The peach-faced lovebird (Agapornis roseicollis) also commonly known as the rosy-faced lovebird or rosy-collared lovebird are native to Southwestern Africa and mostly lives in arid regions. Their populations can be largely seen in the Namib desert in Africa.
These birds are easy to keep as pets, and multiple color mutations of the peach-faced lovebird occur. Lovebirds are omnivorous and eat both plant material and meat.
These lovebirds are known for their intellectual ability. A female lovebird lays around two to three eggs and is known to remain with the male for a long time.
There are various sub-species of peach-faced lovebirds that have been named as per their mutations. Some of the most well-known peach-faced lovebird colors are the pied peach-faced lovebird, green peach-faced lovebird, yellow peach-faced lovebird, rosy-faced lovebird, blue peach-faced lovebird, and the lutino peach-faced lovebird.
After reading these interesting facts on rosy-faced lovebirds, do check our other articles on the yellow warbler and the scarlet macaw.
Peach-Faced Lovebird Interesting Facts
What type of animal is a peach-faced lovebird?
The peach-faced lovebird (Agapornis roseicollis) is a bird belonging to the family Psitacullidae in the order Psittaciformes. They are widely kept as pets because of their easy maintenance and their chirpiness. These pet birds are mostly green in color with a shiny blue rump. In captivity, some rare peach-faced lovebird mutations of these birds have been created.
What class of animal does a peach-faced lovebird belong to?
The peach-faced lovebird belongs to the class of Aves, and these pet birds are the most common parrot species which are widely known for their intelligence. They eat seeds of every type depending on the season and sometimes feed on insects and larvae.
How many peach-faced lovebirds are there in the world?
The exact number of peach-faced lovebirds living in the world is currently unknown but their conservation status is listed as of least concern. An evident decrease in their population is recorded, and their numbers are decreasing due to excessive pet trade of wild lovebirds, climatic change, and habitat loss.
Where does a peach-faced lovebird live?
The peach-faced lovebird lives in a dry climate like a desert. These pet birds are mostly found in the Namib desert of Southwestern Africa. Flocks of these birds are also seen in savannas and woodlands. They can survive in temperatures between 69.8-80.6 F (21-27 C).
What is a peach-faced lovebird's habitat?
Healthy adult peach-faced lovebirds can survive temperature changes, but young chicks can die due to extreme heat or cold. These species of lovebirds can be excellent apartment dwellers as these pet birds can live at room temperature.
These pet birds mostly find their habitat in arid climates where the temperature does not exceed 27 degrees. Peach-faced lovebird's native habitat in Phoenix comprises dry mountainous regions, open savannas, and palm groves near water.
Who do peach-faced lovebirds live with?
Peach-faced lovebirds live in flocks of 10-30 members. This pet bird species is very social and congregates in small groups, chirping and foraging together. They breed twice a year and reach sexual maturity at the age of 10 months.
How long does a peach-faced lovebird live?
The average peach-faced lovebird's lifespan is 15-20 years. This bird species can be kept as pets in the house in pairs, as they could not live a solitary life if left alone for a long time.
They are often vulnerable to climate change and habitat loss. Young chicks can die early as these birds are easy prey for predators and cannot endure extreme climates. If these birds lose their mate, they tend to become depressed.
How do they reproduce?
The peach-faced lovebird breeding season usually starts after the summer season when they have found their mate. During the breeding season, the females will build the nest and bring leaves, twigs, and palm fronds to lay eggs.
After mating during the breeding season, the female lovebird will lay up to six eggs, one egg per day. The incubation period lasts for 23 days, after which the eggs hatch in the nest.
During this period both the males and females take care of the eggs. The eggs are faint white, and the fledglings start flying after 43 days.
What is their conservation status?
The conservation status of peach-faced lovebirds is listed to be of the least concern, but the population of these birds is decreasing steadily. Hence, concerted efforts for their conservation are highly desirable.
Peach-Faced Lovebird Fun Facts
What do peach-faced lovebirds look like?

The peach-faced lovebird was discovered in the 17th century and was confused with the red-faced lovebird. The peach-faced lovebird is a bird with green plumage similar to a parrot and a shiny blue rump.
