Fun Pom-terrier Dog Facts For Kids

Iram Ashfaq
Oct 20, 2022 By Iram Ashfaq
Originally Published on Sep 03, 2021
Edited by Monisha Kochhar
Fact-checked by Sakshi Raturi
Discover the friendly and fascinating Pom-Terrier dog facts.

The toy Pom-Terrier is a fascinating dog species.

There are many interesting facts about the toy Pom-Terrier, one of which is that it was originally bred to hunt rats and mice.

According to The Kennel Club in England where this Terrier originates from, these dogs were first seen in 1886 by a man named John Russell who used them for hunting purposes because they can be quite aggressive when necessary.

Another fact regarding their personality traits is that they love attention but only if you give them enough time outside so as not to bore them since they have lots of energy!

The toy Pom-Terrier dogs come in different coat colors like reds, browns, and black fur all blended together on an ivory-colored base coat color while some have white markings around the nose area while others may even.

Did you know that the Pom-Terrier is a cross between a Pomeranian and a Brazilian Terrier? They are very lively dogs, but also need proper training.

Since they have so much energy it's important to make sure you give them lots of exercise in order for them to remain happy!

According to people who know these small pooches well, they're really loving little animals making wonderful companions especially if you've got kids around your house because of how playful they can be at times.

So, not only do they love going on walks but also just playing. They are small purebred dogs with a friendly temperament that were bred to be companion pets for children or adults.

Their coats need brushing twice per week in order to keep them healthy and free from tangles but other than grooming needs these sweet furry friends require very little attention which makes them ideal companions as well!

For more relatable content, check out these Siberian husky facts and Alaskan husky facts.

Pom-Terrier Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a Pom-Terrier?

The toy Pom-Terrier is a mixed breed of dog like a boxer bulldog mix that has an uncanny resemblance to its namesake. This tiny pup's Pom-Terrier temperament matches the energy and spunk required for being a prized pooch!

What class of animal does a Pom-Terrier belong to?

The toy Pom-Terrier belongs to the class Mammalia, which includes all mammals like hoary bats and red bats.

How many Pom-Terriers are there in the world?

Right now, there are around one million toy Pom-Terrier dogs in the world. They originate from England where it is believed that they were bred as ratters for farms and homes to protect against mice and other small rodents.

Where does a Pom-Terrier live?

A Pom-Terrier mix is originally from the United Kingdom. They are a small breed with different colors and patterns on their coats of fur, such as black or brown wiry hair.

A Pom-Terrier can live anywhere that has enough space for them to run around during daytime hours but it should not be an area where they risk being attacked by other animals because this particular dog does not like fighting back against another animal if it feels threatened!

What is a Pom-Terrier's habitat?

The hybrid toy Pom-Terrier mammals are small dogs and require little space, making them quick to house train.

They love the outdoors; they enjoy the activity but don't need a lot of room for it! The toy fox terrier dogs can adapt well to apartment life, as long as their owner takes them out often enough so that they do not become bored or destructive indoors.

Because these mix breed toy dogs have such tiny bladders (about one-fifth the size of an average valley bulldog's), owners must take extra care of taking Pom puppies outside on leashes only when fully trained at about three months old!

Who do Pom-Terriers live with?

The toy fox terrier dogs can be very affectionate towards their family members but may not get along well with other animals because they like their personal space being respected at all times!

How long does a Pom-Terrier live?

The hybrid toy fox terrier has an average life expectancy range from 10-16 years, making it one of the longest living breeds on the list! These adorable pups can be super playful with their owners but they also need plenty of exercise outside as well in order to stay healthy and happy during all stages of their lives!

How do they reproduce?

A hybrid Pom-Terrier usually gives birth to puppies, and the number is between five and nine.

The pups are born after a gestation period of about 60 days.

Usually, one or two dogs will breed with each other at any given time in order for them to reproduce successfully as they have been conditioned by humans through generations that it's not natural if more than one dog breeds with another during the breeding season which lasts from autumn till spring every year depending on where you live within its geographical habitat range.

What is their conservation status?

The Pomeranian toy fox terrier is a breed of dog that has the conservation status of Least Concern. This means they are plenty in number as of now and not threatened by extinction.

Pom-Terrier Fun Facts

What do Pom-Terriers look like?

The hybrid Pomeranian Yorkshire Terrier dogs are a small breed of dog that is characterized by their long, dense coats and cute little noses.

They can be typically found in sweet colors like brown or black.

Pom-Terriers often have an underbite giving them the appearance of having buck teeth and two ears which only adds to their adorable factor! These dogs are known for being very fluffy because they have thick fur of the Terrier coat all over their bodies that give them this great fluffiness feeling when you pet it against your skin!

It's also interesting how these pups usually come with large ears as well; some even say they could serve as wings if needed considering their height on average compared to most other toy breeds out there.

*We've been unable to source an image of a Pom-Terrier and have used an image of a Yorkshire Terrier instead. If you are able to provide us with a royalty-free image of a Pom-Terrier, we would be happy to credit you. Please contact us at

How cute are they?

Who wouldn't want to cuddle with a Yorkshire Terrier? These designer dogs are known for the accurate size and soft fur of a Terrier coat and ears needing moderate grooming. They have an adorable, chubby face that makes them look like they're smiling at you all the time!

