Fun Red-throated Tit Facts For Kids

Ritwik Bhuyan
Oct 20, 2022 By Ritwik Bhuyan
Originally Published on Aug 11, 2021
Edited by Katherine Cook
Fact-checked by Sakshi Raturi
Red-throated tit facts are about this species of tit birds found in eastern Africa.

The red-throated tit (Melaniparus fringillinus) is a species of bird in the family Paridae that contains tits, titmice, and chickadees. Like most tits in the world, red-throated tit birds were also earlier considered a part of the genus Parus, however the genus was soon changed to Melaniparus.

The members around the world of this new genus showed a distinct clade which was reported in a molecular phylogenetic analysis published in 2013.

The genus Melaniparus contains birds all from Africa. The genus does not have birds from anywhere else in the world and the birds mostly have dark plumage.

There are many regional names all over the world given to the red-throated tit of the Paridae family, genus Melaniparus. In Spanish, the bird is known as Carbonero gorjirrufo. In German, the name given to the bird is Rostkehl-rußmeise. The bird is known by the name Masaimeis and Cincia golarossa in Norwegian and Italian languages respectively.

The red-throated tit (Melaniparus fringillinus) bird species of the world is identified by its rufous chest. It is uncommon and easily distinguishable from other tit birds.

Due to a very large range across the world, the population of this bird is known to be quite stable at the moment and has not reached the threshold for vulnerability. The bird species is abundantly found in the dry savanna habitat of Kenya and Tanzania in the world.

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Red-Throated Tit Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a red-throated tit?

The red-throated tit (Melaniparus fringillinus) is a species of tits found in Tanzania and Kenya.

What class of animal does a red-throated tit belong to?

The red-throated tit (Melaniparus fringillinus) falls under the class of Aves of the order Passeriformes in the kingdom of Animalia. Part of the Paridae family, genus Parus was first considered to be the home for this species of birds of the world.

However, after a study in 2013, this bird species was placed under the genus Melaniparus. Both genera are somewhat related and part of the same family of tits.

How many red-throated tits are there in the world?

The population of these tit birds in the world is not known. This species of bird however is quite abundantly found in their dry savanna habitat in the world and there is no reason currently to worry about a decline in the population of the red-throated tit.

The population of this bird species is distributed across an area of 158,688 sq mi (411,000 sq km) which is quite huge.

Where does a red-throated tit live?

The red-throated tit (Melaniparus fringillinus) is found in the eastern Africa region of the world. The distribution of the bird species is limited to Kenya and Tanzania. The range is quite large for the birds.

Although found in Africa only, these birds are known in Norway and Spain by the names Masaimeis and Carbonero gorjirrufo.

What is a red-throated tit's habitat?

The red-throated tit (Melaniparus fringillinus) habitat is limited to open acacia woodland (Acacia xanthophloea) and bushed and partly wooded savanna. These birds prefer dry savanna as their habitat in the world.

Who do red-throated tit live with?

There is no information on the company this bird species keeps. They are known to live in small groups and often in a mixed flock with other birds.

Great tit birds are known to live in pairs and care for each other. They stay together even during the breeding season.

How long does a red-throated tit live?

The lifespan of a red-throated tit (Melaniparus fringillinus) is not known. Tit birds are known to live a short life of around three years. These small birds in the world are often targeted by predators and also are affected by habitat loss.

How do they reproduce?

The breeding process of a red-throated tit (Melaniparus fringillinus) is not known.

A tit bird makes cavity-shaped nests using trees and the nest is built on the ground. The clutch size can be from two to 14 depending on the bird species.

African species are usually cooperative breeders and socially live together in flocks even during the breeding season of the birds. Most species are monogamous and use intricate, bouncing mating dances as courting procedures.

What is their conservation status?

The conservation status of the red-throated tit (Melaniparus fringillinus) is categorized as Least Concern by the IUCN Red List. Although not much information is available, red-throated tits are known to be distributed across a large area and the population seems to be stable currently.

