Fun Orange Ladybird Facts For Kids

Moumita Dutta
Jan 11, 2023 By Moumita Dutta
Originally Published on Nov 15, 2021
Edited by Luca Demetriou
Orange ladybird facts are amazing.

The orange ladybug (Halyzia sedecimguttata) is a species of ladybird, that can be found across different regions of the world. It mainly inhabits woodland regions, that is areas covered with trees, and prefers dry regions over moist areas.

They are bright orange in color and have 15-16 cream-colored spots all over their body. They belong to the class Insecta and the family Coccinellidae.

They hibernate mainly during the winter, in areas like rotting logs, or under rocks, to shield against the cold. A ladybug, goes through four different stages in their lifecycle, mainly eggs, larvae, pupa, and adult.

Mostly they can be seen feeding on the leaves of trees or mildew which is a thin coating of fungus that can be fungus on a leaf. They are also known to eat aphids, which are tiny insects.

Females can lay up to 40 eggs. The eggs are generally laid in regions with an adequate source of food nearby.

If you are fascinated by the orange ladybird then you may want to continue reading our other amazing facts about them. If you want to learn more about different animals around the world, check out these ladybird and ambush bug.

Orange Ladybird Interesting Facts

What type of animal is an orange ladybird?

The orange ladybird, as the name suggests, is a species of large ladybirds.

What class of animal does an orange ladybird belong to?

The orange ladybug belongs to the Insecta class of animals.

How many orange ladybirds are there in the world?

The exact number of ladybugs is not yet known. In general, there are almost 5000 species of ladybugs found in nature across different regions like North America, England, Siberia, among many others. The orange ladybugs are fairly common and can be seen in the woodland areas of many regions.

Where does an orange ladybird live?

These ladybugs can be found mainly in woodland regions, areas covered with trees. They can also be found in the gardens of human households. They generally prefer a dry region over moist areas.

What is an orange ladybird's habitat?

The habitat of these ladybugs includes most of the regions across the world, like England, Wales, Japan, Siberia, and Ukraine, to name a few. A small part of this population can also be found sometimes in Scotland.

Who do orange ladybirds live with?

These ladybugs can be found in large groups, especially during the hibernating season. They hibernate mainly during the winter, into warmer places like under rocks or in rotting logs.

How long does an orange ladybird live?

Orange ladybugs mainly go through three different stages before reaching maturity. The average lifespan of an adult lady beetle in the woodland ranges from one to two years.

How do they reproduce?

Orange ladybugs reproduce sexually. Generally, they go through four different stages namely, egg, larvae, pupil, and finally an adult.

An adult female lady beetle can lay up to 40 eggs. Eggs are generally laid in places, with an adequate source of food nearby for them to eat. After the egg hatches, it enters into the larvae stage, where it undergoes several physical changes and finally pupates to reach adulthood.

What is their conservation status?

The conservation status of these bugs is Not Listed by the IUCN. However, there is no imminent threat to their population as of now and can be commonly found across various parts of the world.

Orange Ladybird Fun Facts

What do orange ladybirds look like?

The orange ladybird beetles are generally large in size and their bodies are bright orange in color, covered with 14-16 cream-colored spots that help to identify them. They also have large brown-colored antennas and their bodies are oval in shape, unlike most other beetles that have an elongated-shaped body.

How cute are they?

These ladybirds with white spots all over their bodies, are especially very cute to look at, unlike a stick bug or leaf-footed bug. The bright orange color of the body makes them quite unique in the world of beetles. The common misconception is that all lady beetles are red in color, covered with white spots or black spots.

How do they communicate?

Like most other insects the orange lady beetles, communicate with each other through chemical release known as pheromones. When they feel threatened or in danger, they may release a foul-smelling liquid from their body or even pretend to be dead, by lying still, to fool their predators.

How big is an orange ladybird?

The average size attained by an adult orange lady beetle ranges from 0.2–0.3 in (5–6 mm). It is almost the same size as a green stick bug or wheel bug.

How fast can an orange ladybird move?

The exact speed of an orange ladybug is not yet known. However, the fastest-moving ladybird was recorded at a speed of 37 mph (59.54 kph).

How much does an orange ladybird weigh?

The exact weight of an orange ladybug is not yet known.

What are the male and female names of the species?

There is no sex-specific name for ladybirds. A male ladybug is also known as a ladybug like a female.

What would you call a baby orange ladybird?

This species of ladybugs, like all other species of insects, go through four different stages of the lifecycle, namely, eggs, larvae, pupa, and finally an adult.

What do they eat?

This species of ladybugs mainly feed on the leaves of trees or the mildew, which is a thin coating of fungus that can be found on a leaf. Occasionally, they can also be seen on aphids, which are small tiny insects.

Are they harmful?

Almost all species of ladybugs contain a certain level of toxin in their bodies. However, the amount differs from species to species. The orange ladybugs, unlike other species, contains a high level of toxin in their body. It is because predators can easily identify them due to their bright color and serve as a defense mechanism for them.

Would they make a good pet?

Some species of ladybugs can serve as a good pet, however, not all. The orange ladybugs, for example, contains a high amount of toxin in their body, to protect themselves against predators.

They can even bite a human, on rare occasions. Although the bites are not life-threatening, they can cause a certain level of discomfort or allergic reactions in humans from their toxin or poison.

Did you know...

The common myth is that all ladybugs are red in color with black spots on their bodies. However, that is not true. They can be colors other than red and have white or black spots equally. The number of spots on their bodies helps to identify which species they belong to.

There are almost 5000 species of ladybugs, that can be found across different regions of the world, like North America, Wales, and England among many others.

What does it mean when you see an orange ladybird?

Ladybugs in general, are often associated with good luck. The orange ladybugs, specifically symbolize creativity and prosperity.

Are orange ladybirds good?

Although most ladybugs are known to be good and safe for the environment, orange ladybugs, which can be found in woodland regions, contain a high level of toxin in their bodies which can cause allergic reactions to humans. They can even bite an individual if such a situation arises.

They generally feed on aphids, or mildew, which is a thin coating of fungus found on a leaf.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! For more relatable content, check out these ivy bee facts and hairy dragonfly facts for kids.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable ladybug coloring pages.

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Written by Moumita Dutta

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

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Moumita DuttaBachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

A content writer and editor with a passion for sports, Moumita has honed her skills in producing compelling match reports and stories about sporting heroes. She holds a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, Calcutta University, alongside a postgraduate diploma in Sports Management.

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