Fun Pocket Pitbull Facts For Kids

Christian Mba
Oct 20, 2022 By Christian Mba
Originally Published on Aug 05, 2021
Edited by Isobel Murphy
Fing Pocket Pitbull facts about one of the most interesting dog breeds here

The Pocket Pitbull was bred to be the ultimate companion. If you want to know more about this loving and easy-going dog as a pet, look no further.

Here we will share all the details you need to know about the intelligent, confident Pocket Pit dog breed.

These highly intelligent dogs are more suited for experienced owners, rather than first-time dog owners just for the simple reason that their diet, exercise, and mental stimulation need to be taken care of extremely well to prevent the dog from turning to destructive behavior.

If you own a Pocket Pitbull, remember to start their training from day one to make them aware of the consequences of any bad behavior. Your Pocket Pit should clearly understand that you are in command!

Overall, this compact version of the American Pitbull Terrier is playful, clever, and great to have around. This dog breed needs at least an hour of high-intensity exercise such as running (preferable off-leash) each day to burn their energy. Read on for more exciting facts about these small breed Pocket Pitbulls.

Pocket Pitbull Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a Pocket Pitbull?

A Pocket Pitbull is a hybrid dog that takes its traits from its parent breeds, the American Pit Bull Terrier and the Patterdale Terrier. The Pocket Pit is a recent mix that is not yet recognized by the American Kennel Club, and it is suited to a more experienced owner.

As of now, there is no Pocket Pitbull club or Pocket Pitbull rescue organization, and the breed is not registered with the American Canine Hybrid Club, the National Hybrid Registry, or the International Designer Canine Registry.

What class of animal does a Pocket Pitbull belong to?

The Pocket Pitbull belongs to the class Mammalia. This means that they are mammals, so all of these species have hair on the body and the female of the species have mammary glands. The female dog produces milk for its pups after they are born.

How many Pocket Pitbulls are there in the world?

As there are many breeders worldwide who breed Pocket Pitbulls, but this breeding is a controversial subject. Whilst we do not know the exact number of Pocket Pitbulls being bred worldwide, they are not an uncommon designer breed. Pocket Pitbulls puppies are loved for their loyalty and high energy levels.

Where does a Pocket Pitbull live?

These mini Pitbull puppies live with their pet owners in their homes. They can easily adjust to human surroundings but they are more suitable for experienced owners with active lifestyles than first-time pet owners because Pitbulls are known to exhibit destructive behaviors if not trained correctly.

Although the Pocket Pitbull mix is a small dog, they are muscular and confident, so owners should take care of them according to this size and strength.

What is a Pocket Pitbull's habitat?

As the Pocket Bully is a cross-breed pup, they are domesticated animals so their natural habitat is with their pet owners. Dogs are highly evolved and highly adaptable animals.

Some of these furry friends of ours have specific traits that will allow them to meet the weather extremities in their habitat and the Pocket Pitbull breed is no different. It is a very flexible dog and, given its single coat, can adapt to any weather environment.

Who do Pocket Pitbulls live with?

This Patterdale Terrier and American Pitbull mix is best suited to live with human companions. With early training and lots of attention and activities, they will adapt quickly to any household and can become very friendly with neighbors and other dogs.

As the Pocket Bully has a very sharp mind, it is recommended that their alert brains are stimulated at all times to keep them from being bored. Boredom may cause them to show undesirable behaviors.

How long does a Pocket Pitbull live?

Pocket Pitbulls have a life span of between 11 and 13 years generally. With a good diet and exercise routine, this crossbreed will live a healthy and harmonious life.

The Pocket Pit has specific training requirements to maintain a healthy lifestyle and keep its good social behaviors, and this training needs to start from the first day. It also requires a lot of socialization, as any lack of this socialization training might lead to unpredictable reactions from the Pitbull that owners will want to avoid.

How do they reproduce?

These Mini Pitbull dogs reproduce by mating. On average, these Miniature Pitbulls have a litter size of five puppies.

Each pup's characteristics will vary, and it is a guessing game as to which trait will be dominant from their Patterdale Terrier and American Pitbull Terrier parents.

Many breeders carry out intentional breeding of the Patterdale Terrier and American Pitbull Terrier to produce specific traits in their Pocket Pitbull puppies. If these breeders are looking for particular traits in their Pocket Bully, they will breed second-generation dogs to achieve the desired results.

