The warty frogfish or painted frogfish is a marine fish from family Artennerius. It grows 12 in (30.5 cm) in length. Its distribution is in the tropical and subtropical waters of the Indo-Pacific ocean and the Red sea.
It prefers sheltered rocky and coral reefs habitat. It has a globular, extensible body, soft skin, and small dermal spinules on its surface.
The spinal cords are attached to the head by the membrane. In addition to the wartlike protrusions, the skin of this snake is dotted with many small, scablike blotches as well as small eyespots that look like sponge holes. Illicium is twice as long as second dorsal spines and are often marked with dark bands.
This species has a large mouth that can consume the same-sized prey. They feed on crustaceans, and congeners as their diet. They can even eat small fishes.
Their camouflage protects them from predators. It also helps them attract prey. They are known for displaying aggressive mimicry because of their camouflage ability to match their surroundings.
Not much study has been found on their reproductive behavior. After mating, partners depart.
Frogfishes come in many colors like orange, brown, red, black, or white. They can swim 330 ft (100.6 m) deep. The juvenile frogfish appears to mimic the flatworms.
If you enjoy reading about the painted frogfish, do check out interesting facts about meagre fish and rockfish.
Painted Frogfish Interesting Facts
What type of animal is a painted frogfish?
A painted frogfish is a marine fish from Antennariidae family.
What class of animal does a painted frogfish belong to?
A painted frogfish has 45 species and is a fish from genus Antennarius.
How many painted frogfish are there in the world?
There is no exact estimate of total painted frogfish population.
Where does a painted frogfish live?
Typically, the species lives in sheltered rocky environment and coral reef habitats, usually around sponges, and with an average depth of 49 ft (15 m), the population lives well down to 246 ft (75 m).
What is a painted frogfish's habitat?
The orange painted frogfish genus of Antennarius lives in the waters of the Indo-Pacific and the Red Sea, including tropical and subtropical waters.
Who do painted frogfish live with?
These fish are not reef-safe, but they do well in tanks with live rock, sand and coexist happily with corals, making them a good choice for fish-only tanks with live rocks.
How long does a painted frogfish live?
The lifespan of black painted frogfish, a type of Angler fish, is up to 20 years old.
How do they reproduce?
White painted frogfish (Antennarius pictus), a type of angler fish and a solitary species, have not yet been fully studied for their reproductive behavior. Only a few observations have been made both from tanks and in the wild.
There are many species that freely spawn, with females laying their eggs in the water and males fertilizing early on. The female begins to swell eight hours to several days before she lays her eggs as up to 180,000 eggs absorb water.
About two days before the spawning, the male begins approaching the female. It is unknown if the spawn is predetermined by some external factor, such as the moon phase, or if the male is attracted to smells or signals released by the female.
The painted frogfish adult nudges the female during the free-spawning ritual, staying near her cloaca before swimming at female painted frogfish side and somewhat behind her. Females begin swimming toward the surface just before spawning.
As they ascend, they release their eggs and sperm before descending. Males sometimes pull eggs out of females with their mouths. In order to prevent the smaller male from being eaten, the partners depart quickly after mating.
They measure 0.02–0.04 in (0.05–0.1 cm) wide. As their digestive systems continue to develop, they live on the yolk sac for the first few days.
It can resemble tiny tentacled jellyfish due to its long fin filaments. Within a month or two, they live planktonically.
Adults live on the seafloor after reaching the adult form. The juvenile frogfish often mimic the appearance of poisonous snails or flatworms.
What is their conservation status?
The painted frogfish has been added as the Not Extinct under the IUCN red list of endangered species.
Painted Frogfish Fun Facts
What do painted frogfish look like?
The painted frogfish (Antennarius pictus) can grow to 12 in (30.5 cm) in length. It has a description of soft, globular, extensible body with dermal spinules covering its soft skin, which is covered with globules.
Many small, sponge-like eyespots (ocelli) can be seen on its skin. Their shape is similar to warts, and some of them are variably shaped.
