Humans domesticated cavies about 5000 years ago. These cavies are selectively bred to produce a various variety of colors and patterns. They belong to the family Caviidae and subfamily Caviinae. They are members of the rodent family.
Cavies are one of the most popular domestic pets in the world. They are nocturnal mammals as they can move around in less danger from predators at night. They are similar in size to mice.
Montane guinea pigs were first defined by E. T. Bennett in the year 1835, who termed them Cavia cutleri.
In an 1845 publication, Johann Jakob von Tschudi used the term Cavia cutleri to describe what are today classed as two separate subspecies - the first, Bennett's Cavia cutleri, later recognized as Cavia porcellus by Oldfield Thomas in 1917, and the second, the animal Bennett defined.
In 1867, Leopold Fitzinger renamed the latter one tschudii.
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Montane Guinea Pig Interesting Facts
What type of animal is a montane guinea pig?
Cavia tschudii is a type of small cavy species of the rodent family.
What class of animal does a montane guinea pig belong to?
C. tschudii belongs to the class Mammalia, phylum Chordata, and the order family of Rodentia and Caviidae.
How many montane guinea pigs are there in the world?
There are nearly 13 types of cavy species in the world. Some of them include teddy satin, coronet, American satin, Peruvian, Silkie, white-crested, Abyssinian, and texel. These breeds are identified by variations in hair color, texture, the color patterns of the pelage, and the sheen of the pelage. The population size of C. tschudii has not been estimated yet.
Where does a montane guinea pig live?
C. tschudii is endemic to the Andes in South America. Their distribution range stretches from Peru to the Tucumán Province of Argentina and the Tarapacá Region of Chile. The greater guinea pig (Cavia manga), which is the largest species, is endemic to Brazil. Brazilian species are also found in Brazil, but C.tschudii is naturally absent in Brazil.
What is a montane guinea pig's habitat?
C. tschudii can be found at an altitudinal range between 6,561.7-12,467.2 ft (2,000-3,800 m). It prefers rocky habitats with coarse vegetation, making its way through it.
This mammal loves habitats that are near riparian habitats. It can also be found in swamps, forest edges, and savannahs.
However, in Argentina, it builds burrows with numerous entrances, allowing them to move from place to place with ease. Sometimes, the animal also utilizes burrows constructed by mice and rats and other burrowing animals so that they do not have to form their own burrows.
Who does Montane guinea pig live with?
C. tschudii can live in groups consisting of members of its own species members and other guineas species. The group can be as large as about 10 cavies. As natural herd mammals, the cavies use each other to protect themselves from predators, including alpacas, llamas, guanacos, Darwin's Rhea, the Andean Condor, and vicuñas.
How long does a montane guinea pig live?
Wild guinea pigs have a life span of three to five years. However, they can live up to eight years in captivity. It lives longer than many other rodents species, according to the Human Society of the United States. Their lifespan is similar to that of a kangaroo rat.
How do they reproduce?
A little is known about reproduction in the C. tschudii species. The mammals have a gestation period of about 63 days.
They can mate throughout the year and are independent of seasonal factors to mate. These animals The litter size is one to four pups. However, they can give birth to as many as 13 pups at a time.
The young or cubs grow fast, becoming adults at the age of two months. In addition to the mother's milk, they are able to feed on solid food as soon as they are born.
What is their conservation status?
According to the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), the montane guinea pig is a species of Least Concern. However, there are only 42 members left of its cousin guinea pig species, moleques do sul, as reported in 2008.
The present status of this species is listed as Critically Endangered in the Red List of threatened species of IUCN.
Montane Guinea Pig Fun Facts
What does the montane guinea pig look like?

C. tschudii is a medium-sized cavy species that grows to a length of 9.7 in (24.6 cm). It has a weight of about 22.5 oz (640 g).
The color of cavies varies in numerous parts of the distribution range; in Peru, the upper fur is dark red-brown combined with black, and the underparts are dark buffy-gray; in Chile, the dorsal fur is light agouti brown with paler underparts; in Bolivia, the dorsal surface is agouti olive and the belly is creamy-white or white.
The cavy has a tendency to be gray or brown and is a lot less unique than breeds of domestic cavy. The mammal lacks a tail and has a cylindrical body with small and petal-shaped ears.
It has eyes on the side of the head.
C. tschudii cavy possesses a small, triangular mouth with a total of 20 teeth. Like other rodents, the teeth of C. tschudii cavy grow continuously throughout life, and therefore it has to chew or gnaw regularly to keep them from growing too long.
How cute are they?
Montane guinea pigs look cute and adorable.
How do they communicate?
There is no information available regarding the communication of montane guinea pigs.
How big is a Montane guinea pig?
The maximum length of a C. tschudii cavy is 9.7 in (24.6 cm), which is three times larger than tanezumi rats.
How fast can a Montane guinea pig run?
The running speed of C. tschudii cavy is unknown.
How much does a Montane guinea pig weigh?
The maximum weight of C. tschudii cavy is about 22.5 oz (640 g), which is 10 times smaller than nutrias.
What are the male and female names of the species?
The male C. tschudii is known as a boar, whereas the female is called a sow.
What would you call a baby Montane guinea pig?
A young C. tschudii cavy is generally known as a pup.
What do they eat?
C. tschudii are herbivores and feed on plant materials in the regions in which they live. The wild guinea pig's diet consists of a wide variety of plant materials.
These mammals love to eat vegetables and fruits, including mustard greens, carrots, blueberries, bananas, apples, and bell peppers.
In captivity, this cavy species eat processed pellets formed from timothy hay and alfalfa. These pellets have an appropriate amount of vitamins and minerals that need to be healthy, especially Vitamin C. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, cavies do not require any drink if they eat moist foods.
Are they dangerous?
No, guinea pigs are not dangerous animals. In fact, these cavies are cute and friendly.
Would they make a good pet?
Yes, they make good pets. People love to keep them because of their adorable appearance and friendly nature. The care of montane guinea pigs is not very difficult. They recognize and respond well to their owners. Guinea pigs have been kept as pets from as early as 5000 BC.
Did you know...
A group of C. tschudii is called a herd. Abyssian guinea pigs are considered the friendliest breed. It is said that it is called guinea pig from the price that it cost to purchase one in the early 16th century.
How long do guinea pigs sleep at night?
The cavies need a healthy sleep of about four to six hours a day. These mammals are known as the kings of the power nap and sleep only for some minutes to recharge themselves.
How long do guinea pigs live in the wild?
The cavies can live up to four years or even more if given proper care.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! For more relatable content, check out these guinea pigs facts and Chinese hamster facts for kids.
You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable montane guinea pig coloring pages.