540-700g). The fawn kakapo is the world's heaviest longest-living parrot. The fawn kakapo is native to New Zealand.
What are their male and female names of the species?
Male parrots are called cocks and female parrots are called a hen. Their physical appearance is more or less the same, however, they have different reproductive organs which can only be identified by consulting a professional. Very few parrot species have different colors based on their gender.
What would you call a baby Mealy Parrot?
Amazon green parrot baby is referred to as a chick. They are born without feathers and develop the same over a period of time. During their early stages, they are largely bald. Parent parrots name their offspring unlike other species of animals.
What do they eat?
Mealy parrots are herbivorous. The mealy Amazon parrot's diet consists of seeds, fruits, leaf buds, and grains which they eat both in the wild and as a pet. These parrot species are also preyed on by certain animals in the wild and hunted by humans in some parts of the world.
Are they dangerous?
They are not dangerous until attacked or threatened in which case they usually tend to react or retaliate to get out of the situation. If they don't react they usually make use of their flight instinct.
If a mealy parrot is not kept properly in a cage as a pet then it has chances to develop sadness which may lead to serious illness which may be dangerous.
Would they make a good pet?
Caring for a mealy Amazon parrot is simple as long as their happiness, diet, and shelter requirements are taken care of. Routine bathing or misting with a shower head is vital to maintaining good plumage and skin. They cost about $1000 to $2000 if bought from a breeder.
The prices may vary depending on various factors. They are fun, loving, and friendly pets when trained. If you are looking for a constant companion parrots are a definite option to consider.
Did you know...
Cockatiels are the quietest parrots, followed by parakeets and canaries. Senegal parrots and parrotlets are also considered to be apartment-friendly parrot species and are relatively silent beings as compared to other types of parrots.
Mealy parrots are largely loud during dawn and dusk, compared to other times of the day. Adopting a parrot could mean getting yourself a lifelong pet since parrots have a relatively long lifespan.
Although parrot's roles in the environment have not been researched. Mealy parrots have been speculated to be responsible for seed dispersal as well as acting as a pollinator.
The Mealy Parrot's adaptations
Parrots adapt to the rainforest in a variety of ways and have the capacity to adjust to other temperate zones as well for shorter durations. Parrot adaptations include zygodactyl, meaning they have two toes pointing forward and two toes pointing backward on each foot.
They also have a strong beak which helps them easily crack open nuts and other food types in the wild.
How loud are they?
Parrot characteristics include that they are loud and noisy and tend to have different kinds of calls including chattering, squawking, and whistling. Other Amazon parrots have a lighter tone as compared to mealy parrots.
Their voice can be heard easily throughout the forest. This unique species of bird is beautiful and definitely worth seeing at least once in a lifetime. If you are visiting or live in any region native to this bird, make sure to see one of the largest species of parrots in the Amazon.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other birds including the short-eared owl and the yellow-eyed penguin.
You can even occupy yourself at home by drawing one of our mealy parrot coloring pages.