Ridiculous Reptile Facts: Why Do Lizards Do Push Ups?

Oluwatosin Michael
Oct 06, 2023 By Oluwatosin Michael
Originally Published on Oct 11, 2021
Chameleon on tree.

Lizard doing push-ups essentially displays its intention to challenge other males.

Lizards and other reptiles like to be active and do push-ups because it helps them during digestion, breathing, and also while finding mates. Some lizards may additionally try this after they need someone else to challenge them to get out of their territory.

Lizards do push-ups for some reasons, however mostly, the reasons are for male lizards, so that, they can display power and can be able to get attention, especially of the female lizards. These push-ups may make you laugh, but the lizards are totally serious when doing them.

Let's learn some interesting fun facts about reptiles and get to know why do lizards do push-ups.

Sometimes it is very difficult to get others' attention.

When few lizards may turn one-of-a-kind colors to speak and show interest, meanwhile another lizard would have worked out a special way to grab attention.

Lizards have determined an up and down movement while doing their pushups, which are very similar to the human pushups, which are an amazing way to get someone to look at them and get their attention, most probably of a female.

There are some reasons, why lizards will determine pushups are simply the most fascinating thing, and that a lizard would want to do.

To know more fun facts, you may also read why do flies rub their hands together and why do gnats fly in your face.

Why does it seem like lizards do push-ups?

Scientists have a theory that lizards do push-ups so they can monitor their heart rate and get a sense of how active they are.

Lizards do push-ups to create a slick surface on their lungs and heart. This prevents sand and dirt from entering the delicate organs. The slow-motion footage of lizards doing push-ups may be as tricky as it is entertaining.

Why do lizards do push-ups? It's not just because they're trying to impress you. Lizards do push-ups to shed their skin because they can't just peel it off like we can't.

Chameleon in nature.

Do all lizards do push-ups?

Some lizards do push-ups, but some don't. It all depends on the lizard and its habitat or territory.

Female and young lizards have some colors, but they are not as bright, and although you will often see males and females doing push-ups (to regulate body temperature), but male lizards are more energetic. A male lizard displays much more strength than a female. Not every lizard does push-ups as it depends on their habitat and territory.

Why do lizards puff their throat and do push-ups?

If you have ever seen a lizard puff its throat and do push-ups, you may have wondered what's going on. It is a territorial display designed to scare off other species and to show their strength.

Reptiles need to breathe, just like humans. They do this by moving air in and out of their lungs.

When they breathe in, their lungs expand and push soft tissues of the throat up. Why? The "puffed" throat makes their lungs close and opens the passage from their throat causing a vacuum in the lungs.

When they contract, the lizard pushes the air out of its body, which is where the sound comes from. And they display this sound to scare off other small or big species animals, birds, insects, or any other animals from their fence and territorial region if seen.

Do any other reptiles puff their throat and do push-ups?

Have you heard of any other type of reptile that puffs their throat and does push-ups which they might do for several reasons?

It's true! Some reptiles, like the iguana, puff their throat and do push-ups! They also puff their throat and do push-ups for the same reason as a lizard do, to display themselves to attract females or scare off other small or big species from their territorial region if seen by showing their strength.

How many push-ups do lizards do?

One day, two lizards asked their friends how many push-ups they do in a day. They all vary in different shapes and sizes! But, one thing is for sure: they likely had much more energy to keep going!

It is difficult to keep track of the number of push-ups a lizard might do. But various resources tell, there are some lizard species that can push up off of their backs onto their elbows and then stand on their hind legs.

Others can push up off of their back two or three times. And they might do so due to their different shapes and sizes.

Why do lizards stare at you?

Do you ever wonder why lizards stare at you so intently? It's because they are trying to prey on you!

The reason a lizard stares at you is because they're trying to figure out what you are.

They always stare and look around at people to see what they do, they could use that information to determine if the person is prey or not and decide if they have to move away to live.

Lizards stare at you to tell you that they are either interested in what you have, or they are might looking for a fight.

Another reason why lizards stare at you is probably that they think you're a tree or they might want to tell you something.

Why do lizards bob their heads up and down?

We may never know for sure why lizards bob or move their heads, but few reasons include challenging other lizards for a fight, get the attention of other lizards, and breathing to live.

Lizards move their heads when they feel the need to mark their territory and also scare other lizards that may be encroaching. It is also done to attract a mate.

There is another reason that is much common, as lizards have a unique way of breathing, called buccal pumping, which requires them to move their head up and down.

They do this because they can not breathe out of their nose. And, also another reason including to these reasons, they might do head moving at night to direct themselves in the dark and be aware of other animals or species and be able to move away when there's danger.

Why does a lizard do push-ups in the sun?

Have ever noticed a lizard doing push-ups in the sun? Lizards do push-ups in the sun to raise their body temperature and prepare for running!

As you know, lizards are cold-blooded animals. They have to warm up their body temperature.

A male or a female lizard will be basking in the sun to warm up its body, but will also need to move around so it can stay warm. It may have to do push-ups or even run back and forth to keep warm during the day.

It's not easy for them to do push-ups in the sun because they are too heavy, so they have to find a way to make themselves lighter.

Why does a male lizard do push-ups for mating?

The push-up is a mating ritual for male lizards. Males do push-up to show they are strong enough to protect the female.

Lizard mating rituals and behaviors are all about attracting a mate. Males even can get into great physical shape for the mating season and display their muscles and strength.

Females like that, and they choose the best males to be fathers of their offspring.

The first male who is been selected out of many gets to mate. Thus, the male does push-up as many as they can from the other males and displays themselves to try to seek the attention of the female and be the first that could mate.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly factsfor everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for why do lizards do push-ups then why not take a look at why do fireflies glow, or Yellow Lizard facts.


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Written by Oluwatosin Michael

Bachelor of Science specializing in Microbiology

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Oluwatosin MichaelBachelor of Science specializing in Microbiology

With a Bachelor's in Microbiology from the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Oluwatosin has honed his skills as an SEO content writer, editor, and growth manager. He has written articles, conducted extensive research, and optimized content for search engines. His expertise extends to leading link-building efforts and revising onboarding strategies. 

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