The peach-faced lovebird has multiple color mutations ranging from yellow, green, red, and violet to dark brown or black. Their feet are grey, and the bill is horn-colored.
How cute are they?
These birds are parrots and are very cute. These birds utter high-pitched noises all day and require attention from their owners. This pet bird might get jealous of other birds and might be aggressive towards them if they are loved by the owner. Their interesting color mutation makes them attractive.
How do they communicate?
This pet bird communicates through the chirps of high-pitched calls. This pet bird has an intelligence level of a large parrot species and can talk to human beings, although the talking ability in peach-faced lovebirds is very rare.
These pet birds can whistle throughout the day, which is a sign that this bird is happy or excited. When your lovebird is clicking its tongue, it might mean that it needs attention.
How big is a peach-faced lovebird?
The average length of a peach-faced lovebird is 7-8 in (17.8-20.3 cm), while their average weight is 1.7-2.15 oz 1.7-2.15 oz (48.2-70.9 g). Both peach-faced lovebirds, male or female, have the same weight but can be differentiated based on a few physical traits.
The life expectancy of a peach-faced lovebird is 15-20 years. This pet bird is the most famous species reared and bred in aviculture and is readily available in different colors on the pet market.
How fast can a peach-faced lovebird fly?
They are known to have an average flight speed for birds of their size. However, the peach-faced lovebird can rotate its head 270 degrees at the speed of 2700 degrees per second. This is the fastest speed at which any bird can rotate its head. This exceptional ability of lovebirds helps them to look in all directions during flight.
How much does a peach-faced lovebird weigh?
The average weight of a peach-faced lovebird is 1.7-2.15 oz 1.7-2.15 oz (48.2-70.9 g). Sexual dimorphism is absent in this species of bird, and this bird species is monomorphic.
What are the male and female names of the species?
There are no distinctive names for the male and female species of peach-faced lovebirds.
What would you call a baby peach-faced lovebird?
The baby of a peach-faced lovebird is called a hatchling, nestling, or fledgling. The juveniles or young peach-faced lovebirds start flying after 43 days. These wild birds are provided nutrition by their parents, which boosts their development.
What do they eat?
Peach-faced lovebirds are omnivores which means that they eat both plant material and meat. They can eat eggs and larvae but mostly feed on seeds of different kinds such as canary seeds, saffron seeds, millet seeds, hemp, oats, boiled eggs, rice, etc. Dried fig is their favorite fruit, and they love chewing on corn and a few other vegetables.
Are they friendly?
Yes, they are very friendly and social. They will tend to chirp constantly and cause a nuisance. They may utter high-pitched sounds to seek the attention of their owners. They even might learn to utter the names of their owners.
Would they make a good pet?
Yes, they can make great pets. Peach-faced lovebirds get attached to their human family and play a few tricks to win their attention.
They may get lonely when they are left alone for a long period, and therefore, it is advised that a pair of lovebirds should be kept as pets. They are low-maintenance pets and will eat fruits and vegetables.
So, before you get this species as a pet, make sure that you acquire complete knowledge of peach-faced lovebird care and peach-faced lovebird food.
Did you know...
The female peach-faced lovebird can cut paper into stripes and stuff it in her feathers. As the name suggests, lovebirds are caring and devoted to their mates.
They sleep side-by-side, facing each other. The male and the female usually have a strong bond and depend on each other for emotional support. They might die of heart disorders and could die suddenly without enduring any diseases in the past.
The peach-faced lovebird cost starts from $50 and can go up to $250 for rare color mutations. The peach-faced lovebird price changes as per the mutation.
How to tell the sex of a peach-faced lovebird
The pelvic bones can be compared to know the sex of your peach-faced lovebird. The head of a male peach-faced lovebird is less round as compared to the female. The beak of the female peach-faced lovebird is larger and wider.
How long after mating does a peach-faced lovebird lay its eggs?
The female peach-faced lovebird will start laying her eggs after ten days after mating. The female will incubate the egg by sitting on it and providing the required heat.
After this, she will lay the second egg. The clutch size of a female peach-faced lovebird is up to six eggs. Female peach-faced lovebirds will usually lay their eggs at night.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other birds including the Senegal parrot and the Cooper's hawk.
You can even occupy yourself at home by drawing one of our peach-faced lovebird coloring pages.