How do they communicate?

The Pomeranian fox terriers often use three different types of vocalizations in order to speak with one another: barking, whimpering, or whining.

The volume at which they bark is lower than most Terrier dog breeds; however, the pitch varies depending on whether it wants attention from its owner or if it's warning somebody off their property!

The Terriers use different types of barks to convey messages only within the breed like 'I'm really happy right now' or something along those lines which is why it has been found that Pom-Terriers have more than 200 unique vocalizations that simply cannot be replicated outside of another dog.

How big is a Pom-Terrier?

The toy Pom-Terrier mix is a long, fine designer breed dog that has a good height. The Pom-Terrier height can be up to 7-8 in (17.7-20.3 cm) tall and 15 in (38.1 cm) in length.

This cute little ball of fluff has an unusual name—it's actually named after the Pomeranian but it looks more like the Terrier. Pomeranian Terriers are medium-sized dogs with big personalities who love nothing better than playing rough or cuddling up on your lap!

How fast can a Pom-Terrier run?

The Pomeranian Yorkshire Terrier dog breed is an extraordinary breed of terrier mixed dog with a few health concerns. The Pom-Terrier can run at speeds of up to 31 mph (49.8 mph). That's more than double the average person running speed!

How much does a Pom-Terrier weigh?

The Pom-Terrier's weight can be up to 3-7 lb (1.3-3 kg). This Terrier mix dog breed has a long, wiry coat that is usually white or cream in color with tan markings above the eyes and on their legs as well as chest; some may be piebald (black spots).

What are the male and female names of the species?

Both males and females go by the name Pom-Terrier mix breeds!

What would you call a baby Pom-Terrier?

This adorable little Pom-Terrier mix of small dog breeds goes by the name Pom-Terrier puppies!

What do they eat?

The Pomeranian Yorkshire terrier dog is a small dog breed with high energy and does well in homes that can provide them enough exercise.

The Pom-Terrier food includes meat, fish, dairy products like cheese and milk but also wheat is their main source of carbs for carbohydrates.

The beef is used more sparingly as treats or supplements due to the known health hazard associated with it such as Salmonella poisoning from E Coli bacteria found on raw meats which should be cooked at temperatures sufficient enough to kill off any harmful microorganisms!

Are they slobbery?

The Pom-Terrier dog can get quite sloppy when they eat, and it's necessary that you clean them up before they leave your house, or else their owner will not want to take them out again.

The more time that goes on without being able to wash the dog properly, the stronger the smell could become which would make playing with other dogs very unpleasant for everyone involved!

Would they make a good pet?

When it comes to the question of a pet, you can't go wrong with a Yorkshire Terrier and Pomeranian mix breed! This adorable dog is friendly and loyal needing minimal training.

The Pomeranian breeds are also very intelligent making them easy to train.

The Pomeranian breed has been around for quite some time in Europe where they were primarily used as watchdogs or companions. These designer dogs love being part of their family, so if you have kids make sure that everyone helps out by walking them every day since these pups don’t like getting left alone for long periods at home.

Did you know...

There are many reasons why Pomeranians make the worst dogs. One reason is that they bark excessively and loudly, which can be very annoying to neighbors or even your own family members.

Another thing about them is that their fur gets everywhere so you will always find yourself vacuuming up a lot of dog hair from all over your house. But many people love the dog breed and they are popular nonetheless.

Are Pom-Terriers hypoallergenic?

It's believed by many people who suffer from allergies, including designer dogs lovers, that dogs that have a certain type of hair or fur of the Terrier coat do not cause allergic reactions in humans. This belief has led to some interesting research and discussion about the topic as well!

However, it seems like there’s no strong evidence supporting this assumption for one particular breed of dogs called Pom-Terrier dog breeds.

Characteristics and health issues

The Pom-Terrier has a wide range of health issues, including patellar luxation, Perthes disease, and ear infections. This mixed breed has a very friendly temperament and requires weekly grooming.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other mammals from our Chug dog facts and Newfoundland dog facts pages.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable Pom-Terrier coloring pages.

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Written by Iram Ashfaq

Bachelor of Dental Surgery, Master of Public Health

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Iram AshfaqBachelor of Dental Surgery, Master of Public Health

With a Bachelor's degree in Dental Surgery from Shaney Institute of Health Sciences and a Master's degree in Public Health from Imperial College London, Iram is a highly qualified and accomplished writer from Srinagar, India. Over the course of a year, she has acquired multiple writing certifications, focusing on health sciences and research studies. Prior to joining Kidadl, Iram gained valuable experience working as a content writer for Indian firms and interning at a New York-based company. Her expertise and passion for writing shine through in her ability to create compelling content across a variety of topics.

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Fact-checked by Sakshi Raturi

Postgraduate Diploma in Management

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Sakshi RaturiPostgraduate Diploma in Management

Sakshi has experience in marketing strategy, social media planning, and recruiting industry experts for capstone projects, she has displayed a commitment to enhancing their skills and knowledge. She has won multiple awards, including a Certificate of Appreciation for Creative Writing and a Certificate of Merit for Immaculate Turut, and is always seeking new opportunities to grow and develop.

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