What is their conservation status?

The Pocket Pitbull breed's conservation status is classified as Least Concern. As a designer hybrid breed dog, they are found in abundance.

Usually, pet owners will be particular in their requirements when they want to own a Pocket Bully (often they want a small yet sturdy dog with a strong personality), so this makes a great business opportunity for any seasoned breeder.

Pocket Pitbull Fun Facts

What do Pocket Pitbulls look like?

As Pocket Pitbulls are crossbred, it isn't easy to guess the exact size of the dog, be it male or female, before they are born. For anyone looking specifically for a muscular yet small-sized dog, the Pocket Pit makes a perfectly loyal companion.

They typically weigh between 11-22 lb (5-10 kg).

They also come in multiple color combinations such as red, fawn, blue, black, black and tan, blue and tan, black brindle, brown, buckskin, and chocolate. They also look small because of their large head and broad chest with short, muscular legs.

* Please note that this is an image of a Pitbull, one of the parent breeds of the Pocket Pitbull. If you have an image of a Pocket Pit please let us know at

How cute are they?

Any Miniature Pitbull looks cute with its small floppy ears and thin tail.

They usually come with a smart coat that is short and smooth, inherited from the Patterdale Terrier, although the type of coat each Pocket Pitbull will be born with can be unpredictable at times.

As a general trend, grooming is also easy with a Pocket Pitbull as they will not need very regular brushing of the coat or the teeth.

Bathing your Pocket Pitbull is also not a regular occurrence, it is more important to keep them busy, healthy, and occupied with lots of attention and mental stimulation!

How do they communicate?

The Pocket Pitbull may be a dog that can be quickly trained, but owners should be mindful of the training it receives early on.

They typically bark or jump on the owner to share affection or to communicate their feelings, but if not trained properly they can become overexcited, and jumping up at kids who may not be able to handle a dog of that weight and strength can be dangerous.

For this reason, those with young children probably shouldn't become owners of a Pocket Pitbull until their kids have grown up a little.

Needless to say, with an experienced owner and the proper training, these dogs can be extremely friendly around us all (including kids).

In fact, they also often earn the name 'nanny dog' for their caring attitude towards younger ones at home. Good, early training is required to build this strong relationship though.

How big is a Pocket Pitbull?

Though the Pocket Pitbull breed is a cross-breed between Patterdale Terrier and American Pitbull they are a smaller size than their parent breeds. A Pocket Pitbull's length can be 12-16 in (30-40 cm) when measured.

Known to be very muscular, these dogs may not look big but are certainly stronger than many other miniatures, thanks to their large head, broad chest, bulky neck, and solid rear.

How fast can a Pocket Pitbull run?

The Miniature Pitbull can run quite fast, a quality they inherit from the parent breeds, but they must be trained well to keep their activity controlled. Contrary to the popular belief that Pitbulls are very aggressive, these dog breeds can be extremely friendly and loyal if trained properly and they generally have a low prey drive.

They need a lot of positive reinforcement to keep their energy and behavior at optimum levels.

How much does a Pocket Pitbull weigh?

Pocket Pitbulls can weigh around 11-22 lb (5-10 kg). This is small compared to their parents, who can weigh between 30-60 lb (13-27 kg).

Due to their small size, owners tend to find it easy to carry them around, unlike their heavier counterparts. As Pocket Pitbulls can come in all colors, it is up to the owner to choose exactly the kind of furry friend they want.

What are their male and female names of the species?

There are no specific names for the male and female species of a Pocket Pitbull. Like any other dog, the male is referred to as a dog, and the female is called a bitch. When these dogs are used for breeding puppies, the female parent is referred to as a dam, and the male parent is called a sire.

What would you call a baby Pocket Pitbull?

A baby Pocket Pitbull is called a Pocket Pitbull puppy. In general, any dog breed tends to take the common name of 'puppy' for their little one. So a baby Pocket Pitbull is referred to as a puppy just like any other dog breed.

What do they eat?

As mixed-breed dogs, they need a high-quality kibble diet of up to 400 calories each day. They should be fed once in the morning and once in the evening.

The amount of dog food given to any dog needs to be customized to suit their energy levels so it is recommended that owners consult their vets about their Pocket Pitbull's specific dietary needs.