It can consume prey of similar size thanks to its large prognathous mouth. Since they always adapt to their surroundings, the color of their bodies varies greatly.
In a few weeks, frogfishes can completely change color during their life. A variety of colors are dominant from white to black, including cream, pink, yellow, red, brown, with circular eyespots with darker backgrounds and saddles and blotches.
Juveniles can display a dark background with yellow spots.
As an example of modified dorsal spine, the illicium serves as a fishing rod. The extremity of the organism bears a characteristic esca, which resembles the appearance of a small fish with a dark pink to brownish coloration.
Illicium is twice as long as second dorsal spines and are often marked with dark bands. In the dorsal region of the body, the second spinal cord is almost straight and mobile while the third is bent back towards the body's back, both are attached to the head by membranes.
The dorsal fin and gills are separated by a large distance. As the frogfish moves on the bottom, the pectoral fins assist with holding a stable position and helping to ambush prey.

How cute are they?
The beautiful camouflage to match their surroundings makes them appear cute.
How do they communicate?
This frogfish species communicate by touch, smell, and chemical release.
How big is a painted frogfish?
The black painted frogfish is 12 in (30.5 cm) in length. This black frogfish is therefore larger than hairy frogfish and smaller than giant frogfish.
How fast can a painted frogfish swim?
Frogfish move very slowly, yet are the fastest strikers of any animal on Earth.
How much does a painted frogfish weigh?
The weight of the frogfish species is not available.
What are the male and female names of the species?
There are no specific names given to the different sexes of painted frogfish. They are simply referred as the male painted frogfish and female painted frogfish.
What would you call a baby painted frogfish?
There is no specific name given to the baby giant frogfish. They are usually referred to as juveniles.
What do they eat?
A painted frogfish (Antennarius pictus) is a voracious carnivore. The diet of painted frogfish includes crustaceans, and congeners. They even feed on small fishes. They have a large mouth so they can prey on species that are as big as themselves.
Are they dangerous?
No, they are not dangerous at all. Some of the frogfishes can be dangerous.
Would they make a good pet?
Frogfish can consume nearly as big as themselves thanks to their powerful jaws. They would do better in species-specific aquariums since they are not good tank mates for most reef fish.
Did you know...
There are times when Antennarius maculatus specimen can be confused with the the white painted juvenile frogfish of Antennarius pictus species. They can help distinguish two closely related species.
On all fins, Antennarius Maaculatus has red or orange margins, and sometimes a saddle blotch starts posterior to the eye, numerous warts on the skin, and few or no ocelli. The caudal fin of the Antennarius pictus has three eyespots as well.
It takes weeks for painted frogfish (Antennarius pictus) to change its color.
Due to their ability to camouflage and attract prey using deception, they are known for displaying aggressive mimicry. Additionally, frogfish can mimic both sponges and corals, as well as sea urchins, which are poisonous.
When Antennarius pictus finds its prey, it stalks it for a while before striking it down in six milliseconds.
The technique of jet propulsion helps the younger fishes dive underwater. Initially, they swallow some water and then, under pressure, release it through their back fins. As a result, they are able to propel forward.
Frogfishes are not poisonous and do not taste well.
Do painted frogfish change color?
There is a wide range of colors that can be used to identify this fish, such as orange, yellow, green, blue-gray, spots of brown and purple, pink, gray, dark brown, and black.
Painted frogfishes are experts at camouflaging. Skin flaps, warts, stripes, and filaments are commonly found on his body.
To achieve its appearance it mimics algae-covered rocks, algae, sargassum weed, and corals, as well as plants and animals that are also covered in algae in their environment. Frogfishes with spotty skin, on the other hand, resemble sponges down to the openings they imitate.
Are painted frogfish endangered?
Fishermen are not interested in frogfish and overfishing does not threaten them. Pollution and habitat loss are the two biggest threats to their existence.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! For more relatable content, check out these channel catfish facts or black ghost knifefish facts pages.
You can even occupy yourself at home by drawing one on our free printable painted frogfish coloring pages.
Main image by Christian Gloor.
Second image by Bernard DUPONT.