Fun Painted Bush Quail Facts For Kids

Oluniyi Akande
Jan 27, 2025 By Oluniyi Akande
Originally Published on Sep 03, 2021
Edited by Jacob Fitzbright
Check out these awesome painted bush quail facts.

A painted bush quail is a quail species endemic to India of the genus Perdicula. It weighs 0.1-0.2 lb (68-88 g) and is  6.7-7.5 in (17-19 cm) in size.

There are two subspecies, Blewitti and Blowetti. A painted bush quail habitat in high-altitude grasslands. A darkish, brightly colored quail with red bills and legs makes it an eye-catching bird, even from afar.

The feathers on the head and throat of the females lack the white feathers found on males of the species. The male's black face is characterized by a whitish supercilium and throat.

Depending on the locality, breeding occurs mainly from December to March. Sometimes, grass surrounds little nests at the roots of shrubs and clumps of grass. Painted bush quail females lay between four and seven eggs per clutch.

Incubation of painted bush quail chicks lasts 16-18 days. At a very young age, painted bush quails are said to be able to fly.

The painted bush quail diet includes seed, grain, and small insects. Not much is known about the painted bush quail wingspan and lifespan. Territorial calls are often made by male birds sounding like 'kirikee-kirikee-kirikee'.

They have a liquid alarm call, and small groups will follow paths in a single file before taking flight when flushed. The painted bush quail is categorized as of Least Concern in the IUCN Red List.

If you enjoy reading about the painted bush quail, do check out interesting facts about black-billed cuckoo and yellow-billed cuckoo.

Painted Bush Quail Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a painted bush quail?

The painted bush quail (Perdicula erythrorhyncha) is a quail species from the Phasianidae family. A number of populations are known to occur on the peninsula, mostly in high-altitude grasslands. On roadsides, you can see them foraging early in the morning and late in the evening, but they are difficult to spot.

What class of animal does a painted bush quail belong to?

The painted bush quail (Perdicula erythrorhyncha) is a type of bird belonging to the class Aves. They are easily recognizable due to their striking red bills and legs.

How many painted bush quails are there in the world?

The exact estimate is not known. Quails are found worldwide in 45 different species.

The painted bush quail (Perdicula erythrorhyncha) is not vulnerable. Many quail populations in the United States are declining due to human development and agricultural chemicals. As a result, some regions (particularly the southeast) saw their populations decline by as much as 70% over the past 20 years.

Where does a painted bush quail live?

Throughout India, this species is endemic to hill forests. The painted bush quail's range extends to southern India and is found near high-altitude grasslands.

What is a painted bush quail's habitat?

The painted bush quail (Perdicula erythrorhyncha) is mainly found in high-altitude grasslands and hill forests in southern India, populations elsewhere on the peninsula are unknown. Early morning and late evening are good times to see them foraging on roadsides, but they are rather elusive.

Who do painted bush quails live with?

Painted bush quails (Perdicula erythrorhyncha) live in small groups of 5-10 birds.

How long does a painted bush quail live?

There is no information available on their exact lifespan.

How do they reproduce?

During the breeding season, the breeding painted bush quail male makes a soft 'kirkee' call, as well as other soft calls rising and falling in pitch. Breeding occurs mainly from December to March, depending on the locality.

Nests are usually found at the roots of shrubs and grass clumps, sometimes thinly surrounded by grass. A painted bush quail female lays between four and seven eggs at a time. The female painted bush quail eggs are incubated for 16-18 days before they hatch.

When dogs or humans intrude on their territory, females are known to defend their young by attacking them. A painted bush quail baby is supposedly able to fly at a very young age.

What is their conservation status?

The painted bush quail is listed as the Least Concern under the IUCN Red List of Endangered Species. The exact estimate is not known. Quails are found worldwide in 45 different species.

Painted Bush Quail Fun Facts

What do painted bush quails look like?


The painted bush quail is brightly colored with red bills and legs, making it an eye-catching bird even in flight. Females lack the white feathers on their heads and throat that are present in males.

There is a white supercilium and throat on the male's face which makes this bird easily identifiable. It is common to find 6-10 birds in a flock. In the mornings and evenings, they feed on seeds, grain, and small insects in open grassy patches and on forest roads and cart tracks.

Covey members are constantly calling one another which leads to their reunification quickly. Several soft whistles can be heard when members of a scattered flock regroup.

How cute are they?

It looks cute because of its color and attractive features. Even in flight, quails are described as having a brightly colored body and red bills and legs.

How do they communicate?

As the family members of the covey constantly call to one another, they quickly reunite. A cluster of covey members reassembles with a series of soft whistles. Males often call 'kirikee-kirikee-kirikee' as part of their territorial call.

How big is a painted bush quail?

 The painted bush quail is 6.7-7.5 in (17-19 cm) long.

How fast can a painted bush quail move?

The flying speed is not known, but when flushed, small groups will converge in a single file along paths before taking flight.

How much does a painted bush quail weigh?

The painted bush quail weighs around 0.1-0.2 lb (68-88 g).

What are the male and female names of the species?

There is no specific name for the different sexes. They are simply called female painted bush quail and male painted bush quail.

What would you call a baby painted bush quail?

A baby painted bush quail is called a chick.

What do they eat?

The painted bush quail's diet includes seed, grain, and small insects like worms, flatworms, grasshoppers, and termites. They contribute to the ecosystem by being a part of the food chain.

Are they dangerous?

No, they are not dangerous at all.

Would they make a good pet?

Yes, they can be kept as pets, but there is not much information about them regarding this.

Did you know...

The genus Perdicula comprises four species of birds collectively called bush quails as they are a member of the family Phasianidae. Namely jungle bush quail (Perdicula asiatica), rock bush quail (Perdicula argoondah), painted bush quail (Perdicula erythrorhyncha), and Manipur bush quail (Perdicula manipurensis). They also inhabit the hill forests of India.

There are two seemingly disjunct populations. The blewitti subspecies are found in the Satpura Mountains and extend into the Northern Eastern Ghats (to Lammasinghi to the east) of India. In honor of F.R.

Hume, this subspecies was named. The specimens were sent to him by Blewitt from Raipur. Males have a narrower black band at the front, whereas females have a larger whitish band around it.

Males are generally believed to be monogamous. A decoy male is sometimes used to capture rivals because the females are pugnacious. Hypotrichomonas avium, a flagellate parasite, was described from a specimen found in the intestinal tract of a painted bush quail.

Are painted bush quails endangered?

No, they are not endangered in any way.

How did the painted bush quail get its name?

This diminutive of Perdix is known as Perdicula, meaning small partridge in Latin. As per the subfamily Phasianinae, Perdix is a member of the tribe Phasianini whereas Perdicula is a member of the tribe Coturnicini. The two genera are noncomparable.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other birds from our bobwhite quail facts and blue grouse facts pages.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable painted bush quail coloring pages.

Main image by Udaya Kumar Balasubramanian.

Second image by Charles J. Sharp.

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Written by Oluniyi Akande

Doctorate specializing in Veterinary Medicine

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Oluniyi AkandeDoctorate specializing in Veterinary Medicine

With an accomplished background as a Veterinarian, SEO content writer, and public speaker, Oluniyi brings a wealth of skills and experience to his work. Holding a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from the University of Ibadan, he provides exceptional consulting services to pet owners, animal farms, and agricultural establishments. Oluniyi's impressive writing career spans over five years, during which he has produced over 5000 high-quality short- and long-form pieces of content. His versatility shines through as he tackles a diverse array of topics, including pets, real estate, sports, games, technology, landscaping, healthcare, cosmetics, personal loans, debt management, construction, and agriculture.

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