Because of their small size, they will need less dog food than their parent breeds. These Pocket Pitbull mixes are very much susceptible to weight gain so owners need to be mindful of what is being fed to their pet.

Are they slobbery?

The Pocket Pitbull, like any Pitbull, is more slobbery than an average dog. Pet owners need to deal with drooling when the dog smells food, is tired, or unwell. Pitbulls are known to be slobbery dogs, so it would be a stroke of mere luck if you manage to get a puppy that doesn't drool much from this breed!

Would they make a good pet?

The Pocket Pitbull is a good dog because it is highly trainable and owners need not worry about it chasing other pets at a park.

Despite this, Pitbulls are controversially thought to be very aggressive dogs but the Pocket Pitbull (with the right love and training) shouldn't be aggressive. This Pitbull Patterdale mix can make a great companion while looking cute at the same time!

They are highly adaptable and relatively easy to train and maintain.

One of their favorite games is fetch, and playing this can also strengthen the bond between the puppy and the owner, as well as giving some good exercise time to the Pocket Pitbull. These dogs do need to run around to manage their energy so they will make an excellent friend for people with active lifestyles.

They are very muscular and may look intimidating to anyone who is not used to having a sturdy dog, but this breed is highly courageous and will happily protect its owners from any threat.

Did you know...

The Patterdale Terrier breed is a dog breed that was used to protect livestock, so they are highly intelligent and loyal at the same time. The American Pitbull was known as a fighting dog, but is now domesticated and is a great companion to many.

Initially, intentional cross-breeding of these two breeds happened about 20 years ago.

This combined both these breeds' positive traits, creating the Pocket Pitbull, a good option for anyone who wants to own a Pitbull but in a smaller size.

Unfortunately, in some rare cases, Pocket Pitbulls can inherit some negative (as well as positive) traits from their parents, and owners have to mindful of this possibility. With early socialization, owners can reduce unwanted barking and excessive protectiveness, making these dogs friendly towards neighbors and other pets.

Characteristics and health issues

The most common health problems found in a Pocket Pitbull are hypothyroidism and breathing difficulties. With these conditions, they can become inactive, gain weight, and struggle to keep up with their daily routine.

They need to have regular supplements to manage their health and prevent them from over-exercising.

The skull size of Pocket Pitbull may vary from one to another as a result of their mix of Patterdale Terrier and American Pit Bull Terrier and differences in these can cause health issues.

Some other health problems that owners should look out for include hip dysplasia, heart disease, eye problems, and heart disease. If you are ever worried about the health of your dog, it is always best to get them checked over by your vet.

Getting your own Pocket Pitbull

Typically, a Pocket Pitbull for sale will cost between $1,500 and $2,500 USD and must be bought from an official breeder.

One of the critical things prospective owners need to remember is that a Pocket Pitbull may take up to three years to fully mature as Patterdales can take 14 to 16 months, while American Pitbulls mature after two or three years.

Keeping these aspects in mind can help PPocket Pitbull owners make the right decisions regarding their Pocket Pitbull friend's growth.

These strong-willed dogs can come across as aggressive but they are generally not dangerous. All it takes is early training and the right mental stimulation.

They are pretty low maintenance, and they do not need plenty of grooming. However, they can be very drooly most of the time, and for some owners, this can be undesirable. The dog's food habits are to be watched closely and owners should monitor their weight regularly and feed them nutritional dog food.

Like in any other dog breeds, owners of this Pocket Pitbull breed need to stay alert to watch out for any symptoms of health problems that their furry friend is showing, such as shortness of breath, lethargy, difficulty walking (which could be a sign of hip dysplasia), or excessive drooling.

This is especially important as they age and owners should visit the vet to address any health concerns.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! You can even occupy yourself at home by drawing one on our pitbull coloring pages.

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Written by Christian Mba

Bachelor of Science specializing in Computer Science

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Christian MbaBachelor of Science specializing in Computer Science

Christian Mba is an experienced blogger and content writer with over a decade of experience. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Nigeria and has a keen interest in Python programming. Along with his writing and blogging expertise, he is also an SEO specialist with more than six years of experience. Chris, as he is commonly known, has a passion for music and enjoys playing the piano.

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