This species of bird is quite popular all over the world as many regional names have been given to it such as Carbonero gorjirrufo, Rostkehl-rußmeise, and Masaimeis.

Red-Throated Tit Fun Facts

What do red-throated tits look like?

The red-throated tit (Melaniparus fringillinus) is not similar to other tits. The bird has a rufous-colored face, a rufous collar, and a rufous breast. The cap and back are colored gray on the red-throated tit. There are white-colored wing bars on the gray wings.

* Please note this is an image of a great tit. It is part of the same family Paridae as the red-throated tit. If you have an image of a red-throated tit, let us know at

How cute are they?

They are very cute birds with beautiful plumage and small sizes.

How do they communicate?

The red-throated tit (Melaniparus fringillinus) has a rough-sounding repeated call of 'tsit-tsit-di-di-di'. This song is sung in a repeated phrase of whistling twice.

How big is a red-throated tit?

The size of the red-throated tit (Melaniparus fringillinus) has a range of up to 4.72 in (12 cm). All tits are small-sized.

The great tit (Parus major) is a small bird, found in Europe, the Middle East, and Central Asia, has a range of length up to 4.9-5.5 in (12.4-14 cm). The weight of this species is 0.03-0.04 lb (13.6-18.1 g).

How fast can a red-throated tit fly?

The speed is not known. Due to their small size, they are quite agile and swift which makes it easy for them to catch prey.

How much does a red-throated tit weigh?

The weight of this bird is not known. The boreal chickadee, part of the same family of Paridae in the order Passeriformes, has a weight of around 0.022 lb (10 g).

What are the male and female names of the species?

Male and female red-throated tits (Melaniparus fringillinus) are not given different names.

What would you call a baby red-throated tit?

Babies are called young or chicks.

What do they eat?

The red-throated tit (Melaniparus fringillinus), like most tits, feeds on insects, seeds, and fruits.

Tits are known to feed on insects, fruit, seeds, and berries. Insects usually include caterpillars, beetles, larvae of flies, and aphids.

Are they dangerous?

They are not considered dangerous.

Would they make a good pet?

There is not much information whether these birds make great pets. Tits, however, are friendly birds and make great pets. Tit birds often throng to bird feeders in the garden.

Did you know...

The red-throated tit (Melaniparus fringillinus) is known by many related regional names in various languages such as  Carbonero gorjirrufo, Rostkehl-rußmeise, and Masaimeis.

Great tits, a similar species to the red-throated titm have predators like great spotted woodpeckers who raid the nests repeatedly. Other predators include gray squirrels and least weasels.

There are 55 species of tit, chickadee, and titmice in the Paridae family. Genus Melaniparus contains only 15 of these bird species of the family in the order Passeriformes.

Do red-throated tits migrate?

The migration data of the red-throated tit (Melaniparus fringillinus) is not available. Most tits do not migrate and they only travel within the home range.

How many eggs do red-throated tit lay?

The information on the breeding of this species is not available.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! For more relatable content, check out these ani bird facts and Anna's hummingbird facts for kids.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable Red throated tit coloring pages.

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Written by Ritwik Bhuyan

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English

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Ritwik BhuyanBachelor of Arts specializing in English

A skilled content writer, Ritwik holds a Bachelor's degree in English from Delhi University. He has refined his writing abilities through his past experience at PenVelope and his current role at Kidadl. In addition to his proficiency in writing, Ritwik has pursued his passion for flying by achieving CPL training and becoming a licensed commercial pilot. This diverse skill set highlights his commitment to exploring multiple fields. Ritwik's experience in the aviation industry has provided him with a unique perspective and attention to detail, which he brings to his writing.

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Fact-checked by Sakshi Raturi

Postgraduate Diploma in Management

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Sakshi RaturiPostgraduate Diploma in Management

Sakshi has experience in marketing strategy, social media planning, and recruiting industry experts for capstone projects, she has displayed a commitment to enhancing their skills and knowledge. She has won multiple awards, including a Certificate of Appreciation for Creative Writing and a Certificate of Merit for Immaculate Turut, and is always seeking new opportunities to grow and develop.

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